Usage of simulation in inventory management education.
Knezevic, Blazenka
Abstract: The level of inventories directly affects performance of
a company and directly influences firms' profitability. The aim of
simulation games is to overcome potential losses that occur when the
method of "learning by doing" is implemented. Simulation games
are well accepted method of learning in the student population. In this
paper the usage of the simulation model in the area of inventory
management will be described. The simulation model is developed
according to the stock management principles, implemented in Excel and
used within practical education at University level.
Key words: inventory management, stock optimization, simulation
model, simulation, educations
In business schools and universities case studies are recognized as
a good tool for knowledge transfer regarding logistic practices for a
longer period, but simulation games are introduced in the mid 50ties
when Monopologs was used to teach purchasing management in US Airforce
(see Faria and Dickinson, 1994).
New student generations are using various ICT tools for different
purposes such as: entertainment, socialization, gaming, learning,
research and shopping. Thus, they are very open to computer simulations
as a learning tool. Simulation games are based on simulation models
which are built according to some real situation or to some real problem
(for example see Folcut et al, 2008). Implementation of simulation
models in educational process brings us closer to the concept of
risk-free "learning by doing" situation.
There are numerous benefits of simulation games quoted in the
literature. For instance, Ruohomaki (1995) states that simulation games
in education ensure (1) positive learning results in terms of
information transfer, rules observation and critical review, (2) shift
of the attitude regarding the object of the simulation process and
society, (3) increased motivation and interest for the researched area,
and (4) improved group dynamics.
Knezevic (2008) observed positive attitudes of students towards
implemented simulation games at the Procurement management course.
Students pointed out that simulation games are more interesting than
ex-cathedra teaching and case studies. Moreover, simulation games are
evaluated as challenging and motivating way of learning. An iterative
simulation process is seen as a source of better understanding of the
key concepts in the given area of simulation.
In this paper the practical usage of one simulation model in the
field of inventory management will be described.
The key terminology in the inventory management includes: stock
level, demand in given period, costs of ordering, costs of warehousing,
costs of stockout, lead time, order quantity and reorder point.
The level of demand in some period is measured in terms of
quantities needed by consumers. It is usually very stochastic and hard
to predict.
A stock level is the term used for quantity of stocks kept in
company's warehouse in some given period. Usually companies
determine the minimum level of stocks according to the formula: Minimum
stock level = Reorder level or ordering point--Average usage for Normal
Costs of warehousing or holding costs depend on quantity kept in
stock, they include: cost of personnel in the warehouse, cost of
warehousing space and equipment used to maintain the required level of
goods' quality.
Costs of ordering do not directly depend on ordered quantity. Those
are fixed costs of the ordering process per one order.
Stockout costs are the costs of lost opportunity, they occur when
there is unsatisfied demand in some period. Their rough approximation is
a lost sale in the given period.
The lead time is the time needed for obtaining new stocks. It
depends on terms and conditions previously set up with suppliers, but
they depend on particular situations regarding transport infrastructure
as well.
The order quantity is the quantity of goods that company is
ordering from its supplier. From the point of view of the company, it is
fully controllable variable even in the short time.
The reorder point is the level of stock implemented into
information system of a company that alerts company to place an order.
The reorder point is determined by a company with the purpose to ensure
continuity of production and delivery to consumers. The most common way
to calculate the reorder stock level is: Reorder level = Average daily
usage rate x lead-time in days.
The model was developed in Microsoft Excel. The first step of the
model development was recognizing and setting of stochastic variables.
Two stochastic variables were implemented into the model: (1) demand and
(2) lead time. For both variables RANDOM function was used for
generating randomized distribution while some limitations were set up.
For the lead time maximum and minimum levels were defined and
probability tables were used to describe consumer behaviour (i.e. daily
demand level).
The quantity model was developed in order to explain what happens
in one month period on a daily basis. The observed quantity levels for
each day in a month included: (1) starting inventory, (2) received
goods, (3) available inventory, (5) end inventory, and (4) stockout
level occurred.
Finnaly, formulas for cost calculation were added to the model.
There are three types of costs in the model: (1) holding costs
calculated as given unit costs times end inventory, (2) stockout costs
calculated as given unit costs times stockout level occurred, and (3)
ordering costs which are calculated if the end inventory is below the
re-order point defined at the beginning of the simulation. Total costs
are also calculated and placed into the separated column.
The initial values are set up as following: 700 starting inventory;
max. lead time 5; min. lead time i; holding costs per unit per day
$0,45; stock out cost per unit $30,00 and order costs per order $50,00.
