Microstructure characterization of AlSi10Cu3Mg1Mn flux treated alloy.
Branzei, Florin-Sorin ; Butu, Mihai ; Moldovan, Petru 等
One of the biggest problems in aluminum castings is represent by
porosity. Porosity in a casting can be regarded as one of the major
factors critical to its quality. The presence of porosity can be
detrimental, not only in terms of surface quality after manufacturing,
but more importantly, in terms of its effect on the mechanical
Hydrogen is the only gas capable of dissolving to a significant
extent in molten aluminum. Upon exposure to the molten metal, the water
vapor dissociates to give hydrogen that dissolves as atoms into the melt
and oxygen in the form of dross:
2[Al.sub.(l)] + 3[H.sub.2][O.sub.(v)] [right arrow]
[Al.sub.2][O.sub.3(s)] + 6[H.sub.(g)]
The rate reaction increases with temperature and is even more
rapidly when Mg is present.
Many researchers have reported results showing the detrimental
effect of this gas content [1, 2].
Tacking into consideration these remarks we can conclude that at
solidification of aluminum alloys, porosity formation appears, due to
the following factors, who can lead to inhomogeneities in the casted
alloys [3, 4, 5]:
--the hydrogen that is separated from the liquid solution;
--the high difference between the physical properties of the
components of the alloy;
--shrinkage, resulting from the volume decrease accompanying
--evolution of dissolved gases, resulting from the decrease in
solubility of these gases in the solid state compared to liquid metal;
--precipitation of hydrogen in the solid state.
The main purpose of this work was to determine the manners by which
can be reduced the micro-porosities content and their effect on the
AlSi10Cu3Mg1Mn alloy treated with a degassing flux from the ternary system [C.sub.2][Cl.sub.6]-KB[F.sub.4]- Ca[F.sub.2].
The used alloy for the porosity studies was ATSi10Cu3Mg1Mn. Its
chemical composition is presented in table 1.
In order to reduce the micro-porosity it was studied the influence
of melt treatment with a ternary degassing flux [C.sub.2][Cl.sub.6]
KB[F.sub.4]-Ca[F.sub.2] (40% [C.sub.2][Cl.sub.6]; 37% KB[F.sub.4]; 23%
Ca[F.sub.2]), in different quantities reported to the melt alloy
quantity both for solidification in air and vacuum (80 mbar).
AlSi10Cu3Mg1Mn alloy was melt in an electric furnace with Kanthal
resistance, with capacity of 2 kg. The temperature was measured with a
chromel/alumel thermocouple. The first samples were extracted from the
metallic bath before the treatment with flux, and the next series (2, 3
and 4) were extract after the ending of the reactions inside the melt
and its settling.
The flux quantities used in experiments were of 1% from the charge
for the serie 2, 2% for the serie 3 and 3% for the serie 4. The flux was
introduced after preheating at 400[degrees]C for 10 minutes, in order to
eliminate the humidity and the volatile elements.
The samples were solidified in metallic crucibles, coated with a
ceramic layer, both at 1 atmosphere and in vacuum with a remanent pressure of 80 mbar. Using a VAC-TEST SYSTEM device equipped with a
DENSITY TERMINAL were determined the densities and density indexes for
AlSi10Cu3Mg1Mn alloy.
The density index was calculated with the relation:
DI = [[rho].sub.air] - [[rho].sub.vacuum] / [[rho].sub.air] (1)
where: [[rho].sub.air] is the density of the alloy determined at
solidification in air; [[rho].sub.vacuum] is the density of the alloy
determined at the solidification in vacuum.
From the experiments were obtained, according to the used
[C.sub.2][Cl.sub.6]-KB[F.sub.4] - Ca[F.sub.2] flux quantity, different
values of the density indexes (table 2).
In figure 1 are presented the macro-structures of the samples. It
is observed a gaseous porosity decrease at the increasing of the flux
quantity, on the variation curve of the density index (DI) presented in
figure 2.
In samples 1, we can remark contraction and gaseous
micro-porosities. The gaseous micro-porosities decrease at the flux
addition. In sample 4 we can observe practically only contraction
porosities, and a reduced gaseous porosity as a result of hydrogen
supplementary elimination staying in the melt.
Quantitative analysis of microstructures was effectuated an samples
of ATSi10Cu3Mg1Mn alloys solidified in air, respectively in vacuum (80
It finding that, in generally, the pores are not spherical and in
most cases the porosity can be characterized as interdendritic.
By electron microscopy measurements were performed to determine, in
the immediate proximity of pore AlSi10Cu3MgMn alloy, phases and their
composition in the solidified samples, to correlate with the nature of
porosity and pore formation mechanism.
It appears that no ternary compounds are formed. Phases in
equilibrium with Al are Si and Cu[Al.sub.2], according to the diagram
X-ray image analysis confirms the presence of complex compounds in
the alloy microstructure, which leading to increase the likelihood
micro-porosity training.
Figures 3 and 4 shows the images of composition for ATSi10Cu3Mg1Mn
alloy in pores areas. It may be noted that after degassing, the material
structure is finer, the pores being much smaller size.
Both the density index and the micro-porosity of AlSi10Cu3Mg1Mn
alloy decrease with the increase of refining
[C.sub.2][Cl.sub.6]-KB[F.sub.4]-Ca[F.sub.2] flux quantity, used for melt
treatment For the untreated sample, at the vacuum solidification,
especially contraction porosity was clear put in evidence; Practically,
we can consider that a 30 g/kg flux addition leads to a porosity marked
decrease in ATSi10Cu3Mg1Mn alloy.
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Tab. 1. Chemical composition (wt. %) of AlSi10Cu3Mg1Mn
Al Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Zn Sn Pb
82.57 10.18 0.70 3.78 0.29 1.59 0.70 0.053 0.089
Tab. 2. Density and the density indexes of alloy
Sample Density, g/[cm.sup.3] Density Index, Flux quantity,
in air in vacuum DI g/kg
1 2.687 2.545 5.3 --
2 2.711 2.657 2.0 10
3 2.714 2.689 1.2 20
4 2.722 2.690 0.9 30