Contact analysis for spur gears.
Cananau, Sorin
One of the important problems of the functioning gears is the
meshing contact. Among the inherent difficulties in analyzing a meshing
gear contact involve, by one side, the complexity of profile and
boundary shape, the coupling of solid body rotation and the evaluation
of rolling contact. By other side, the task involves complicated contact
models which are not generally available or simply treated in standard
commercial numerical analysis codes. One of the important problems is
the mesh stiffness along the lines of contact. For each tooth any
potential point of contact is credited with a direct flexibility only
such that, under load conditions, there is no deflection at any other
point of the tooth, (Ajmi & Velex, 2005).
In this paper we are going to purpose a model for spur gear
contact. The hypothesis of the model includes the theoretical meshing
gear of the involutes external spur gears, the theory of elasticity for
deformable solid, the contact along a contact line of the tooth width.
Also, a relevant importance is accorded to the calculus of the
stiffness. Many researchers are taking into account the face load factor
of load distribution along tooth width (Chaari et al., 2005)
We are going also to use the FEM analysis to find the behaviour of
elastic bodies such as teeth structure in the gears systems. We are
going to use also the FEM model to simulate the manufacturing errors and
their effects on the gear mesh stiffness.
Also, we are going to introduce an increasing load as a torque up
to the limit of the fracture initiation at the tooth root. In that
fallows friction forces are neglected and contact lines are considered
parallel to shaft axis
For a gear tooth the modelling principle is to represent the
structural elasticity viewed from any line of contact on the flank by a
foundation with position varying characteristics to simulate the
evolutions of the contact lines during the meshing process. So we use
for geometrical purposes a 2D model of spur gear contact (Pimsarn &
Kazerounian, 2002). The geometrical model of conjugate action is:
a. The geometry of the gear drive and gear driving is obtained
using mathematical formulations for a real case of manufacturing,
including trochoid form at the tooth foot region.
b. The 2D model includes the rim geometry with defined ratio
parameters of the rim thickness/tooth height more than 2 to 1.
c. The number of the teeth taking into account is 3 to 4, conjugate
action, in order to simulate the real process of single and double pair
teeth in contact.
Table 1 gives the geometry and mechanical properties of the studied
Concerning the mathematical model of the contact meshing gears we
consider that the "contact line " between the two teeth
involved in the meshing process is a segment with non fixed end points,
A and B. Also we consider the method of the influence coefficients and
we suppose that the load w(x)dx applied in the point P(x) will give an
elastic deformation in any point along the contact line AB. In this
case, for example in the point P(u) this load will produce a deformation
(Schmidt ,1973):
df(u) - [alpha] (u,x)w(x)dx (1)
where [alpha](u,x) is the influence coefficient of the load applied
in the point P(x) for the elastic deformation in the point P(u). The
model is described in the Fig. 1
In this case the global contact elastic deformation f(u) in the
point P(u) is a function of the load distribution along contact line:
This model of load distribution will permit to find the real and
continuous distribution along the width of the tooth. The shape of load
distribution along the tooth will be smooth using spline transformations.
with condition of the transmitted load:
The 2D geometrical model is now associated with finite element
description. In terms of global design variables are defined both the
structure of drive and driven gear sectors. Mesh generation for each
geometrical subdomain takes place following various stages. The relation
between conjugate action and finite element structure is established by
using predefined points of conjugate contact on each active involute profile of teeth pair in contact, Fig.2.Concerning the 3D load
distribution we are going to introduce a global model, which take into
account the information of the planar model described in the Fig.2. Such
model is widely used and accepted in literatures (Sirichai, 1999).
Finite element contact between pinion and wheel tooth pairs is also
taking into account, but the hertzian deformations in the contact zone
are found to be small relative to the bending deflections. In order to
find the singular stiffness of one tooth of the pinion, we will
introduce a torque or a distributed force (load) which simulates the
action of the meshing tooth of the wheel. Using the equivalent force,
this was applied to the tooth flank normal to the involute profile and
along the line of action at the appropriate nodes. The representation of
the wheel sector is shown in Fig. 3.
First of all we have to find the dependencies of tooth displacement
under load for the location of contact position on the contact line.
This dependency is given by real process of contact including single and
double pair of teeth contact. In the Fig.4 there is a result concerning
the behaviour of elastic tooth under load taking into account a 2D model
and a double pairs teeth contact
In the same process we take into account the 3D model and the
elastic deformation along the contact line, for each line parallel to
gear rotation axis. For this analysis we estimate the elastic
deformation at ten points along the contact line and for eight lines of
contact from the the point A to the point E along the meshing line. The
3 D result for a gear set contact and for a specific line, without
misalignement between gears axes is shown in Fig. 5. We can easily
onserve the "end effect" regarding the load distribution along
contact line.
Ajmi, M. & Velex, P. (2005). A model to simulating the
quasi-static and dynamic behavior of solid wide-faced spur and helical gears. Mech. Mach. Th.. 40 (200),2005, 422-129
Chaari, F., Fakhfakh, T. & Haddar, M., (2005). Simulation
numerique du comportement dynamique d'une transmission par
engrenages en presence de defauts de denture. Mec. Ind. 6, 2005, 625-633
Pimsarn, M. & Kazerounian, K., (2002). Efficient evaluation of
spur gear tooth mesh load using pseudo-interference stiffness estimation
method. Mech. Mach. Th. 37, 2002, 769-786
Schmidt,G. (1973). Berechnung der Walzpressung Schragverzahnter
unter Berucksichtigung der Lastverteilung, PhD dissertation, 1973,
Technical University of Munich
Sirichai, S., (1999). Torsional properties of spur gears in mesh
using nonlinear finite element analysis. PhD dissertation, Curtin:
University of Technology
Tab. 1. Materials properties and geometry for gear set
properties Units Data
Number of teeth, [z.sub.1]/[z.sub.2] -- 17/31
Center distance, a mm 120
Pressure angle, [[alpha].sub.n] deg 20
Module, m mm 5
Diametral pitch, [p.sub.n] mm 15.7080
Working face width, b mm 40
Young modulus, E N/[mm.sup.2] 2.07x[10.sup.5]
Poissons's ratio, v -- 0.33