Adaptive control systems for responsive factories.
Buchmeister, Borut ; Polajnar, Andrej ; Palcic, Iztok 等
Global increasing competition forces enterprises to continually
improve the quality and economy of their products, services and
processes. It is no longer sufficient to produce cheaply. In the long
term, enterprises have to be capable of responding flexibly and quickly,
accurately and intelligently to current market trends and customer needs
and demands. To allow this to happen, there is a basic requirement for
flexibility and versatility that goes well beyond the internal
capabilities of a company. Flexibility includes changes in the machines,
the control algorithms and structure, the system software, and the
production system arrangement to adapt the system's functionality
and capacity to market demands.
Shorter product lifecycles, reduced time-to-market, volatile
markets, an enormous increase in product variants, an increasing trend
towards customer-oriented lot size 1 production, and mass customization
raise the need for new production planning and production control models
and require new approaches for production lines and intelligent machines
to provide stability, sustainability and economy in such production
conditions. Reconfiguration, both at machine (physical) and control
technology (logical) level is necessary to achieve the flexibility
required by these paradigms by technical means. It is important to be
agile to react fast to sudden and unpredictable changes with a minimum
of risk. Implementation of adaptive production systems should improve
the company's productivity by at least 20% and increase the value
added time up to 90% or more (Caridi & Cavalieri, 2004).
Growing complexity is one of the most significant characteristics
of today's manufacturing, which is manifested not only in
manufacturing systems, but also in the products to be manufactured, in
the processes, and in the company structures. Several complexity
measures are known: time-complexity, space-complexity and, for
distributed systems, communication-complexity (Monostori &
[C.sub.s]aji, 2008).
Complex adaptive systems (CAS) are especially important for
production control research, with the goal to study the structures and
dynamics of systems and the question, how the adaptability of systems
creates complexity. Control as a whole becomes very difficult due to
complex operation sequences and routings of different products. A CAS
can be considered as a multi-agent system, where a major part of the
environment of any given adaptive agent consists of other adaptive
agents. When overloaded, individual agents decompose themselves to
increase parallelism, so that response times are shortened and later
decomposition requests in such real-time adaptive system disappear
(Komma et al., 2007).
Agent-based applications provide a new way of viewing problems and
deriving solutions. Compared with centralized systems, agent-based
architectures are easier to maintain, modify and extend (Mitrouchev
& Brun-Picard, 2007).
A first step to adaptive production systems is the transition from
a non-recurring, static planning and operation cycle to a continuous
replanning and reconfiguration of work systems, supported by new
planning methods and tools (Kuchner & Maerz, 2002).
2.1 Process planning
In process planning intelligent automation systems identify
individual requirements with respect to handling and processing.
Processing strategies are created autonomously; processes are planned
and optimized automatically. Self-programming systems automatically
convert the planning results into machine control logic. Intelligent
planning means best-possible integration and coordination of information
and continual optimization of decision finding strategies. Integration
means defining an efficient basis for decision making. Intelligent
optimization procedures guarantee planning ability and planning
stability even in highly dynamic conditions. They support production
planning by automated sequence planning or batch size optimization.
Automation of complex workflows often means emulating human cognitive
abilities in software. Developments of this kind are typically very
complex and time-consuming. New artificial intelligence methods make it
possible for machines to learn directly from humans and to make
decisions autonomously.
2.2 Short-term production planning
Short-term production planning includes scheduling, lot size
optimisation, and dispatching of orders within a defined, task-specific
planning horizon, taking framework conditions such as the availability
of resources and materials, tooling sequences and deadlines into
account, and optimising with respect to competing individual objectives.
This means taking different cost factors, such as carrying costs,
tooling costs, cost of delays in delivery, resource costs, etc. into
consideration when assessing fitness and thus effecting optimisation.
