Internal mechanics of ship collisions.
Dumitrache, Cosmin Laurentiu ; Dumitrache, Ramona ; Chircor, Mihael 等
The nowadays vessels have an integrated passive safety based on
damage stability regulations, which is build on either modern
probabilistic approach or on traditional methods. All relevant
compartment damages, in the usual deterministic procedure, must be
analysed. For ships with a standard distribution of compartments, this
may be reasonable, but may lead to either too unsafe or too conservative
ship designs (Brown, 2002). A solution for all this could be the
probabilistic approach, where all possible damages are considered and
weighed with regard to survivability.
The International Maritime Organization (IMO) is currently seeking
to harmonise the damage stability regulation for all types of vessels
using the probabilistic damage stability concept. In parallel with the
activity within IMO, an European research program entitled HARDER,
"Harmonization of Rules and Design Rationale", was initiated.
The project, which begun in 2000, is investigating systematically the
validity, robustness, consistency and impact of all aspects of the
harmonized probabilistic damage stability regulations (Lutzen, 2001).
The process involved in collision is complicated. The analysis of a
ship-ship collision is usually separated into two classes. These are
external and internal mechanics.
External mechanics is concerned with the rigid body motion of the
two ships involved in the collision. The two ships are referred to as
the struck and striking ships. Thus, external mechanics deals with the
kinetic energy of the struck and striking ships, including an allowance
for the added masses of water (Pedersen, 1993).
Internal mechanics is concerned with the response of the struck and
the striking vessels to collision. This specifically means the
relationship between force and deformation of the two vessels (Pedersen,
The methods used to assess collision are often simplified due to
its complexity. When the duration of impact is short compared to the
natural periods of vibrations of the system, then the collision event is
essentially dynamic. However, if the duration of impact is long compared
to the natural periods, as is normally the case, the impact can be
treated as quasi-static (Minorsky, 1959).
The model for the internal mechanics is based on a set of so-called
super elements. Each element represents an assembly of structural
components and contains solutions for the structural behaviour of this
assembly under deep collapse. From all super elements, we will discuss
about deflection and rupture caused by lateral loading of plates.
Plates are structural elements at the ship's side, the
longitudinal bulkheads or the longitudinal floors. The horizontal
boundary of a plate can be weather deck, mid-decks, inner bottom, and
bottom or stringer decks. If stiffeners are attached to the plate they
will form a boundary until they are in contact with the striking ship.
After contact smaller stiffeners will be smeared out, and the plate will
be considered orthotropic. Larger stiffeners will be considered as beams
(Abramowicz, 1994). Consider a rectangular plate deformed by a point
load, where the distances from the point of loading to the four edges of
the plate are noted [R.sub.1], [R.sub.2], [R.sub.3], [R.sub.4], as in
Figure 1. The plate is subjected to an increasing deflection
[[omega].sub.0] at the point of loading. Large deflections are
considered, which implies that the bending resistance can be neglected.
The purpose of the analysis is to find out the force, P, necessary to
deform the plate (Lutzen, 2001).
The plate is divided into 4 triangular parts, which extend from the
point of impact to the corners of the plate. The deformation mode
considered, which contents the boundary condition, is as follows:
w = [w.sub.0] xy/[R.sub.1]/[R.sub.2] (1)
The Langranian strain sensor [[epsilon].sub.[alpha][beta]] is
defined by
where u is the component of the in-plane displacement, and w
denotes the out-of-plane displacement. The non-linear strain and strain
rate can be expressed as
The rate of the external loading must be equal to the rate of
energy dissipation in the plate. Using the von Mises yield criterion,
this requirement is expressed by
where P is the external load and A is the area of the plate.
Substituting the increments of equations (3) and (4) gives the
following expression:
The same procedure is used for the rest of the plate, and the
forces are summed to give the total force acting on the plate.
If the plate is orthotropic the force-deflection function can be
expressed as
where [N.sub.0x] and [N.sub.0y] are the membrane yield forces in
the x and y direction, respectively.
After rupture, a special plate element is used, which takes into
account that the plate may be intact with membrane tension or be
fractured in the longitudinal, in the transverse or in both directions
(Zhang, 1999).
If the boundary of the plate is touched by the striking bow, the
part of the plate belonging to this boundary will be omitted. The rest
of the plate will still be included until rupture. A new plate, found
below or to the side, is now to be included. In Figure 2 the deformation
pattern for a plate below the first plate of contact is shown. The
resistance of this plate can now be calculated as
where [P.sub.1], [P.sub.2], [P.sub.3] and [P.sub.4] are the
resistance of each of the four plate parts. The new distance for
[R.sub.1], [R.sub.2], [R.sub.3] and [R.sub.4] are defined in Figure 2.
If the striking ship has a bulbous bow, first a conventional ship
without bulb is considered and all the plates in contact with the bow
are found. If both the bow and the bulb touch the same plate, only the
largest deflection is considered.
The presentation is part of a procedure which analyses ships
collisions, addressing to all types of ships and damage scenarios.
The present theoretical model is based on the principle of
splitting the collision problem into an external and an internal
analysis. The method based on the super-element method, where the
ship's structure is separated into its structural elements like
plates, beams, or plate intersections like X and T elements is a
simplified but rational model for determining the internal mechanics.
An example of super element can be described as: the bow strikes
between two transverse frames, first the side plating will deflect and
later will fracture. After a certain penetration, the bow hits some deep
stiffeners, which will deflect as beams. Later on the bow will come into
contact with transverse bulkheads or frames. These intersections are
modelled as T or X elements.
The use of super-element solution calls for adaptive or successive
discretisation. By summing up the crushing force of each super-element,
it's possible to determine the total contact load between the two
involved vessels and the total amount of absorbed energy.
Abramowicz, W. (1994). Crushing Resistance of T, Y and X Sections,
MIT-Industry Joint Program on Tanker Safety, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, USA, Report No. 24
Brown, A. (2002) Collision scenarios and probabilistic collision
damage. Journal of Marine Structures, Vol. 15, Pages 335-364
Lutzen, M. (2001). Ship Collision Damages, PhD Thesis, Technical
University of Denmark, ISBN 87-89502-60-4
Minorsky V. U. (1959). An Analysis of Ship Collision with Reference
to Protection of Nuclear Power Ships, Joint of Ship Research, Vol. 3,
No. 2, Pages 1-4
Pedersen, P. T., Valsgaard, S., Olsen, D. and Spangenberg, S.
(1993), Ship Impacts: Bow Collisions, International Joint of Impact
Engineering, Volume 13, No.2
Zhang, S. (1999). The Mechanics of Ship Collisions, PhD Thesis,
Technical University of Denmark, ISBN 87-8950205-1