Business strategies regarding the evaluation of human resources.
Sabou, Simona ; Radulescu, Corina ; Zima, Liliana 等
Performance management is one of the key processes that, when
effectively carried out, helps employees know that their contributions
are recognized and acknowledged. Performance management is an ongoing
process of communication between a supervisor and an employee that
occurs throughout the year, in support of accomplishing the strategic
objectives of the organization. The communication process includes
clarifying expectations, setting objectives, identifying goals,
providing feedback, and evaluating results.
In contrast, performance management is a continuous process that
begins immediately following the initial hiring process and continues
throughout the employee's university employment. It is through
performance management that the supervisor and employee gain a shared
understanding of job expectations.
The actual performance assessment serves several purposes. It
encourages employee involvement, provides a formal mechanism for
employees to receive feedback regarding job performance and
expectations, and allows the employee to work closely with the
supervisor to establish goals and priorities for the next year.
Performance assessment also facilitates growth and development of
employees and results in a documented history of employee performance.
Performance assessments are exactly what they sound like: they are
an evaluation of how employees' are currently performing on the job
and a plan for making any necessary improvements. Performance
assessments are an essential tool in the Human Resources arsenal as they
provide data for other departmental functions (compensation, position
determination, employee training, and employee development, etc).
A performance management system needs to be based on the
organization's business strategy and human resources strategy. The
most important steps of the performance management process are:
* establishing the aims of the assessment according to the
objectives of the organization and the human resources strategy;
* establishing criteria according to the aims of the assessment;
* choosing methods that are consistent with the aims and the
* planning the process;
* assessing individual performance of employees;
* valuing the results of assessment in human resources management:
elaborating the formation and training plans, elaborating the career
plans, elaborating the replacement plans, administering remuneration;
* the control of the process via the analysis of observations in
the functioning and applying of corrective measures.
The potential problems that need consideration in approaching
performance assessment as a component of the performance management
system are the following:
--the necessity of creating a performance culture;
--involving managers at higher levels in the assessment process in
order to satisfy both individual and organizational needs;
--the influence of performance management upon the role of its
assessment through the appropriate functioning of feedback. [6]
* the level of meeting the performance standards;
* assume responsibility;
* adequate labour complexity;
* initiative and creativity.
Pt = (p1 x C1) + (p2 x C2) + (p3 x C3) + (p4 x C4) (1)
Pt--total points p1,p2,p3,p4- points given C1,C2,C3,C4- the weight
of assessment criteria
Further we establish the experimental matrix EFC [2.sup.3]
The matrix being orthogonal, coefficients [b.sup.0], [b.sup.1],
[b.sup.2], [b.sup.3], [b.sup.12], [b.sup.23], [b.sup.13] are determined
with the formulae:
P=[b.sup.0] + b1c1 + b2c2 + b3c3 + [b.sup.12]c1c2+ [b.sup.23]c2c3+
[b.sup.13]c1c3 (2)
[x.sub.11] [x.sub.12] [x.sub.13] [x.sub.14] [x.sub.16] [x.sub.21]
[x.sub.22] [x.sub.23] [x.sub.24] [x.sub.25] [x.sub.25] [x.sub.31]
[x.sub.32] [x.sub.33] [x.sub.34] [x.sub.35] [x.sub.36]
coefficients [b.sub.0], [b.sub.1], [b.sub.2], [b.sub.3],
[b.sub.12], [b.sub.23], [b.sub.23]
The regression equation obtained according to the proposed model is
the following:
[y.sub.1] = 52,25 - 1,75[x.sub.1] - 1,25[x.sub.2] - 6[x.sub.3] - 2,
25 [x.sub.1][x.sub.2] - 0,5 [x.sub.1][x.sub.3] (3)
The most important performance assessment objectives to the
management practice are the following:
* appropriate unfolding of activities in the field of human
* balanced rewarding of personnel;
* providing employees with the information necessary for their own
development, by offering them trust in their own resources;
* identifying individual training and development needs of
personnel, as well as evaluating the results of the training and
development programmes;
* discussing the long term plans of employees, as well as the
objectives of their careers;
* integrating human resources planning within the framework of all
other personnel activities;
* validating selection programmes;
* improving motivation of employees;
* improving the manager-employee relationship;
* improving communication and intensifying cooperation between
managers or superiors and employees;
* applying the equal opportunity principle.
A correct assessment system has to meet the following conditions:
* careful preparation and dissemination of the value system and
performance assessment procedures with the aim of preventing adverse
reactions or challenging the results;
* the existence of a formal assessment tool;
* using criteria that limit the absolute power of management;
* personally knowing the assessed person and permanent contact with
* continuous training for managers regarding the assessment
* the existence of a revising system for incorrect assessments,
done by superiors;
* counselling and support for those with poor performances in order
to offer them the possibility to improve.
A correct assessment and using efficient performance assessment
methods can improve the accuracy of the data according to which
employees are lead, and predictions are made in order to ensure human
The performance assessment systems constitute an intrinsic and
special part within the management system in general and the human
resources management system in particular, the latter circumscribing to
a certain extent to the organisational environment.
The advantage of an informal performance assessment system resides
in the fact that it requires a smaller amount of time for designing and
administering, as compared to a formal assessment programme. This is why
informal performance assessment is used especially in those situations
when the available time is limited or when an interruption of the
employees' activity is not possible.
An advantage for the performance assessment system is the fact that
it is supported at all magnet levels. Without the implication and effort
of management the performance assessment process cannot be efficient or
For the success of the performance assessment activity I suggest
the usage of certain mathematical models and computer programmes well
conceived and easy to be implemented.
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Tab. 1 Calculation variation interval
Variation level [X.sub.1] [x.sub.2] [x.sub.3]
(%) (%) (%)
Superior level (+1) 4 5 3
Basic level (0) 2,5 3 2
Inferior level (-1) 1 1 1
Variation interval 1,5 2 1
Tab. 2 Further we establish the experimental matrix EFC 2
exp [X.sub.0] [X.sub.1] [X.sub.2] [X.sub.3]
1 +1 +1 +1 +1
2 +1 -1 +1 +1
3 +1 +1 -1 +1
4 +1 -1 -1 +1
5 +1 +1 +1 -1
6 +1 -1 +1 -1
7 +1 +1 -1 -1
8 +1 -1 -1 -1
Nr. [x.sub.1] [x.sub.2] [x.sub.1]
exp [x.sub.2] [x.sub.3] [x.sub.3]
1 +1 +1 +1
2 -1 +1 -1
3 -1 -1 +1
4 +1 -1 -1
5 +1 -1 -1
6 -1 -1 +1
7 -1 +1 -1
8 +1 +1 +1