Computer assisted analysis of 2D/3D medical images.
Morar, Anca-Andreea ; Moldoveanu, Florica ; Moldoveanu, Alin 等
Medical image processing includes a series of methods, like image
acquisition (from specialized devices, such as CT devices), image
enhancement, analysis and 3D model reconstruction techniques (Bankman,
Among many research projects in this area of interest, we present:
--The SCANIP image processing software that provides visualization,
image processing and segmentation tools for the medical domain.
--The 3D-DOCTOR Project that proposes an advanced 3D modeling
software with tools for processing MRI s, CT-s, PET-s, etc.
--The HIP-OpCT software that allows the visualization of CT data,
meant to help doctors in planning the size and the position of
orthopedic prostheses.
This article proposes a technique that combines 2D and 3D Image
Processing methods, in order to visualize the 3D model of a human body
part for the improvement of preoperative planning, and for monitoring
the patients' evolution after the surgeries. Canny Edge Detector,
Hough Transform and Marching Cubes are very popular, but the combination
of these methods still stands on unfamiliar ground. This technique has
been tested on few data sets and the application that we propose is
incomplete, but the idea seems to be promising. We will present you our
current work in this domain and the directions for our further research.
Our research has been directed to the implementation of a medical
application, in the Arthroplasty domain. Arthroplasty (Botez, 2001)
represents a surgical procedure in which an arthritic or dysfunctional
joint surface is replaced with prosthesis or by remodeling or realigning
the joint. Our application gathers radiographic images (CR-s or Computer
Radiography) in the DICOM format, and detects the important parameters
in Hip Arthroplasty (Chen et al. 2000), before and after the surgery.
Working on this application, we have managed to draw the following
conclusions regarding the sequence of steps in 2D Medical Image
Processing (Gonzales & Woods, 2002):
--The first step is data acquisition (in our case using the DICOM
--An intermediary, but very important part, is image enhancement
(noise removal, edge enhancement and contrast improvement)
--The third step is contour detection--using the Canny Edge
Detector (Canny, 1986)
--The last step is represented by the parameter extraction
As you can see in Fig. 1, the Canny Edge Detector has not led to a
complete contour detection, because of the blurriness and the low
contrast between bone and muscular tissue in Radiographic Images.
We have observed that many of the human body parts can be
approximated by simple curves (lines, circles or ellipses). For example,
the femoral body contour can be approximated by two straight lines. Fig.
2 shows the resulting lines after using the Hough Transform algorithm
for straight lines (slightly altered).
Also, the femoral head, the ischiadic tuberosities (the lowest
parts of the pelvis), the greater and the lesser trochanter can be
approximated by parts of circles. So we have implemented an algorithm
starting from the Hough Transform, to detect all these bone parts. Fig.
3 shows a series of pelvic and femoral body parts that can be determined
using Hough Transform for circles.
We have thus come to the conclusion that a combination of Canny
Edge Detector and Hough Transform methods can lead to a very good
approximation regarding the contour of many human body parts (especially
The next step in our research is the transition between 2D and 3D
medical images, gathered from CT-s, MRI-s or PET-s. 3D medical images
represent stacks of slices (a slice is a 2D image).
The chosen method for visualization is Marching Cubes (Lorensen
& Cline, 1987), an algorithm that takes each volume cell (a cube
with four neighbour vertices or voxels on one slice and the other four
on an adjacent slice) and computes the intersections of these cubes with
an isosurface, thus extracting a polygonal mesh (the contour surface of
the 3D shape). The volume cells' voxels are divided into two
--vertices outside the isosurface (that have a value lower than the
isovalue--the value of all the points on the isosurface)
--vertices inside the surface (that have a value higher than the
One of the main presumptions of this algorithm is that the human
body parts (bones, blood-vessels, skin) have the same isovalue
throughout all their shape, or at least have the same isovalue
throughout all their contour (for example, it is assumed that the
femoral bone has the same value--or intensity--in all its contour
constituent points). In many occasions, this is not the case, because
the medical images are blurred and the intensity difference between two
kinds of tissue (bone or muscular tissue for example) is almost
We have implemented the Marching Cubes algorithm in C++ with OpenGL
and CG, with very promising results. Fig. 4 shows an example of our
application's results (visualization of the human brain) using data
from a stack of 2D images.
The 3D shape that can be visualized in Fig. 4 represents a very
accurate reconstruction of the human brain, because of the high contrast
between the intensities of the voxels inside the isosurface and the
intensities of the voxels outside the isosurface. This does not happen
always. The thin line between bone and muscular tissue (and between
other types of tissue) can lead to non-accurate results.
This is why we propose a preprocessing phase before applying the
Marching Cubes algorithm.
In order to obtain better results in visualizing and extracting the
3D contour surface of human body elements, a medical application should
first contain some image processing elements.
We remind you that a 3D medical image is in fact a stack containing
a series of 2D images. These 2D images can be processed, as shown in the
section 2, leading to the extraction of the whole contour of the desired
body part. Consequently, the contour pixels of each slice would have the
the maximum intensity value (255), and the other pixels would have the
lowest intensity value (0). Choosing the isovalue of the isosurface
between the lowest and the highest value (for example 100), the 3D
contour polygonal mesh thus detected would be more accurate than the one
obtained by applying only the Marching Cubes algorithm.
Although this implementation would lead to better results, the
computing time would be very high: the time for processing a 2D image is
about a few seconds, so, the time for processing all the slices in a 3D
image would take a couple of minutes. This is why we propose the 2D
processing of only some of the slices (that will be called
"key-slices"). The purpose of this preprocessing stage would
be only to supervise the result of the Marching Cubes algorithm and to
allow the intervention in case of a too great deviation from the desired
The proposed application would be very helpful for visualizing the
chosen human body parts, but also for altering the 3D shapes in order to
reconstruct bones, prostheses, etc.
The medical field is very vast and this technique can be
personalized according to the need of different sectors. The application
has been tested on some data of femoral bones and brains, but it can be
extended to any medical field that involves imaging, with the
collaboration of doctors and programmers.
The results show that this combination of 2D and 3D processing
techniques is the future of medical image analysis. Our application can
be improved in many ways, but it represents a first step in a new way of
understansding the 3D image processing and visualization.
Our further research in this filed will be centred on finding the
best solutions for faster and more accurate applications (for example,
the use of parallel programming, with CUDA or OpenCL)
Bankman, I. (2000). Handbook of Medical Image Processing and
Analysis, Academic Press
Botez, P. (2001), Ortopedie, Bit Publishing House, Iasi
Canny, J. F. (1986), A Computational Approach to Edge Detection,
IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
Chen, Y.; Ee, X.; Leow, K. W.; Howe, T. S. (2000). Automatic
Extraction of Femur Contours from Hip X-ray images
Gonzales, R. C.; Woods, R. E. (2002). Digital Image Processing,
Lorensen, W. E.; Cline, H. E. (1987).Marching Cubes: A High
Resolution 3D surface construction algorithm, Proceedings of the 14th
annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques,
*** (2008) Project by Simpleware,
Accessed on: 2009-10-10
*** (2008), Accessed on:
*** (2008), Accessed
on: 2009-10-20