3D custom-made implants for the reconstruction of craniofacial bone defects. Evaluation at seven years of use.
Rotaru, Horatiu ; Stan, Horatiu ; Schumacher, Ralf 等
Cranial vault defects result from trauma, infection, tumor ablation
or cerebral decompression procedures. Cranial defects produce not only
aesthetic but also functional alterations. The so-called "syndrome
of the trephined" can be encountered in such patients (Dujovny et
al., 1999). Functional alterations are often observed due to the changes
in cerebral blood-flow velocity.
Thus, the main purpose of a cranioplasty is not only cosmetic
repair but also improving the neurological status. Various materials
have been used to fill defects in the cranial vault, such as metal,
xenografts, autografts, and allografts (Durand et al., 1997).
Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) is the one mostly used for cranioplasty
between the plastics. However, the complexity of reconstruction
increases proportionally with the size of the [defect.sup.11] as well as
with the location which raise the necessity to reproduce a complex
anatomical shape. Three-dimensional imaging and rapid prototyping
techniques associated with the use of alloplastic materials allow
construction of a custom-made implant preoperatively. The defect is
repaired symmetrically even in thickness. In this paper a technique of
custom implant manufacturing using polymethylmethacrylate casted in
silicone rubber mould, that standed the test of time, is presented along
with its critical review.
The calvarial defects of eighteen patients and four facial skeleton
defects were repaired using custom made implants. Defects developed
secondary to small bone fragments removal after comminuted fractures,
infection-driven loss of the bone flaps elevated for decompression
craniotomy, bone tumor resection and vicious consolidation of facial
To produce the custom made implants the patients underwent a spiral
CT scan of the head (Siemens Somatom; Erlangen, Germany). A virtual
model of the skull was obtained by means of three-dimensional
reconstruction (MIMICS[R], Materialise N.V., Leuven, Belgium). The
virtual 3D model for the patient specific implant was obtained by
designing it with Freeform Modelling Plus[R] v. 9.0 (Sensable, USA).
Using selective laser sintering (SLS) and 3D printing (Sinter
Station 2000, 3D System, Darmstadt, Germany, Eden 330, Objet Geometries,
Rehovot, Israel), both virtual models (defect and plate) were
transformed into physical models. The plate fitted perfectly into the
The pattern of the implant was used to make a silicone rubber
mould. Radiopaque bone cement (Surgical Simplex[R] P, Stryker Howmedica
Osteonics, Limerick, Ireland) made of polymethylmethacrylate was casted
in the silicone rubber mould and pressed into form.
After unmoulding, the margins of the final custom made implant were
slightly manually processed in order to eliminate the excess and to
drill holes for fixation. On cranioplasty plate's surface, holes
were drilled in order to prevent development of an epidural haematoma.
Before surgery, the cranioplasty plates were sterilized using
Under general anesthesia the bony defect was exposed. The custom
made plates were applied. Fourteen (77.7%) of them fitted perfectly and
needed no further processing (Fig. 1). Four (33.3%) of the plates were,
in some areas, smaller than the bony defect. This was finally judged as
being due to a longer time interval between CT scanning and cranioplasty
operation. Moreover, the imprecise fitting of the plate was present in
all cases (number) where the CT scanning was performed earlier than 6
months after the initial surgery. Bone remodeling, by resorption, of the
defect margins (healing) was the main factor incriminated in this
mechanism. One orbital implant (25 %) was larger then needed,
determining exoftalmia. It had been adapted intraoperatively.
Fore security reasons the plates were fixed with 2.0 silk sutures
to the bony margins of the defect and screws were used to fix the facial
There was only one intra-operative complication in a case where the
brain herniated through the bony defect from the beginning, due to some
cystic degeneration. Thus, the plate was pressed with some force to fit
the defect and the result was a fixed midriasis. Plate was immediately
removed and the patient recovered. Few days later the plate was applied
again leaving a gap between the bone and the plate. In all cases there
were no problems of covering the plates with the skin. Starting
intraoperatively, an antibiotic treatment was conducted for the next ten
days. In the recovery period, the healing process was eventless. There
were no infectious episodes or wound dehiscences encountered and the
patients were discharged on the seventh day postoperatively after stitch
removal. Follow-up was one, six months and then yearly after the
operation, with clinical and CT examination. Clinically, no
complications were noted, patients tolerating well the cranioplasty
plate. The esthetical aspect of all the patients operated was
significantly improved (Fig. 2). The symmetry was perfectly obtained in
all cases (Fig. 3). CT examination showed the implants in place with no
meningeal or soft tissue reactions.
To repair large, complex, skull defects one can choose either to
reconstruct the vaults strictly intra-operatively or to prepare a so
called "custom made cranial implant," prior to the operation.
The disadvantages of intra-operative repair are time-consuming,
increasing risk to the patient, insufficient protection from trauma and
infection, often resulting in suboptimal cosmesis. However, custom made
cranioplasty implants have the advantages of a reduced operative time,
less invasive surgery, improved cosmetic results, faster recuperation,
and reduced costs due to a short operative time (Zeilhofer et al.: 1997,
Rotaru 2001).
Custom made implants manufactured using rapid prototyping
techniques have been introduced already (Binder & Kaye 1994,
Eufinger et al., 1995, Chiarini et al., 2004). However, there are some
problems in reproducibility. Various authors have used a plaster mould
(Chiarini et al., 2004, D'Urso et al. 2004). The method presented
here used mainly a silicone rubber mould. Compared to plaster, the main
advantage of silicone rubber is that it allows preservation of very thin
details of the implant (e.g. margins) during unmoulding. Preserving the
thin margins provided a better stabilization. Chiarini et al. (2004)
recommended the acrylic prosthesis to overlap the bone surroundings by
10 mm in order to avoid a possible incorrect prefabrication of the
plate. In large defects such as presented above, titanium mesh must be
two-directionally bent to mimic the anatomical shape. When doing this,
sharp edges are generated on the surface of the mesh. This, in fact,
happens to every rigid plate that is simultaneously bent in two
directions. Casted titanium preformed plates reshape well the surface of
the skull but they do not repair the defect. For stability reasons, they
must overlap the margins of the defect and must be fixed using
osteosynthesis material.
In the future, selective laser melted titanium implants can combine
the advantages of the titanium with the ones of 3D modeling by rapid
prototyping, for the reconstruction of the bone defects. This technology
is now emerging in the medical field.
Custom made cranial implants prepared in a silicone-rubber mould
are particularly useful for repairing large and complex-shaped defects
and have many advantages when compared with intraoperative production.
The research was partially funded through BIOMAPIM research project
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