Comparison between SLM and SLS in producing complex metal parts.
Balc, Nicolae Octavian ; Berce, Petru ; Pacurar, Razvan 等
Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) and Selective Laser Melting (SLM)
are layer material addition techniques that allow generating complex 3D
parts by selectively consolidating successive layers of powder material
on top of each other, using thermal energy supplied by a focused and
computer controlled laser beam (Berce 2008). Due to technical
improvements, better process control and the possibility to process all
kind of metals, a shift from RT to firstly Rapid Tooling (RT) and
secondly to Rapid Manufacturing (RM) came up in recent years (Kruth
To turn the SLS/SLM processes into production techniques for real
components, some improvements need to be made. Sometimes, a combination
between innovative CNC manufacturing and RM is a good solution, Carean
(2009). The presented work investigates how SLS/SLM processes fulfill
some requirements, especially the accuracy and surface roughness
Figure 1 illustrates a case study of producing two main components
of a product, designed by a company from Timisoara (RO). The Realizer II
SLM 250 (Selective Laser Melting) machine was used, at the TUCN. For
example, the "blade rotor", illustrated in figure 2 (left),
has the overall size of: height = 80 mm, interior diameter = 70 mm and
exterior diameter = 150 mm.
Main technological parameters that were used for manufacturing the
"blade rotor" part by using the Realizer II SLM 250 equipment
are presented in table 1.
Besides the specified parameters in the SLM manufacturing software package, an important step consists in correct part orientation. This
step is very important because it will determine how the building
supports will be generated. This step will not only influence the total
time of the part to be manufactured on the machine, but also it will
influence its accuracy. The metallic supports needs to be removed as
easily as possible afterwards, without influencing the accuracy of the
real part. The total time estimated for the "blade rotor" part
was 20 hours for 1700 layers to be added on.
The SLM process control is not so simple. The temperature control
during the process could be problematic. The manufactured part
accumulates heat in time and shrinkage occurs during the SLM
manufacturing process. Future research needs to be done in order to
better control the temperature during the manufacturing process. Figure
3 presents an intermediary layer of the "rotor blade".
The part was measured by using an electronic caliper. The exterior
diameter, the interior diameter and the height of the part were measured
5 times, an average being considered for each measurement that was taken
(see Table 2).
The part selected for the second case study undertaken within the
research presented, is a lid component of a grass cutting machine, made
within the Plastor SA, in co-operation with the Brill company from
Germany. The CAD model of the lid and the punch were designed at Plastor
SA using the SolidWorks 2009 software.
The punch (illustrated in Fig. 4) was made by SLS metallic powder
(Laserform St-100), using the Sinterstation 2000 equipment, at TUCN. The
important technological parameters used for manufacturing the part
prototype and the tools on the SLS equipment are presented in Table 3.
Scale factors were applied on x,y,z axis in order to compensate not
only the errors that occurs in the sintering process on the machine, but
mainly the shrinkages that occurs in the post-processing stage in the
The punch was measured at TUCN, using the Werth Video Check Ip 250
equipment. Both, exterior and interior dimensions were measured 5 times.
Table 4 presents a comparison between the CAD dimensions of the punch
and the measured dimensions of the manufactured punch. The differences
between these items are around 0.1-0.2 mm.
The roughness of the active elements made by SLS is extremely
important, as during the injection molding process, the molten plastic
penetrate within the micro-cavities of the molds and the plastic part
gets stucked into the mold and requires special ejection devices. We
analysed the roghness onto three different surfaces, before and after
the infiltration. The roughness values are presented in table 5.
The third case study undertaken within this research was focused on
CNC milling of the very complex surfaces in stainless steel, in order to
compare the capability of this well known technology to the capabilities
of the rapid manufacturing technologies. The purpose was to manufacture
the complex turbine (illustrated in figure 5--left), in one piece. For
this particular part, the SLS technology was not suitable because it
requires high dimensional accuracy and a good surface roughness. The SLM
process is not adequate because it would be impossible to remove the
welded supports, from inside the cavities of the part. We decided that
the most suitable technology for this turbine is the CNC milling. That
is why, we separated the complex turbine into two main parts, the actual
turbine and the cover, which will be welded on top of the turbine, after
its welding.
We used the DMG 63 V machining centre from TUCN to carry on the CNC
milling with 4 axes simultaneously controlled, as illustrated in figure
5--right. The cover was manufactured separately at TUCN, being involved
both CNC milling and CNC turning operations.
SLM technology is suitable to obtain fully dense metal parts, if
the required accuracy is not high. The manufacturing costs are higher,
as compare to similar CNC manufacturing. The SLS parts made on
Sinterstation 2000 machines are very fragile in the "green
stage" stage and shrinkage could appear during post-processing in
the oven. Within the SLM process, the part is manufactured only in one
stage, so the technological route is shorter. Future research needs to
be done, in order to improve the accuracy on the SLS/SLM systems, as the
opportunities of these two technologies are so large, starting with
complex steel parts and moving to complex injection molding tools. This
research was supported with funds within the PCCE-BIOMAPIM project
Berce, P., et al (2008), Virtual engineering for rapid product
development, Engineering mechanics, structures, engineering--WSEAS-EMSEG
(ISI), ISSN 1790-2769
Carean A., et al (2009). Researches on the machining of the complex
parts on CNC turning centers with milling capabilities, Academic Journal
of Manufacturing Engineering, Volume 7, issue 3/2009, ISSN 1583-7904
Dewidar M., Lim, J.K., Dalgarno, K.W, (2008) A Comparison between
Direct and Indirect Laser Sintering of Metals, J. Mater. Sci. Technol.,
Vol. 24 No. 2/2008, pp. 227-232, ISSN 1005-0302
Kruth, J.P. et all (2005) Benchmarking of different SLS/SLM
processes as Rapid Manufacturing techniques, Proceedings of the PMI,
paper 525
Tab. 1. SLM technological parameters
Laser power 180 W
Laser thickness 0,05 mm
Build chamber temperature 80[degrees]C
Oxygen level 0,1%
Tab. 2. SLM measurements
CAD Measured Deviation
Item dimension dimension (mm)
Exterior diameter 80 80,19 +0,19
Interior diameter 70 70,12 +0,12
Height 150 150,22 +0,22
Tab. 3. SLS technological parameters
Parameter Punch and die
(Laserform St-100)
Scale factors X=L02054
Fill laser power 28W
Sliced fill scan spacing 0.08 mm
Powder layer thickness 0.08 mm
Manufacturing temperature 98[degrees]C
Tab. 4. SLS measurements
CAD model Manufactured punch
[D.sub.e1] = 66.5 mm [D.sub.em1] = 66.72 mm
[D.sub.e2] = 65 mm [D.sub.em2]= 65.18 mm
[D.sub.e3] = 62 mm [D.sub.em3]= 62.15 mm
[d.sub.i] = 22 mm [] = 22.14 mm
Tab. 5. Roughness measurements
Roughness, [[micro]m]
Surface 1 / Punch--in Punch--infiltrated Punch--infiltrated
Measurements green stage with bronze with resin
Average 4.6 6.4 3.98