The method used for building of drill cutter for deep hole drilling.
Gordan, Cornelia Emilia ; Gordan, Ioan Mircea ; Pop, Petru Adrian 等
Abstract: This paper is presented a pipe workpiece with a Vee
shaped at 115[degrees], used in construction of drill cutters with
single edge for deep hole of drilling process. The method and device
realized are obtained by role pipe with a shoe support on a shaping
machine-tools type SH 700.
Key words: chip, deep hole drilling, cutter, Vee roller,
At deep hole drilling could be used and a single-edge drill. This
drill is composed from head drill, shaped pipe and shank. The drill is
executed by carbide inserts, the shaped pipe in Vee at 115[degrees] by
pipe steel and the shank by enhanced steel [Amza, 2002; Saner, 1982].
The cool fluid and lubrication is lead inside the tool to cutting edge,
and the body of drill has a cylindrical hole or oval hole and by outside
of body in shaped pipe in 115[degrees] Vee, once with chips exhausted
(Fig. 1).
The single-edge drill is used for drilling the holes between 3-30
mm. The shaped pipe is obtained by pipe role Vee shaped at 115[degrees]
angle (Fig.2). At the series fabrication, the pipe is rolling with the
shaped in Vee at 115[degrees] on special machines. In unique fabrication
of single-edge drills is very efficient the proceeding and device for
cold rolling of pipe in Vee form at angle of 115[degrees] on shaping
machine, which was tested in toolroom shop of Machine-Tools
"Infratirea" Oradea. It's started from a round stock
which is rolled in successive steeps until obtaining the desired form.
The reference model for the single-edge drill obtained in this company
has been the Bosch drill, which had realized at equipped the transfer
lines machine.
At the base of proceeding and device is the cold rolling process of
pipe by pressing on a shoe in Vee form at 115[degrees].
In Fig. 3 is depicted the cold rolling-pressing process chart of
pipe on shoe support. By resolved the balance equation with a
formability requirement could be calculated the thin walls strain of
pipes, considering that between the roller and pipe it's a linear
contact pressure [Enache, 1987; Minciu, 1995]. The balance equation for
the nature of axial symmetrical stress in polar coordinates is:
[rho] d[[sigma].sub.[rho]]/d[rho] + [[sigma].sub.[rho]] -
[[sigma].sub.[theta]] = 0 (1)
The formability equation is given by:
[[sigma].sub.[rho]] - [[sigma].sub.[theta]] = [+ or -]
[[sigma].sub.c] (2)
For compression is taken the sign (+), for the situation:
[[sigma].sub.[theta]] > 0, and [[sigma].sub.[rho]] < 0. Starting
from Eq. (1) and (2) and by integration resulting:
[[sigma].sub.[rho]] = + [[sigma].sub.c] x ln [rho] + C (3)
Fixed the limit conditions: [rho] = R and [[sigma].sub.[rho]] = 0
could be obtained the C-constant: C = [[sigma].sub.c] lnR, that is
getting in Eq. (3):
[[sigma].sub.[rho]] = + [[sigma].sub.c] x ln R/[rho] (4)
The unitary tangential stress-[[sigma].sub.[theta]] is determined
from Eq. (2) and changed-[[sigma].sub.[sigma]] in Eq.(5):
[[sigma].sub.[theta]] = [[sigma].sub.c] (1 - ln R/[rho]) (5)
The maximum value of unitary radial stress-[[sigma].sub.[[rho]] for
[rho] = r is:
[[sigma].sub.[rho]max] = [[sigma].sub.c] x ln R/r (6)
Similar, for maximum value of tangential stress is:
[[sigma].sub.[theta]max] = [[sigma].sub.c] (1 - ln R/[rho]) (7)
The stress of walls pipe strain is determined with relation:
Where: [s.sub.o]- is the initial thickness of pipe; [s.sub.1]- is
the final thickness, resulting after rolling process; [alpha]--is the
press roll angle; [mu]--the friction constant roll-pipe Fixed the
condition: d[[sigma].sub.z]/d[alpha] = 0, could be determined the
optimum angle-[[alpha].sub.opt]:
tg [[alpha].sub.opt/2 = [square root of [mu]/2 (1 - 1/2 ln
[s.sub.0]/[s.sub.1]) (1 - [s.sub.0]/[s.sub.1]) (9)
The press roll force-[F.sub.R] is:
[F.sub.R] = [F.sub.d] + [F.sub.[mu]] + [F.sub.l] (10)
Where: [F.sub.R]-is the force necessary formability;
[F.sub.[[mu]-the friction force; [F.sub.l]-the elastic force. For
plastic materials [F.sub.l] = 0. If it's taken the average pressure
due to the force-[F.sub.R]:
[F.sub.R] = [p.sub.m] x [s.sub.c] (11)
The unitary stress [[sigma].sub.F] is calculated with relation:
[[sigma].sub.F] = [mu] x [F.sub.R]/[s.sub.c] = [mu] x
[p.sub.m]/[s.sub.c] (12)
Where: [s.sub.c]--is the horizontal projection of contact surface
between roll and pipe. From relation Newman-Siebel can be determined the
average pressure-[p.sub.m]:
[p.sub.m] = [[sigma].sub.c] 1/[[eta].sub.F] (1 + F/2 ld/[s.sub.x])
Where: [[sigma].sub.c]-is ductility limit of pipe material;
[[eta].sub.F]- efficiency of rolling. For steel-steel the friction
coefficient is [[mu].sub.F] = 0.4-0.6.
At "Infratirea" Oradea Co. was been realized a
single-edge drill after prospects of Bosch Gmbh, by joining of drill
head, shaped pipe and shank by brazed [Constantin; Cuvillier Infratirea,
2005; Bosch 2005,]. The head drill is made from cemented carbides, the
shaping and drilling are machining by grinding and electrical discharge
The shank is executed by classical machining process. The pipe with
function of rod drill was shaped in Vee at 115[degrees] by rolling-press
In Fig. 4 is showed the proceeding of rolling and in Fig. 5 the
roll and locking device with pipe, shoe support and semicircular
support. The proceeding of pipe shaping by cold rolling used a roller
shaped-1 in Vee at 115[degrees] is locking in device-2, which is mounted
in the head of holder of shaping machine, the roller been acting by a
"go-back" motion of overarm on outside face of pipe, which
have a shoe support shaped in corresponding with the roll in Vee at
115[degrees], getting inside of cylindrical hole, the pipe supported on
semicircular slot inside of lock support on the table machining.
At the end of this paper could be taken the following conclusions:
* The proceeding and device of shaping pipes in Vee at 115[degrees]
by rolling-pressed is common and easy to be done.
* The technical and quality characteristics of shaping pipe in Vee
at 115[degrees] by rolling-pressed on the shoe support and shaping
machine are similar with the Bosch characteristics.
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