E-learning as a way to teach project management.
Vlahov, Rebeka Danijela ; Jakovic, Bozidar ; Herceg, Tomislav 等
In today's world, determined by a large number of dynamic
technological changes, education is taking one of the most important
positions in everyone's life and human intellectual capital is
becoming dominant factor for any job. Education as a traditional process
is very expensive, as well as not accessible to everyone. To solve these
two problems and to rapid development of information technology in the
last decade, completely new concept of education is becoming extremely
popular, e-learning. According to Wentling et al. (2000), e-learning is
the acquisition and use of knowledge, distributed and facilitated
primarily by different electronic means, and Fry (2000) further expands
this definition and says that e-learning is a delivery of training and
education via networked interactivity and a range of other knowledge
collection and distribution technologies. It gives the opportunity for
students to communicate with their professors virtually, and to learn
and pass the course without meeting their professor in person or coming
to location where he/she teaches. In this kind of environment, learning
process is self-motivated and self-paced, and it is quite different from
traditional teaching and learning environment because students have more
control and flexibility, as well as more responsibility for their
learning. With both its synchronous and asynchronous features this
approach allows access without time and place barriers. Students are
active and positive as they learn from direct and authentic experiences
and professors' role changes dramatically to facilitator and guide
(El-Deghaidy, Nouby, 2008).
Fry (2001) says that there are four elements that allow student
personalization and company customization through a global Web
interface: (1) instruction which includes concept, demonstration,
workshop, seminar, reference articles, white papers, Web links; (2)
collaboration, that is 24/7 mentoring, expert led chat, peer-to-peer
chat, seminar, threaded discussion, mentored exercise, discussion board,
workshop, study group, meeting; (3) practice such as software
simulation, interactive exercise, role-play simulation, quantitative
simulation, Web project, application workshop, online lab); and (4)
assessment like pre-assessment, performance test proficiency assessment,
certification prep test, customized assessment and certification tools.
According to Panian, e-learning is a system which consists of many
technological means, offers a possibility to watch an entire lecture or
receive all the necessary materials, to discuss about the matter with
the co-students and teachers, to solve online-puzzles, tests,
multiple-choice questions and problems. These options render the
learning process easier and much more interesting than it used to be in
the traditional way of teaching (Panian, 2002).
This approach saves money in the way that both involved sides,
professors and students, are doing this job from their own computer, and
therefore this decreases costs for the learning facility and for the
students, since they can remain at home, not paying rent (Panian, 2002).
It also helps them to continue their education after graduation, after
they get a job and do not have spare time to attend the lectures or when
they live far away from the Faculty they attend, as well as to listen to
the best professors, which would be impossible in the traditional way of
education, because of the size of the lecture room and its location.
According to Litting (2006), e-learning programs should be based on
the learner orientation idea which means that it is very important to
determine learner's needs in a very concrete manner before even
starting the project. And as well, there is a need to develop a clear
and transparent learning philosophy behind the project that has to be
clearly documented. To develop a learning philosophy it is necessary to
have a clear decision on learning categories, including the general
learning objectives or the formal framework and context for learning,
and both professor and students should be trained for the use of new
technologies as well as the pedagogical aspects of teaching, training,
coaching, and moderating. Teaching project management needs a lecturing
and learning approach which is realistic and as close to the "real
world" as possible. This can be achieved with appropriately trained
professors, competent in their own subject area, trained for the use of
modern learning technology and methodological and didactical processes.
It can be designed user modeling system to act as the basis for
increased user support and personalization in e-learning for the Moodle
e-learning environment, which Faculty of Economics and Business in
Zagreb has already acquired. Moodle is a web based e-learning platform
written in PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) which uses an SQL (Structured
Query Language) database to store course content and presentation
information (Mangina & Kilbride, 2008). The main goal of this paper
is therefore to develop theoretical model which could be used as a base
for converting project management classes on the Faculty of Economics
and Business in Zagreb, which were until now available only to students
enrolled on this Faculty, into e-learning program for students all
around the world. Students interested in project management would only
have to fill in an application form with their general information to
start e-learning course and chose their username and password to log in
the application.
