Dimensional accuracy analysis in casting using easily fusible models.
Luca, Alina Ioana ; Balc, Nicolae Octavian ; Popan, Ioan Alexandru 等
One of the most used technology for prototypes or small series
parts production is investment casting (IC) or lost wax casting (LWC)
process. The process involves the use of wax, ceramic powder and molten
metal, to produce precisely replicated parts in an economical way. A wax
model is a precise wax design that contains all the details that are
desired in the final product. Undesirable details, such as scratch, will
also be perfectly reproduced, because lost wax casting produces an
extremely precise reproduction of the model. The IC process allows for a
variety of component features that are not accessible through other
manufacturing techniques.
IC is considered to be one of the more accurate casting processes
in terms of shape and dimensions (Ramos, 2009). To increase the
dimensional accuracy of investment cast prototypes, the investment
casting process needs to be better understood and improved. The
influence of the pattern geometry is difficult to capture in predicting
dimensional changes caused by wax solidification.
The purpose of this paper is to optimize the wax casting parameters
so as to obtain pieces of good dimensional accuracy. Using response
surface method we propose a mathematical model for predicting
contractions of wax patterns depending on process parameters.
Response surface methodology (RSM) is a collection of statistical
and mathematical techniques useful for developing, improving and
optimizing processes (Myers, 2009). The main idea of RSM is to use a
sequence of designed experiments to obtain an optimal response.
Design of Experiment (DoE) is a method used to determine the
relationship between the different factors affecting a process and the
output of that process. DoE involves designing a set of experiments, in
wich all relevant factors are varied systematically. Analyzing the
results of experiments, these helps to identify optimal conditions, the
factors that most influence or not the results (Owens, 1997).
To achieve the experiments we used a pyramid as a master model
(Fig. 1). Aim of the study is to highlight changes and dimensional
accuracy of wax patterns (Fig. 2) cast in silicone rubber mold (Balc,
In this paper a central composite design (CCD) with two factors was
used for experimental design. A good designed series of experiments can
reduce the number of experiments. Wax temperature (Tc) and silicone
rubber mould temperature (Tm) are independent variables and their values
are in the table 1.
The wax patterns were made using 864 Red Wax with the injection
temperature of 72[degrees]C--74[degrees]C. The sprue diameter should be
as large as possible and the distance of the sprue should be as short as
possible. From the planning of experiment a number of 13 models was
necessary. The wax was injected in the mould and allowed to cool and
solidify for two hours before the mould was opened and the wax was
removed from the mould. After the wax patterns were removed from the
mould their dimensions were measured using high precission equipment.
The experimental data were processed using Design Expert software.
Following the analysis performed using Design Expert software, the
influence of wax temperature and mould temperature, concerning the
dimensional accuracy of wax patterns we got the next results.
Wax casting temperature (Tc) is the parameter that has a major
influence on dimensional accuracy of wax patterns. With increasing
temperature also increases wax pattern contractions (Fig. 3). In the
experiment the wax temperature varies from 74 [degrees]C to
85[degrees]C, resulting a contraction variation from 2.5% to 3.1%, so a
contraction variation of 0.6%.
The silicone rubber mold temperature (Tm) is another important
parameter of the casting process. With increasing the silicone rubber
mold temperature also shrinkage increases. Mold temperature is varied in
the experiment from approximately 30[degrees]C to 50[degrees]C (Fig. 4),
the contractions resulting in a variation from 2.7% to 2.9%, so a
contraction variation of 0.2%.
Analyzing the response surface graphic (Fig. 5) we conclude that to
achieve a good dimensional accuracy and low contraction of the wax
pattern, it is recommended a casting temperature as close to the melting
point temperature and also a mould preheating temperature as low. But
using too low temperatures to fill mold appear some problems: incomplete
fill, ripple and knit lines, surface defects.
To achieve a wax pattern as high dimensional accuracy is important
to accomplish an optimization of casting temperatures. Thus we recommend
using a wax casting temperature with 8[degrees]C higher than flow
temperature and a mold temperature between 30-35[degrees]C. To make a
wax pattern to a better dimensional accuracy, we take account of the
contraction that occurs during the process. Thus the master model size
should be increased to compensate the shrinkage of wax (Rahmati, et al.,
In general, dimensional deviations of wax models are influenced by
the master model, silicone rubber mold and wax injection. Dimensional
deviation of silicone rubber mould is insignificant and can be
Starting from experimental data analysis to establish a
mathematical model able to describe the dependence of dimensional
accuracy of parts and temperature respectively wax casting mold
The model is based on observed data from the process and is an
empirical model:
A = -2.528 + 0.062 x Tc + 0.01 x Tm (1)
Where: A is the predicted response in real value, Tc is the wax
temperature and Tm silicone rubber mould temperature.
Statistical testing of the empirical model has been done with the
Fisher's statistical test for Analysis Of Variance--ANOVA. The
ANOVA test applied to the individual coefficients of the model, shown
their significance. In this case the wax temperature and silicone rubber
mould temperature are both significant model terms.
The objective of the paper is to study the accuracy of the wax
patters, cast in different temperature conditions and to optimize the
gating system for the wax tree. Investment casting tolerances are
determined by the size and shape of the casting, as well as by different
process factors.
When casting wax patterns, we recomand a wax temperature with
8[degrees]C higher than the injection temperature and a mould
temperature between 30-35[degrees]C. Using those parameters we have
obtained patterns in good dimensional accuracy, also taking account of
the contractions that occurs during process.
Balc N. (2001). Tehnologii neconventionale, Editura Dacia,
Owens R. (1997). Investment Casting Design of Experiment, Federal
Manufacturing&Technologies, KCP-613-6003
Myers R.H.; et al. (2009). Response Surface Methodology: process
and product optimization using designed experiment, Third Edition, John
Wiley&Sons Inc.
Rahmati S., et al (2009). Design and Manufacture of a Wax Injection
Tool for Investment Casting Using Rapid Prototyping, Tsinghua Science
and Technology, ISSN 1007-0214, 18/38 pp108-115 Volume 14, Number S1
Ramos A.M., Simoes J.A. (2009). CAD-CAM-RTV-lost wax casting
technology for medical implants, Rapid Prototyping Journal 15/3, 211-215
Tab. 1. Factors and their levels
Factors Levels
Wax Temperature ([degrees]C) 72 73.9 78.5 83.1 85
Mould Temperature ([degrees]C) 25 29.39 40 50.61 55