Adaptive, reconfigurable production systems program themselves within a
couple of minutes, instead of taking hours or even days. Also the
adaptive control can make a production system to rapidly respond to
disturbances and changes encountered during the production of a specific
product. Adaptive production systems can modify their own production
rules by adding new, deleting old or changing existing rules. Possible
adaptive mechanisms include: alternative resources, alternative
processes, increase in production capacity and changes in task priority.
2.3 Layout
To ensure the flexibility, a manufacturing system may be organized
in form of job shops or FMSs. They share a common in that they are
controlled as whole and from resource management point of view. Since
manufacturing in agile manufacturing paradigm is usually customer
driven, a manufacturing system may produce several products at the same
time (Jiang et al., 2000).
Generally it is recommended to organize the manufacturing resources
structure in a hybrid layout type, combining the advantages
(flexibility, productivity etc.) of both basic (functional and
product-oriented) layout structures. For assembly applications the use
of autonomous assembly robot stations and mobile transport robots seems
the most promising solution.
Manufacturing systems should be organized into several dynamic
production systems logically according to workflow of individual
products. Systems should take heterarchical control structure rather
than hierarchical one adopted in dynamic environments. The advantage of
this structure is in fast response to disturbance, which is demanded by
adaptive control, and reduced software complexity. It allows direct
access among manufacturing resources in a system. No guarantee of global
optimization is the main disadvantage of heterarchical control
structure, but this can be cleared by the coordination among the
controllers using adaptive agents, which are responsible for scheduling
and controlling toward optimization. The inputs to the adaptive
controller are the product-production structure (sequence and estimated
time duration of processes, required resources) and required lead time
of a product. The resource planner allocates all required resources and
real time scheduler generates a production schedule. Following this
schedule, the dispatcher releases control orders to controllers of
resources to carry out the production. The product and production
resource states are monitored and based on this states the simulator
emulates the production to estimate the actual lead time. If the
estimated lead time is beyond the time allowed, the system is
rescheduled in real time, and the system is then controlled by following
the updated production schedule. So, scheduler, dispatcher,
system-monitor and simulator form a closed control loop. Adaptive
mechanisms include the addition of production resources, modifications
of routings, adoption of alternative processes and production resources,
decomposition methods to make subtasks which can be dealt in parallel or
in overlapping mode etc.
Current research areas in the initial phase (with active
participation of industrial partners) including specific limitations
within manufacturing industry are listed below:
* Concept of adaptive control system for intelligent factory.
* Automated planning of resources' layout structure.
* Automated process planning and robot programming.
* Application of agent-based adaptive control systems.
* Application of neuron-based adaptive control systems.
* Intelligent software systems for process modelling and
information architectures.
* Evolutionary strategies in system optimization.
* Data-driven generic simulation models and modules.
* Simulation-based planning and optimization.
* Stochastic elements in planning and evaluation of results.
* Modularity, reusability, and maintainability of manufacturing
control software.
* Open, embedded, real-time capable runtime environments for
reconfigurable automation and control systems.
* Distributed control systems based on IEC 61499 (open standard for
distributed control and automation).
The research shows that it is very hard to switch from the
prototype (or pilot) level to the real application level. Development in
details (Fig. 1) and implementation of self-adaptive production systems
is a vision for the near future.
In the long term, production and manufacturing companies will only
be able to survive in the face of increasing globalisation if they can
react flexibly and quickly to changing customer and market demands.
Agent-based modelling and simulation of manufacturing system
provides higher flexibility for real-time decision making due to the
autonomous nature of agents in the system. The distributed intelligent
control with agent-based approach provides the advantages of
adaptability, ease of upgradeability and maintenance and emergent
behaviour. The most important benefits are:
* Improved productivity, optimized investments.
* Reduction of transaction costs (using information and
communication technology).
* Automated production in batch sizes of 1 or more.
* Automation for customizing and prototype building.
* Fast, low-risk, product introduction and product changes.
* Reengineering and extension of production lines without downtime.
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Int. J. Simul. Model., Vol. 6, No. 3, 141-153