Influence of the latitude on the orientation efficiency of a pseudo- equatorial solar tracking system.
Burduhos, Bogdan Gabriel ; Visa, Ion ; Diaconescu, Dorin Valentin 等
The efficiency increase of solar systems is an important target set
for the future. This goal can be reached through different paths; an
important one is the use of tracking mechanisms with fixed-predefined or
sensor-based orientation program. Literature widely analysis tracking
systems referring to the fundamental aspects related to the orientation
algorithms and to the input solar radiation on tracked solar systems,
(Diaconescu et al. 2007; Abu-Khadera et al. 2008).
Previous work reported on the design and optimization of a novel
pseudo-equatorial solar tracking systems (Fig. 1), using predefined
orientation programs (Burduhos 2009). This paper further expands these
results, aiming to determine the latitudes (locations) where the tracker
could be optimally used.
2.1 Direct Solar Radiation
All simulations presented in this paper, for estimating the
orientation efficiency, are based on the direct solar radiation
(available and received).
As a prediction model for the solar radiation, the Meliss model was
used, able to determine the direct solar radiation Rd [W/[m.sup.2]]
based on the hour, the day of the year and the atmospheric conditions
typical for the area:
[R.sub.d] = 1367* [1 + 0.0334 x cos(0,9856 [degrees] x N-2.72
[degrees])] x exp(-[T.sub.R]/0.9 + 9.4 x sin [alpha]) (1)
where: N is the day number of the year, [alpha] is the altitude
angle depending on the hour, while [T.sub.R] is an atmospheric
coefficient, with values between 1,..., 5.
Using this relation and considering the direct radiation measured
in Braspv-Romania, the local atmospheric coefficient [T.sub.R] was
evaluated having 3 as the mean annual value.
2.2 The Step Orientation Program
Considering relation (1) and a minimum acceptable orientation
efficiency, based on Matlab numerical simulations for the Brasov-Romania
conditions, the year was divided in 6 annual intervals (Fig. 2) having
the orientation program as described in Table 1.
The locations for which the solar tracking system reaches an
optimal efficiency were calculated based on numerical simulations using
Matlab and (1); at different latitudes the variation of the orientation
efficiency (energy of direct solar radiation normally received by the
orientated surface / available energy of direct solar radiation) was
further evaluated for an entire year.
The following simplified conditions were considered:
* a clear, cloudless sky;
* latitudes between 1[degrees]-89[degrees] N, because the northern
and southern hemisphere are symmetrical;
* the optimal diurnal movements from Brasov were considered for all
latitudes, while the elevation movement has been corrected according to the latitude;
* due to the fact that a comparative analysis is hardly influenced
by the variation of the atmospheric coefficient [T.sub.R], this was
considered for all latitudes 3.
Initially, due to the long simulation durations in Matlab, tests
were done only for the first half of an year, with a temporary distance
of 10 days and a latitude angular distance of 11[degrees]. These
parameters could not sufficiently describe the variation in the
orientation efficiency; this is why in the next step simulations were
made throughout the whole year with a temporary distance of 5 days (Fig.
As Fig. 3 shows, in the interval 67[degrees]-89[degrees] N the
curve of the orientation efficiency modifies its bending. Further
simulations with latitudes between 84[degrees]-89[degrees] N and a
latitude angular distance of 1[degrees] (Fig. 4) show that this
phenomenon occurs at 85[degrees]N; at this latitude the difference
between the angular stroke of the tracking system and the duration of
the day becomes evident.
From the global diagram (Fig. 5) and the interpretation of the
obtained curves the following conclusions can be stated:
* the pseudo-equatorial tracking system is especially efficient at
latitudes below 56[degrees]N because in this interval the orientation
efficiency is higher than 95%;
* because the southern hemisphere is symmetrical to the northern
one, the pseudo-equatorial orientation can be used in locations between
56[degrees]S and 56[degrees]N;
* at higher latitudes the use of the system is not justified, at
least for two reasons: a) the system has high efficiency only during the
spring and autumn and b) the polar night phenomenon which appears over
This paper is supported by the Sectoral Operational Programme Human
Resources Development (SOP HRD), Post Doctoral School, financed from the
European Social Fund and by the Romanian Government under the contract
number POSDRU 59323.
Burduhos, B., (2009). Optimization of Pseudo-Equatorial Tracking
Mechanisms Used for Increasing the Conversion Efficiency of Individual
Photovoltaic Modules, PhD. Thesis, Brasov
Diaconescu, D.; Visa, I.; Burduhos, B.; Popa, V. (2007). On the
Sun-Earth Angles used in the Solar Trackers' Design. Part 2:
Simulations, Annals of the Oradea University, Fascicle of Management and
Technological Engineering, Vol. VI (XVI), pp. 842-849, ISSN:1583-0691
Meliss, M. (1997). Regenerative Energiequellen--Praktikum, Berlin
Heidelberg, Springer, ISBN 3-540-63218-2
Mazen, M., Abu-Khadera; Omar, O., Badranb; Salah, Abdallah; (2008).
Evaluating Multi-Axes Sun-Tracking System at Different Modes of
Operation in Jordan, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 12, pp.
Olchowik, J.M.; Tomaszewski, R.; Adamczyk, J.; Gulkowski, S.;
Cieslak, K.; Zabielski, K.; (2008). Four Years Exploitation Analysis of
the Hybrid Solar System in South-Eastern Poland Conditions, Proceedings
of 23rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition,
pp. 3084-3087, Valencia
Sharan, A.M.; (2008). Variation of Energy Conversion Efficiencies
of Stationary Photovoltaic Systems with Latitudes, Energy &
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Tab. 1. Optimal annual orientation program during one year
morning local
hours (the
Interval/number [[beta].sup.*] afternoon hours
[[beta].sup.*] steps in the are considered
steps [[gamma].sup.*] morning symmetrical)
N= 73...100 42.5[degrees] 63[degrees]; 8:39 (9:59);
N= 244...271 40[degrees]; 10:03 (11:23);
6 steps 19[degrees]; 11:24 (12:44)
N= 101...127 32.5[degrees] 64[degrees]; 8:13 (9:33);
N= 217...243 47[degrees]; 9:22 (10:42);
8 steps 31[degrees]; 10:24 (11:44);
16[degrees]; 11:28 (12:48)
N= 128...216 24.5[degrees] 64[degrees]; 7:54 (9:14);
10 steps 50[degrees]; 8:54 (10:14);
36[degrees]; 9:55 (11:15);
24[degrees]; 10:43 (12:03);
12[degrees]; 11:36
N= 272...724 54.5[degrees] 50[degrees]; 9:36 (9:55);
4 steps 24[degrees]; 11:18 (11:37);
in the afternoon data are