Improving transport services activity using a multi-agent system.
Mogos, Paula Liliana ; Mogos, Radu Ioan
Within global economy, transport services activity (TSA) is
becoming more important every day in the economy because it offers the
people possibility to move from one point to another. People mobility
depends on many factors like transport service quality, time, whether
condition, etc. But, in many cases, the most important factor is the
price that the customer has to pay for the service. Many times, for
measuring the customer satisfaction, only the price is not enough and
that is why the price must to be related with the most important
criteria for the customer. The problem statement is finding a way that
can improve the TSA based on customer requirements for a specific area.
In Romania has been elaborated the Strategy for the sustainable
transport for the period 2007-2013, up to 2020, with mission to increase
the standards of national system to the European level and for
development of a sustainable and efficient transportation system
(Rojanschi et al, 2006). The modernization and optimization of the
national public and private services transport for passengers represents
an aim of strategy. The accessibility of public transportation services
within areas with lower population density and with dispersed nucleus,
will situate at minimal levels, established with the competent
authorities in the 2020 perspective. Increasing the competitively of the
transport companies, the internal liberalization of this market will be
encouraged. Each potential supplier needs to create good traveling
conditions for citizens and for tourists, also. The area is extremely
attractive because of its natural, ethnographical, cultural potential
and resources but these advantages cannot be putted on a good use
without a local and strength policy on transport services. In the Table
1 is presented a statistical analysis of the buses number within County
Cluj for its main localities.
3.1 The business model
The business model used in this architecture is C2B. From
authors' point of view, this model may take advantage from the
internet use and bring together people that are sharing the same
expectation from a product/service and hope to obtain a better price.
C2B model is not very often used because the cost transaction is high in
a normal case (Mogos, 2009). The proposed architecture tries to
undertake the cost disadvantage and the difficulty of reunite the
clients for obtaining a better offer and choose the best one from a
number of transport services companies.
3.2 The collective behavior model for product purchase
The collective behavior and business models made the study subject
for other papers like (Fasli, 2007) and (Schneinder et al, 2009) The
proposed model consists from seven phases: consumer registration,
product description, profile discovering using data mining techniques,
profile selection, negotiation process (choose the best offer),
purchasing and delivering the product (Figure 1). Consumer
registration--customers must subscribe to a site where personal
information is collected. Product description- the customer chooses the
product/service that he wants to achieve and offer a score to each
criteria that he considers of being important for the product/service
description. Profile discovering using data mining techniques-based on
customer personal information and product description a clustering
algorithm like Simple K-Means may be used to discover the profile number
and their characteristics. Profile selection--for every customer profile
is created a software agent that will be used to obtain the best offer
based on profile characteristics.
Negotiation process--this process will obtain the best offer for
each customer profile from all the companies that are participating to
negotiation process. Choose the best offer--based on the information
send by the companies and customer profile agent the best offer is
determined. Purchasing and delivering product--after winning company is
chosen, the product is purchased and delivered to the customer.
3.3 The multi-agent system
The agent technology is particular important to the proposed model
for C2B business model since collective behavior for products/services
purchasing by nature has higher transaction and communication costs than
normal cases. To realize the model, we develop a multi-agent system
framework to support the group purchasing process. In Figure 2 is the
overall architecture of the multi-agent system, which consists of the
following agents: initiator (AI), negotiator (AN), client agent (CA) and
transport agent (TA--that belongs to the transport company). Agents
description: a) IA: its goal is to transmit to other agents the
necessary information for beginning the hole process. Its data source is
a database where there are criteria that may used. It information flow
is: Database->AI->CA,NA. The messages send: to AC sends--the
number of TA, the choice criteria (a parameter list and based on it each
AC has to decide); to AN-the number of AC that participates to process,
the choice criteria. After transmitting this information, AI will be
shut off. b) CA--offer the possibility to each customer profile to
express his options regarding the criteria. His options are send to AN.
From AN receive the auction winner (name and score). After AC receives
the final result, it will be shut off. c) NA--is the most important
agent of the system and is doing the following actions: collects votes
from ACs, builds and shows the AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process)--the
method used for structuring the criteria's importance, builds the
offers hierarchy, negotiate with ATs that are not in the first place,
will announce the auction winner to all participants (ATs and ACs). d)
transport agent--receives negotiation demands from AN and respond with a
better offer (or not). Also, it receives a notification from AN about
auction winner. Interaction mode: the agents may be classified after
their interactivity mode. The manual operation (AC and AT): AC because
there must be selected the individual options (establish the hierarchy
between every two criteria) and in AT for the decision of making a
better offer. The second is the automated operation (AI and AN). When
the process starts, AI sends the messages and stops. AN collects data,
negotiates and transmits the process information to other agents and
after that it stops.
3.4 Agent Communication aspect--a case study
Suppose that after data mining techniques were applied, three
customers profile where discovered. There are two situations: first,
where every customer profile agent is used at a time to obtain a better
offer, and the second where all three profiles are used to obtain an
offer that pleased all.
The scenario is: three customers are trying to obtain a good offer
for a transport service. They have to choose between two companies that
offer such kind o services. After AN receives the first set of offers
from the both companies, it asks the company ranking on the second place
to improve its offer. After that, AN announce the auction winner. The
actors are: AC1, AC2, AC3, AT1, AT2, AI, AN. Because the simulation was
made in Jade, others specific agents also will appear, The communication
sequence that results from the second situation is figured in Figure 3.
Collective behavior (CB) for purchasing products/services is a
well-known consumer behavior in traditional business but is quite new to
e-commerce market. Also, it is not so spread over the Internet.
Furthermore, there is little academic research on its business model to
realize it. In this paper, we try to solve issues theoretically and
practically that appear. In the paper first part we described the region
that was the starting point to our model and in the second one we
defined the BC model and an agent-based architecture for a model that
tries to take advantage from the agent technology using a negotiation
For the practical part, we simulate a scenario that may appear in
real situations that supports the proposed business model and implement
a workable prototype system on Jade platform. By optimizing the mobility
aspect for agents more advantages may be taken (Genco, 2007). This paper
is just one of the first attempts that tries to promote it to the
Internet e-Business and e-Commerce community.
Fasli, M., Agent Technology for E-Commerce, John Wiley&Sons
Publisher, 2007, ISBN 978-0-470-03030-1, UK
Genco, A., Mobile Agents--Principles of Operation and Applications,
WitPress Publisher, 2007.
Mogos, R.I., An Intelligent Agent--based framework for
consumer-to-business E-commerce using ebXML Specifications for
E-Business, KEPT 2009, The II-nd International Conference Knowledge
Engineering: Principles and Techniques, Studia Informatica Journal,
Issue no., Sp.Issue 3/2009, Babes-Bolyai University Publisher, Cluj,
Rojanschi, V.,Bran F.,Grigore F.,Ildiko I., Cuantificarea
dezvoltarii durabile (Sustainable Development Quantification),Editura
Economica Publisher, 2006.
Schneider S.,Shabalin P.,Bichlerm M., Effects of Suboptimal Bidding
in Combinatorial Auctions,Springer Berlin Heidelberg Publisher, 2009.
Table 1. Buses total number within main localities
Year 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Number of buses 349 336 331 313 299