Project management course could then be organized as a knowledge
base containing 10 main parts: (1) professors' teaching documents
on Croatian and English so students from Faculty of Economics and
Business as well as from any other faculty could attain the course,
consisted from .ppt presentations, .pdf documents and additional
literature such as scientific papers written by professors in the field
of project management all over the world, e-books in this field, links
to useful project management sites or bases of scientific papers to
enlarge the sources of information, organized by chapters with
professors' .ppt presentation and book chapter as main part and all
additional parts added with every lesson; (2) project management lexicon
with the most important and most used terms from this field so students
could completely understand teaching materials, (3) mathematical
formulas for calculating numerical methods for selecting the project,
for example return on investment periods, average rate of return, net
present value of the project, internal rate of return and profitability
index as well as practical examples so students could practice parts
they should implement into their final project, (4) video lectures which
professor can record and then publish in order to better explain complex
parts of the course or through videoconference so students could
immediately ask questions or additional explanations, (5) search engine
which would enable browsing by key word, date, author or type of
content, (6) student progress statistics, i.e. results from all the
students who attended the course saved in a base so there would be a
possibility to compare them over time and with each other, (7) news for
informing students about new materials or added content, live contact
with the professor and news from the business world connected with the
area of project management which would be archived and make a part of
knowledge base, (8) forum and chat room for different discussions
between students and professors about the course or general topics
during the studies, (9) events calendar to notify different events like
project management conferences, news and chats with professors so
students could ask what interests them in real time, and at the end (10)
survey that students will fill in and tell their opinion about the
course and professors, give their compliments and critics so that the
course could be improved for the next generation. Students would not
have written exam yet they will work on the team project from the
beginning to the end of the course, following the teaching materials. At
the end of the course, they will have to send their written work
(project plan) to the professors, as well as .ppt presentation of the
project and then present their work to professors via video conference.
All of the submitted papers will be archived according to generation, so
every year new students could see all the previous projects as a help
during the process of making their own projects and in process of
Project management course on the Faculty of Economics and Business
in Zagreb could be modernized and made more interesting. Using
e-learning approach, lecturing would be more flexible, lecturers
wouldn't have to teach many students at the same time and place,
and students would choose when and how to learn. Moodle platform is
already available and all that is needed is an in detail elaborated
concept which would be applicable not only in theory, but in practice as
well. In this paper we made a theoretical model, as a preparation to
practical implementation. Presentations that explain all the materials
step by step could give students an impression of the virtual professor,
who has all the answers even before a question is asked. We suggest
using step by step presentations because this way student could acquire
teaching materials at the pace that is suited for them. Except basic
materials (chapters from the book and professors .ppt presentation)
students will have opportunity to read many additional materials.
The use of interactive chats with professors or among each other as
well as videoconferences and forum brings professors closer to students,
which eliminates unnecessary stress, increases motivation for learning
among students therefore making it easier and more fun.
Apart from learning theoretical background in developing a project,
this way students would have the opportunity to work in a real project
management team with other students from different countries and
cultures, from their and from other faculties all around the world, and
will have to make a project plan from the beginning to the end, using
provided materials as well as with professors guidance when needed.
Before ending the course they will have to present what they did
during e-learning course to the professors via videoconference and will
be able to say they did their first project, which is expected to be a
valuable experience to them. This way of learning should be a benefit
for students because it covers less theory, students learn on their own
pace, form teams, are more engaged in practical part and are responsible
for finishing their obligations on time and in accordance with other
team members. This will help them in mastering interpersonal skills that
are obligatory in today's business environment.
Further research will be done a year after implementing pilot
program and in co-operation with first generation of students who
finished online project management course to see how proposed
theoretical model functions in practice and does it need additional
modifications and improvements, because the main purpose of this project
isn't material gain for its makers but qualitative education for
everybody, no matter where they are, with minimal costs.
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