Design of a training and rehabilitation upper limb orthesis with actuators.
Grecu, Valentin ; Grecu, Luminita
The rehabilitation human upper limb is as important as it is
difficult. A real support in this effort is the use of orthosis. Their
adaptation is hard to be done because it is difficult to determine with
precision the spatial position as well as the forces needed for the
replacement of the muscle. The upper limb orthesis function is to
simulate its biological equivalents. It is necessary to study the
properties of the biological materials that make up the human body, and
also the measures involved in the differential equations must be as
correct as possible. The kinematic chain proposed is presented in figure
The design of the orthesis is based on the reacting forces which
appear in elbow joint associate with pronation-supination movements
(point D),wrist joint associate with flexionextension (point G) and
deviation ulnar-radial (point F) movements (Panjabi & White, 2001).
The human upper arm model is composed by the following segments
(Netter F.H, 1990): shoulder, arm, forearm, hand and joints (shoulder,
elbow and wrist).
In order to determine the reacting forces which appear in the elbow
joint, and also to command and to control the orthesis, the laws of
motion were obtained.
Considering the usual movements of the forearm a lot of
experimental data were collected using SIMI-Motion software.
Using a Maple application, based on the method of least squares we
obtained different graphics and approximation models.
For example, for pronation-supination movement (elbow
joint)--characterized by phi4 angle we get the following:
The approximation model for phi4 angle [degree] is:
phi4:= 251.1694102 + 280.1911032* t -174.0441791 * [t.sup.2]
-1070.749959 * [t.sup.3] + 1180.331042 * [t.sup.4] -414.7173299 *
[t.sup.5] + 47.35080004 * [t.sup.6].
For flexion-extension movement (wrist joint)-characterized by phi6
angle we get the following:
The approximation model for phi6 angle [degree] is: phi6:=
111.8713681 + 51.76294823 * t--49.14789084 * [t.sup.2] + + 454.4603127 *
[t.sup.3]--535.2214505 * [t.sup.4] + + 215.7291701 * [t.sup.5]
-29.01829866 * [t.sup.6].
In paper (Grecu et al., 2010), the reacting forces which appear in
the elbow joint associated with flexion-extension and
pronation-supination were deduced using the Newton Euler formalism and
again with Maple programs (Zeid I., 1991).
The differential equations of the motions are:
[delta][q.sup.T] x [m x q - [Q.sup.a]] = 0 (1)
where M is matrix of masses, q is generalized coordinates vector,
[Q.sup.a] is matrix of generalized active forces
As a result of integrating for t [member of] [0;3.0] and the
initial conditions we have obtained (see Grecu et al., 2010), the
following graphic representations of the reacting forces
Proposed orthesis is driven by three DC servomotors for each of the
three joints of the forearm (pronation-supination the elbow joint,
flexion-extension movement and ulnar-radial deviation of wrist joint).
Command and control of the orthesis is made with a remote control which
included in it an accelerometer. The orthesis can be mounted on a
patient's forearm and executes movements accurately reproduced by
the hand physiotherapist (Kiguchi et al., 2008).
To achieve this a computer code was developed in Arduino software.
Signals received from the accelerometer is transmitted immediately to
orthesis actuators (servomotor Hitec HS-645MG). The accelerometer is
model MMA7260QT MEMS (micro-electro-mechanical systems) three axis, a
great low-g sensor with adjustable sensitivity from [+ or -]1.5 g to [+
or -]6 g. The orthesis is further mounted on the forearm of the patient.
The simplified model of the orthesis can be programmed through the
interface unit (Figure 6).
Orthosis motions controlled by the accelerometer follow the laws of
motion of the forearm (elbow and wrist joints). These laws were
experimentally determined using images captured by video analysis system
In this experiment were determined laws of motion of the forearm,
performing several movements of human upper limb including the current
daily activities in which hand is used.
We have proposed to design a upper limb orthesis based on the
determinate the reacting forces which appear in elbow and wrist joint.
The model presented in the paper can be extended to be used with other
dates experimental obtained for certain usual activities proper to the
upper limb and for larger periods of time.
A further goal of our work is to test this orthesis through
computer simulation in order to demonstrate its validity.
In order to validate the forearm orthosis the laws of motion of
elbow and wrist joint of the patient need to be compared with the laws
of motion determined experimentally with SIMI Motion for a healthy
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