Improving classification with Cost-sensitive metaclassifier.
Muntean, Maria ; Valean, Honoriu ; Ileana, Ioan 等
Most of the real-world data are unbalanced in terms of proportion
of samples available for each class, which can cause problems such as
over fit or little relevance. The Support Vector Machine (SVM), proposed
by Vapnik and his colleagues in 1990's [Vapnik, 2000], is a new
machine learning method based on Statistical Learning Theory and it is
widely used in the area of regressive, pattern recognition and
probability density estimation due to its simple structure and excellent
learning performance. Joachims validated its outstanding performance in
the area of text categorization in 1998. SVM can also overcome the over
fitting and under fitting problems [Hong et al., 2009], and it has been
used for imbalanced data classification [Li et al., 2009].
A SVM is an algorithm that uses a nonlinear mapping to transform
the original training data into a higher dimension. Within this new
dimension, it searches for the linear optimal separating hyper plane.
With an appropriate nonlinear mapping to a sufficiently high dimension,
data from two classes can always be separated by a hyper plane. The SVM
finds this hyper plane using support vectors and margins.
In actual applications, it exist the problems that wrong classify
result in different harm degree of different sort sample. The solution
proposed in literature is the Cost-sensitive SVM approach [He et al.,
2009], a new method for unbalanced classification.
Fundamental to the Cost-sensitive learning methodology is the
concept of the cost matrix. This approach takes the classify cost into
account, and it aims to reduce the classify cost to the least. Instead
of creating balanced data distributions through different sampling
strategies, Cost-sensitive learning targets the imbalanced learning
problem by using different cost matrices that describe the costs for
misclassifying any particular dataset. A very useful tool, the Confusion
Matrix for two classes is shown in Table 1.
The true positives (TP) and true negatives (TN) are correct
classifications. A false positive (FP) occurs when the outcome is
incorrectly predicted as 1 (or positive) when it is actually 0
(negative). A false negative (FN) occurs when the outcome is incorrectly
predicted as negative when it is actually positive.
In addition, the accuracy measure may be defined. It represents the
ratio between correctly classified instances and the sum of all
instances classified, both correct and incorrect ones. The above measure
was defined as:
Acc= TP + TN/TP + TN + FP + FN (1)
This paper introduces an algorithm named Enhancer aimed for
increasing the TP of underrepresented classes of datasets, using
Cost-sensitive classification and SVM.
Experimentally we have found out that the features that help in
raising the TP of a class are the cost matrix and the amount of
instances that the class has. The last one can be modified by
multiplying the number of instances of that class that the dataset
initially has.
The Enhancer algorithm is detailed in the following pseudo code:
1. Read and validate input;
2. For all the classes that are not well represented:
Evaluate class with no attribute added
Evaluate class at Max multiplication rate
Evaluate the class at Half multiplication
Flag = False
Evaluate the intervals (beginning, middle),
(middle, end)
If the end condition is met
Flag = True
If the first interval has better results we should use
this, otherwise the other
Find the class evaluation after multiplying class
instances middle times
UNTIL Flag = False
3. Multiply all the classes with the best factor obtained;
4. Evaluate dataset.
The Enhancer algorithm described in the pseudo code used a Divide
et Impera technique, that searched in the space (0 multiplication--max
multiplication) for the optimal multiplier for the class. The algorithm
is going to stop its search under two circumstances:
* The granulation is getting to thin, i.e., the difference between
the beginning and end of an interval is very small (under a set
epsilon). This constraint is set, in order not to let the algorithm
wonder around searching for solutions that vary one from another by a
very small number (<[10.sup.-2]).
* The modulus of the difference between the [DELTA][TP.sub.t] +
[DELTA][A.sub.CC] from the first and the second interval should be
bigger that a known value. This value is the considered to be the
deviation of the Accuracy added to the deviation of the TP of that
[mu] = [sigma][A.sub.CC] + [sigma]TP (2)
With the 10 fold cross validation, the dataset was randomized, and
stratified using an integer seed that took values in the range 1-10. The
algorithm performed 10 times the evaluation of the data set, and all the
time had a different test set.
For the evaluation, we used the Pima dataset, obtained from the
online UCI Machine Learning Repository. The class distribution for this
dataset is illustrated below (Fig. 2):
In order to improve the classification of the weakly represented
classes in those datasets, in which they are in very small numbers with
respect to the other classes, two approaches were tested:
* Cost-sensitive classification
* Multiplication of the instances of weakly represented classes
A. Cost-sensitive classification
By modifying the cost matrix, we obtained a variation quite high in
the TP of Class 0 and we were able to change the level of the accuracy
from 41% to 89% (Fig. 3).
The TP of the Class 0 and Class1 evolve almost complementary one
from another (when one TP rises, the other falls and the other way
around). The TP of class 1 also seemed to be bounded by about 96%.
B. Multiplying underrepresented classes
After applying the class multiplications all the TP of Class 1 hits
a zone of instability, until the multiplying factor reached 1.0, when
the TP ascent stabilized. Seemingly the problem in this case is that the
accuracy was dropping or remaining constant, while the TP of the Class
reached the maximum value (Fig. 5).
We observed that the Enhancer classifier performed better than Cost
Sensitive classifier (Fig. 6) and that with the new algorithm, the TP of
certain classes of interest were increased significantly while keeping
the general accuracy in the desired range.
We have also discovered that by oversampling the instances of the
class of interest, we are helping the SVM algorithm to overcome the soft
margin. As an effect, it classifies better future instances of this
class of interest.
This solution is especially important when it is far more important
to classify the instances of a class correctly, and if in this process
we might classify some of the other instances as belonging to this class
we do not produce any harm.
He, H. & Garcia, E., A., Learning from imbalanced data (2009).
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, VOL. 21, NO. 9,
September, 2009, ISSN: 1041-4347
Hong, M.; Yanchun, G.; Yujie, W. & Xiaoying, L. (2009). Study
on classification method based on Support Vector Machine, 2009 First
International Workshop on Education Technology and Computer Science,
pp.369-373, March, 78, 2009, ISBN: 9781424435814, Wuhan, China
Li, Y.; Danrui, X. & Zhe, D. (2009). A new method of Support
Vector Machine for class imbalance problem, 2009 International Joint
Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization, pp. 904-907,
April 24-26, 2009, ISBN: 9780769536057, Hainan Island, China
Vapnik, V., N. (2000). The nature of statistical learning theory,
NewYork: Springer-Verlag, 2000, ISBN: 9780387987804
*** (2010) of California
Irvine. UCI Machine Learning Repository, Accessed on: 2010-06-15
Tab. 1. Confusion matrix for a two-class problem
Predicted Class
Class = 1 Class = 0
Actual Class Class = 1 TP FN
Class = 0 FP TN
Fig. 2. Pima dataset class distribution
Pima dataset class distribution
Class 0 500
Class 1 268
Note: Table made from pie chart.