The order quantity (Q) was set to 3000 and the reorder point to 300
units. The first simulation iteration was calculated before the class
and it resulted in following monthly costs: holding costs $11.115,00;
stockout costs $60.000,00; ordering costs $100,00 which is the total of
All key equations implemented into Excel model were explained to
students. Secondly, students were asked to perform a new iteration of
simulation and four students were asked to transfer their monthly costs
onto the blackboard. Then the influence of the stochastic variables was
discussed and some preliminary conclusions were drawn out. After that,
students were asked to add the DATA TABLE option in order to make 500
observations available for the further analysis. The process of the
table creation was described in details. Students ran several iterations
and observed changes in the Data table. After that, students had to
calculate averages for the each cost type in the given number of
observations (500). In addition, they are asked to use basic statistical
formulas to produce the table as
After the simulation, students were divided into teams of 4 members
and they had to discuss the cost structure at this particular model and
to recommend a strategy to lower inventory costs of the company.
Students had an opportunity to do several simulation repetitions or to
test their ideas throughout model modifications by changing different
variables at the copy of the simulation model. At the end of the class
they had to deliver a report with a clear recommendation of steps
supported by the data analysis.
At the next class a review of team papers was done and scenario
analysis was performed. Initially, 6 scenarios were tested via WHAT-IF
Excel tool. Results of scenarios are shown at Tab. 2.
Two out of six scenarios had similar total costs. Those were
scenario with the order quantity of 5000 and the re-ordering point of
500 and scenario with the order quantity of 3000 and the reordering
point of 500. Therefore, before the final decision, students had to
implement those quantity levels directly into the simulation model and
run simulation again in order to scrutinize each option. The teams of
four had to work together and test more scenarios as a homework
assignment. That assignment was an introduction to the wider and more
complex theme of the economic order quantity concept (EOQ).
The implementation of simulation modelling together with the
teamwork is a challenging task both for teacher and for students. Via
simulation models students have an opportunity to test options in the
risk-free environment. In the paper the way how to deliver 2 classes in
the area of inventory management was suggested together with the
homework assignment given as an introduction to the theme of the
economic order quantity. The given example shows us how to implement
simulation model of inventory management into the classroom of a
business school and how to transfer knowledge on inventory management
concepts and advanced Excel usage as well.
Faria A.J. and Dickinson, J.R. (1994); Simulation gaming for sales
management, Journal of management development, Vol. 13, No.1, pp. 47-59,
ISSN 0262-1711
Folcut, O.; Ciocirlan, D. & Mustea Serban, R. (2008).
Simulation Model for the Financing Strategies of a Leasing Company,
Annals of DAAAM for 2008 & Proceedings of the 19th International
DAAAM Symposium, 22-25th October 2008, Tmava, Slovakia, ISSN 1726-9679,
ISBN 978-3-901509-68-1, Katalinic, B. (Ed.), pp. 0481-0482, Published by
DAAAM International Vienna, Vienna
Knezevic, B. (2008); The evaluation of simulation games
applicability for better understanding supply chain principles, Poslovna
logistika u suvremenom menadzmentu, Segetlija, Z. (ed.), Faculty of
Economics Osijek, Croatia, pp. 95-110, ISBN 978-953-253-052-0 (in
Ruohomaki, V. (1995); Viewpoints on Learning and education with
simulation games, in J. O. Riis (ed.), Simulation Games and Learning in
Production Management, Chapman and Hall, pp. 13-25, ISBN 0-412-72100-7
Tab. 1. Statistic indicators for 500 observations
Holding Stockout Ordering Total
max 20.295,00 105.000,00 150,00 115.045,00
min 7.965,00 3.000,00 100,00 16.560,00
mean 12.528,00 40.686,00 110,40 53.324,40
stdev 1.418,69 18.694,55 20,31 17.853,88
mode 12.915,00 36.000,00 100,00 44.320,00
Tab. 2. Results of the Scenario analysis
Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3
Order quantity 5000 3000 5000
Re-ordering point 500 500 300
Holding costs 23.466,60 13.388,40 21.618,27
Stockout costs 25.272,00 31.812,00 31.068,00
Ordering costs 99,40 121,90 95,00
Total costs 48.346,03 44.609,07 54.729,08
Scenario 4 Scenario 5 Scenario 6
Order quantity 1000 3000 1000
Re-ordering point 300 100 100
Holding costs 2.629,08 11.880,09 2.363,13
Stockoutcosts 83.328,00 52.506,00 93.876,00
Ordering costs 227,50 103,60 200,20
Total costs 82.818,84 62.829,03 97.148,45