Consideration regarding die design for equal channel angular extrusion.
Ghiban, Brandusa ; Dumitru, Florina-Diana ; Ghiban, Nicolae 等
In recent years, a growing importance in materials science and
engineering was given to severe plastic deformation (SPD) methods. In
particular, a number of difficulties connected with residual porosity in
compacted samples, processing of large scale billets, impurities from
ball milling, and practical application of the given materials were
overcome with SPD methods.
The structures formed by the SPD are ultra fine-grained structures
of a granular type containing mainly high angle grain boundaries. The
interest in grain-size reduction is driven by the possibility to produce
ultrahigh strength metals and high strain rate superplasticity, (Eivani
& Taheri, 2007).
Presently, among the methods of SPD, equal channel angular
extrusion (ECAE) is considered as the most promising for industrial
Equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE) developed by Segal is widely
known as one of the techniques to impose severe plastic deformation on
bulk materials to produce ultrafine grained materials, without causing a
significant change in the dimensions of the processed parts, (Agnew et
al., 2005).
The aim of the process is to impart high deformation to the
processed materials as they cross the channel. The exit channel is
usually manufactured with the same diameter as the entrance channel and
hence cross-section of the processed material is not modified and so,
there is no geometrical limitation to the deformations that is possible
to impart to the processed materials.
It has been suggested that this technology has great advantages
over the conventional mechanical attrition of ball milling because it
can produce large sized samples free of any residual porosity.
Simple shearing is the key mechanism of the ECAE process. Simple
shear can be considered a near ideal deformation method for structure
refinement and texture formation in metal working.
Deformation during ECAE is achieved by simple shear in a thin layer
at the crossing plane of the channels. Large and uniform strain
intensity per pass can be reached in material under low pressure and
load without a reduction of the initial billet cross-section. The
process can be repeated a number of times in the die because the billet
cross-section remains constant, (Tham et al., 2007).
During the ECAE process a metal billet is pressed through a die
consisting of two channels, equal in cross section and intersecting at
an angle usually between 90[degrees] and 135[degrees]. The billet
undergoes essentially simple shear deformation but retains the same
cross sectional geometry, so that it is possible to repeat the pressings
for a number of passes, each one refining the grain untill the extent
which is determined by the material characteristics. High plastic
deformations lead to an improvement in the dislocations density in
ductile crystalline material and this improvement of the dislocation
density is followed by an increase in the strength. Hence with enough
accumulation of plastic strain a new structure of submicrometer or even
nanometer grain size replaces the former grain size, (Gil et al., 1980).
By multiple passing, very large effective deformation can be
developed in bulk products.
The process also leads to the formation of strong crystallographic texture in the material. In ECAE, it is possible to rotate the billet
around its longitudinal axis between successive passes, creating
different routes.
A nomenclature has evolved in the literature referring to the major
variants as Routes A, [B.sub.A], [B.sub.C], and C (meaning no rotations
between passes, 90[degrees] back-and-forth, 90[degrees] continuous, and
180[degrees] rotations, respectively), (Iwahashi et al., 1998).
The amount of plastic strain introduced in the materials after ECAE
processing depends on the die angle and the number of passes.
The ECAE die is manufactured with two channels that usually
intersect at an angle with the same cross-section. The material is
extruded through the die and it is mainly deformed by a shear mechanism
combined with a high hydrostatic pressure which exists within the die
The simplest shape of these dies is the one containing of two
straight channels intersecting with sharp outer and inner corners as
shown in Fig. 1a, where [PHI] is the die angle being equal to [alpha] +
[beta] which in the case of ECAE, [alpha] = [beta], and so [PHI] = 2a.
Segal's geometry (Fig. 1a) was modified by Iwahashi (Fig. 1b),
who proposed an ECAE die with a sharp edge of the inner part of the die
and a [PSI]-angle. Luis proposed ECAE dies (Fig. 1c) in which internal
radius and external radius can have whatever value and both radii are
tangent to the die walls, (Perez & Luri, 2008).
The design of the die took into account the necessity of having
separated parts that permit (after dismantling the die) accessing the
channel for maintenance if it is needed. These different parts were
chosen so as to minimise the number of joints in the channel and to
maximise the possibility of access to the channel.
The die is made up of the piston and the die body, which is made
out of two parts. The die channel geometry is described by three areas:
the input area, the calibrated area and the output area, (Ghiban et al.,
2009). The die used in the ECAE experiments has two equal channels with
a square cross-section of 10 mm x 10 mm and an intersecting angle of
The image of our proposed die for ECAE is given in figure 2 (a, b).
From figure 2 (a and b) one can observe that the die design has
Iwahashi's geometry and has as a drawback the rapid wear of the die
and the damaging of the material as is being extruded, because of the
sharp edge.
Another drawback is the incorrect flow of the material in the ECAE
process due to the fact that the walls of the die are not tangent to the
outer radius. One can also observe that the ECAE die is decentred. Also,
the thickness of the die body is only 30 mm, which is why the die can
not stand in position during ECAE processing.
Another big disadvantage of the die is that the assemblage screws
are threaded, and during the ECAE processing they warp and the die can
not be opened.
The considerations made on our proposed die design for ECAE may
reveal the following conclusions: the proposed die is not adequate for a
proper ECAE processing because the die must be centered, the dimensions
must be higher for a good position during ECAE processing and the die
must not contain screws, because during the ECAE processing the screws
warp and the die can not be opened.
Future researches will be based on designing a new ECAE die with
Luis' geometry and also on the material flow behaviour through the
die channel.
The work has been funded by the Sectoral Operational Programme
Human Resources Development 2007-2013 of the Romanian Ministry of
Labour, Family and Social Protection through the Financial Agreement
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