Increasing the wear resistance of superficial layers by laser alloying.
Demian, Gabriela ; Demian, Mihai
Using high power laser with continuous emission give the
possibility to use some heat treatment technology and the results is the
improvement of the mechanical and anticorrosive properties of metallic
materials. (Steen 1991).
The attitude of the carbon steel at wear and friction is influenced
by the structure and chemical composition. The wear is smaller when the
steel has a martensitic structure.
After the experimental researches, the martensitic structure of the
hardened steels by quenching has a high wear resistance.
To improve wear resistance of the machine components can be use
laser technology. Can be use laser technology in order to obtain alloyed
layers. The alloyed layer gives to the machine component another
mechanical property, in order the hardness has an increase values. The
alloyed layer is obtained using metallic powder. (Barton et. al., 1988).
In the future research will be extended on different types of
steels with the scope to increase the wear resistance. The increase of
the wear resistance will be made by the different kind a thin layers
deposition with new physical- chemical techniques as PVD and CVD.
In the first case, the samples are a cylinder 023 mm and a block
with the dimension 17x15x12mm.
The cylinder sample (2 C50 - EURONORM 10083-1) is superficial
hardened with high power C[O.sub.2] laser in continuous wave. Figure 1
illustrate the microstructure of the hardened layer
Superficial heat treatment with laser was made using a displacement
of the sample in the field of the laser radiation.
The results are surface in ring or spiral form with a width
approximately equal with diameter of the laser beam 2,4 mm.
To obtain a hardened zone in ring form the sample was rotate with
5mm/s linear speed or 10mm/s. to obtain a hardened zone in helical form,
the sample must make a rotation and translation motion.
After the laser beam passing the microstructure of the base
material is changing. The new martensitic microstructure can be seen in
fig.1 and fig. 2 (Demian & Demian, 2005).
In the fig. 1 and fig. 2, can be measured the thickness of the heat
treated layer and the microhardness.
The results of the tests, show, that the gravimetric wear
corresponding to the first stage of the working friction couples and the
average friction factors (fig.3). (Demian et. al., 2008).
Figure 3 show the diagrams concerning the progressive wears of each
friction couple.
In the fig 4 can be seen the zone that support the microhardness
In the fig. 5 can be seen the microhardness hardened layer to an
output of 1200W 2.4-mm spot and two speeds: v = 10mm / s, v = 15mm / s.
At the laser alloying techniques, in the alloyed layer can be find
dispersed carbides.
In the clad layers, there is a dendritic structure where the
alloying powder was melted and dissolves in the base material.
At SEM microscope can be seen the dendritic solidified Nickel base
solid solution and fine globular carbides.
A next step for the research is a real case analyzing a mechanical
element as a sample.
Will be analyzed in two cases, first, when the surface of the
mechanical element is not treated with laser and in the second case
there is a laser deposition or a superficial heat treatment with laser.
Fig.6 and fig.7 gives information about laser clad layers and there
After the laser surface treatments it was obtained hard and wear
resistant superficial layers. Heat treatment with laser can be performed
on complex surface and it is a quick method. At the surface at the
machine components laser cladding process permit to obtain, a continuous
and adherent super alloy layers. The thickness of the alloyed layers,
increase with the power of the laser beam.
Can be obtain a high hardness of the layers when the thickness of
the method layers are under 0,8 mm. When there is a multiple cladding it
is obtained a good geometry and the dilution of the layers is a low
degree. The Nickel base super alloy that results after laser cladding
processes has a good wear resistance and can be used for the machine
components that work in heavy duty.
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