Influence of the thermal treatment on the WC-CO cutting tool-life. Application to the HSM of aerospace aluminium alloys.
Salguero, Jorge ; Batista, Moises ; Gomez, Alvaro 等
Machining processes performance can be influenced by a high number
of parameters and variables, such as feedrate, cutting speed and depth
of cut, toolpath and cooling strategies, or the machine-tool and
clamping device characteristics.
When these items are fixed, cutting tools plays a predominant role
in that performance. Thus, it is neccessary to search cutting tools life
improvement conditions.
Research lines developed for that purpose involve tool wear
minimizing and/or process based tool redesign (Sebastian & Faura,
1997). Design changes can be seen from two viewpoints: on the one hand,
tool geometrical modifications; on the other hand, modifications of the
core and/or covering cutting tool material.
The production requirementes and other factors, such as the initial
cost of design modifications to be made by the cutting tool
manufacturer, and the results obtained in a previous analysis of the
cutting tool wear in the HSM of Al alloys (Cano et Al., 2007), give rise
to proposal a cutting tool material modification, executable in the same
plant where the machining processes are being carried out.
In this context, this paper shows the benefits of heat treatments
on the tool life improvement, for tungsten carbide end milling tools
applied in the HSM of one of the most used alloys in the aerospace
industry, the UNS A92024-T3.
The HSM tests were in profile contouring processes. In these tests,
sets of large UNS A92024-T3 overlapped sheets, with total thickness
under 10 mm, were contour machined by making use of a 3 axis CNC machine-tool, with a spindle speed of 19,800 rpm, feedrate of 1,440
mm/min, and cutting depth of 10 mm, using an MQL cooling system, in
order to reduce the environmental impact and to improve by this other
way the economic performance (Kelly & Cotterell, 2002).
Milling tools used were uncoated WC-10%Co with MG10 grain size
(K30-K40). Mill geometry has been plotted in the previous Figure 1.
In a first step, tools were tested in 0 to 10 hours machining
tests, in order both to verify that the secondary adhesion mechanism,
based on the development of Built Up Edge (BUE) and Built Up Layer
(BUL), was the predominant wear mechanism (Yousefi & Ichida, 2000),
and to evaluate the cutting tool life. After testing, milling tools were
analysed by combining Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy
Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) techniques, Figure 2.
In a second step, and in order to change the core material
properties, the tools were subjected to tempered heat treatments between
550 and 900 K, for intervals between 5 and 15 minutes, making use of the
same industrial furnace used to change the thermal state of the
aluminium alloys in the factory, having so an immediate access, avoiding
the intermediation of the cutting tool manufacturer, as was discussed
After the thermal treatment, the cutting tools were tested in the
HSM process until the life end, and after this tests, they were analyzed
again with SEM/EDS equipments.
The results obtained in the first step have showed that the maximum
tool life is about 4,5 hours of machining, from which the cutting-tool
degradation (Figure 2) causes the apparition of several burrs. This
short tool life is caused by a weakening of the cutting edge, due to a
non-homogeneous Cobalt distribution in this zone, possibly due to the
negative thermal effects of the grinding process in the cutting-tool
manufacturing, and favoured by the formation, development and detachment
of the BUE, Fig. 3.
After the tests developed in the second step, with cutting tools
thermal treated, the best results are obtained for treatments at a
temperature of 725 K for 15 minutes, reaching levels of improvement in
the order of 450%, which involves multiplying the tool life by almost a
factor 6, taking the original average life of 4 hours 30 minutes. This
fact supposes the overcoming of 24 hours of continuous work on plant,
without needing a tool change. This fact is an additional advantage
directly associated with the improvement of the economic performance.
Figure 4 includes a SEM image of a tungsten carbide milling tool,
treated for 15 minutes at 725 K after more than 20 hours of contour
milling operation at 19,800 rpm. As it can be observed, there is not a
special damage in the cutting edge, except the appearance of adhered
material. This fact has previously been found in other studies developed
on this and other aerospace aluminum alloys (Batista et Al., 2009).
Associated EDS profiles included in Figure 4 show that there is not
an appreciable loss of Cobalt. Furthermore, the ratio of peak
intensities for W/Co evaluated from the EDS spectra remains
approximately constant. Thus, it can be concluded that thermal treatment
leads to reduce the loss of Cobalt in the milling tool cutting area. On
the other hand the edge weakness is avoided.
On the other hand, thermal treatments have showed a high
improvement in the tool surface hardness. This can be related to the
formation of some complex compounds, such as [W.sub.2]C, [Co.sub.6]W6C
or [Co.sub.3][W.sub.3]C, according to (Thakur, et Al., 2008).
One of the causes of the wear of a WC-Co cutting tool is the
weakening of the cutting edge, apparently due to a nonhomogeneous Cobalt
distribution. This fact comes favoured by the formation, development and
detachment of the BUE in the HSM of aluminium alloys.
This work shows the influence of heat treatment on the improvement
of the performance in the HSM process of the UNS A92024-T3 (Al-Cu)
alloy, in terms of tool life increase.
The thermal treatments developed have allowed improving the
performance of the process, achieving increased tool life. The best
conditions have been obtained for 15 minutes tempered thermal treatments
at 725 K. This treatment has improved cutting tools life by factor close
to 6, being this improvement associated to an homogeneous redistribution
of Co in the milling tool. This fact carries on an increase of the tool
hardness values, associated to the formation of complex carbides
This work has been supported by the Spanish Science &
Innovation Ministry and by the Andalusian Government.
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