Hybrid aluminum matrix composites obtained through processing in pasty status.
Usurelu, Emilia-Maria ; Butu, Mihai ; Moldovan, Petru 等
The material is designed for the transport industry (discs and
rotor brake, rods, hangers) [1], having the great advantage of reduction
the weight bodies brake with 50-60%.
The main problems occurring in developing hybrid metallic materials
are given by the inoculation method in melt of the reinforcement
For inoculation we choose a method that is not influenced by the
specific weight of the reinforcement elements, the Vortex method at
temperatures where the alloy is a semi--solid (is in the range of
The main elements used for reinforce matrix, have a different
density that of aluminum matrix, so normally in melts occurs separation
of the constituents, for that reason it is desirable that the processing
of material to take place in a semisolid state [2, 3].
For the AlSi7Mg0.3/10% vol. SiC + 3% vol. [C.sub.Cu] composites,
the particles are concentrated in eutectic mixture and Si crystals can
germinate near the particles used for reinforcement matrix.
Composite materials have been developed in an electric furnace with
resistors. Working temperature was chosen so that during the process the
melt to be solidified within 650-600[degrees]C.
The chose of this range was subject to there being an upper limit
of viscosity to allow inclusion of SiC particles and graphite particles
coated with copper, and a lower limits to allow both wetting of the
reinforcement elements and a possible homogeneous distribution of their
in matrix material [1, 4].
For experiments were tested two methods: the separately
introduction of reinforcement elements, the simultaneous introduction of
two types of reinforcement elements (preheated and mixed).
After choosing the working temperature for melting, treatment,
keeping in liquid status for degassing and refining, development and
preheating temperature of reinforcement elements, had chosen the best
option for bringing SiC and [C.sub.Cu].
For development MMCH the introduction of SiC separately of the
copper coated graphite were observed an elimination of the particles
already embedded by the graphite particles--evidence obtained with a
crumbly structure. This is due the difference of density between the
aluminum alloy matrix (AlSi7Mg0.3-2.8 g/[cm.sup.3]), silicon carbide
(SiC-3.22 g/[cm.sup.3]) and graphite (C-2.1/2.3 g/[cm.sup.3]).
MMCH samples obtained when the reinforcement elements were mixed
before introduction into the matrix material are compact, with a robust
and metallic structure.
Volume of these samples is much lower (at similar quantities of
alloy and the reinforcement elements) compared with that of the samples
obtained with the separately introduction of reinforcement elements,
which led to the choice of two methods for metallic composites with
tribologic properties.
Hybrid metallic material composites obtained (AlSi7Mg0.3/10% vol.
SiC + 3% vol. [C.sub.Cu]) were subjected to an operation of hot
compaction (pressing).
Materials obtained were characterized to determine
physico--mechanical and tribologic properties, to assess the possibility
of replacing conventional materials used in braking systems with this
new type of material [5].
* Structural caracterization by optical microscopy
In terms of fine structure are presented diffraction pattern of
analysis sample, with identify the diffraction lines of the constituent
elements of material characterized (figure 1).
Relativ uniform distribution of reinforcement particles (SiC) and
graphite particles (solid lubricant) covered with copper (figure 2). It
is also noted, the Al-Si eutectic modify with strontium, to limit of the
grains (figure 3). The elongation of particles after pressing as the
grains is observed.
Electronic microscopy EDAX and SEM analysis have highlighted the
particular aspects of molded composite samples, specific characteristics
are presented in Figure 4, where stands a good embed of carbide
particles and a relativ homogeneous distribution of their in the matrix.
Average size of crystallite for the Al, Si and SiC phases (tab. 2.)
calculated with Debye--Scherrer formula, depending on the direction of
crystallization identified by Miller indices (hk 1).
Given the working conditions of the materials used in braking
systems, the materials obtained were tested to determine the
thermo-physical, tribologic and physico--mechanical properties. The
results are presented below:
* Thermal conductivity--183.2 W/mK
* Liniar expansion coefficient--CTE
* Heat capacity, [C.sub.p]--1.04 J/KgK
* Coefficient of friction, [mu]-0.38
* Vickers Micro hardness for the reinforcement elements--2803.8
HV0.1/10 (figure 5)
* Brinell Hardness--71.30 HB (750daN/15s/5mm)
* Hydrostatic density--[rho] = 2.685 g/[cm.sup.3]
From the results obtained, the following may be concluded: For a
better compactness to hybrid material composite obtained should be used
the second option, where the reinforcement elements are introduced
together, mixed.
Making optimum temperature of the material composite AlSi7Mg
0.3/10% Si[C.sub.(p)] + 3% [C.sub.Cu(p)] system is in the range
650-600[degrees]C, range where the melt viscosity is optimal, allowing a
better embed the reinforcement elements and a very good dispersion of
their in matrix material.
Results obtained encourage us to continue research to optimize
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Tab. 2. Average size of crystallite
Phase (hkl) D (nm)
Average size Al cubic system, (111) 64.3
of crystallite the major phase (200) 61.0
for the Al, Si (220) 38.6
and SiC phases (311) 41.0
Si (111) 76.0
cubic system, the (220) 49.3
minority phase (311) 34.8
SiC (101) 84.9
Hexagonal system, (006) 174.0
the minority phase
Tab. 1. Values of the linear expansion coefficient - CTE, for
the hybrid metallic composite
AlSi7Mg0.3/10% Si[C.sub.(p)] + 3% [C.sub.Cu(p)] - CTE (ppm/K)
On direction X: On direction Y: On direction Z:
17.5 17.5 17.5
Tab. 2. Elementary cell parameters for phases of Al, Si and SiC
identified by X--ray diffraction, determined by compared with
the values of device files
File a b c
Elementary Al 4.057 4.057 4.057
cell File 04-0787 4.049 4.049 4.049
parameters Si 5.445 5.445 5.445
for phases File 27-1402 5.431 5.431 5.431
of Al, Si SiC 3.086 3.086 15.136
and SiC File 74-1302 3.082 3.082 15.118