Microstructure characterization of AlSi7MG0.3 gas treated alloy.
Branzei, Florin-Sorin ; Butu, Mihai ; Moldovan, Petru 等
Hypoeutectic cast Al-Si alloys are highly susceptible to occurrence
of the sharp edges of the coarse acicular silicon phase that promote
crack initiation, and propagation in alloys and also the porosity
Porosity in aluminum alloys occurs in one of three ways: hydrogen
emerging from the liquid solution, shrinkage during solidification or,
as is usually the case, by combination of these effects (Moldovan, 2001;
Moldova net. Al., 2003).
It is generally accepted that micro porosity forms easily when the
following conditions are satisfied (Lu et al., 2004; Zhu et al., 2006,
Lashkari et al., 2009):
--poor mass feeding;
--difficulties in interdendritic feeding;
--low pore nucleation energy;
--low pressure, i.e., either atmospheric pressure or pressure due
to surface tension;
--high hydrogen pressure, i.e., high gas content and low gas
solubility in the solid.
Porosity formation is controlled by hydrogen concentration,
inclusion content, modification, grain refining, freezing range and
solidification rate.
These effects are developing simultaneously, interacting to realize
the observed porosity and making it difficult to state with factor is
predominant in causing the porosity.
The purpose of this study was to determine the mechanism of
porosity formation in AlSi7Mg0.3 alloy treated with gas and the
influence on different factors on the porosity.
The alloy used for the porosity studies was AlSi7Mg0.3. Its
chemical composition is presented in table 1.
AlSi7Mg0.3 alloy was melt in an electric furnace with Kanthal
resistance, with capacity of 2 kg. The temperature was measured with a
chromel/alumel thermocouple. The first samples were extracted from the
metallic bath before the treatment with gas, and the next series (2, 3,
4 and 5) were extract after degassing 5, 10, 15 and 20 minutes.
The samples were solidified in metallic crucibles, coated with a
ceramic layer, both at 1 atmosphere and in vacuum with a remanent pressure of 80 mbar. Using a VAC-TEST SYSTEM device equipped with a
DENSITY TERMINAL were determined the densities and density indexes for
AlSi7Mg0.3 alloy.
The density index was calculated with the relation:
DI = [[rho].sub.air] - [[rho].sub.vacuum]/[[rho].sub.air] (1)
where: [[rho].sub.air] is the density of the alloy determined at
solidification in air; [[rho].sub.vacuum] is the density of the alloy
determined at the solidification in vacuum.
From the experiments were obtained, according to the used gas,
different values of the density indexes (table 2).
In figure 1 are presented the macro-structures of the samples. It
is observed a gaseous porosity decrease at the increasing of time
degassing, on the variation curve of the density index (DI) presented in
figure 2.
In samples 1, 2, 3 and 4 we can remark contraction and gaseous
micro-porosities. The gaseous micro-porosities decrease at increasing
time degassing. In samples 1, 2 and 3 is also observed areas of
contraction porosity. Porosity decrease of the alloy AlSi7Mg0.3 alloy
samples is noted after 15 minutes of bubbling with inert gas (Ar).
By electron microscopy were made measurements in the immediate
proximity of pores from AlSi7Mg0.3 alloy, for determine their phases and
their composition in the solidified samples, to correlate them with the
nature of porosity and the mechanism of the pores formation.
In figure 3 are presented the images of composition and contents
variation of Si (a) and Mg (b) for AlSi7Mg0.3 alloy near a pore.
Analysis by electron microscopy indicates the formation of Mg2Si
compound being under conformity with ternary equilibrium diagram
Al-Si-Mg, which leads to micro-porosity in adjacent areas of the
The degassing time increase of AlSi7Mg0.3 alloy leads to the strong
decrease of the density index (DI), respectively of the total porosity.
The 5 min and 10 min degassed samples, with high values of the
density indexes (9.6 and 9.1), like non-degassed samples (10.4), shown
especially gas porosity while the 15 min and 20 min degassed samples
with low values of the density indexes (2.7 and 0.8) had mostly
shrinkage microporosities and non-metallic inclusions.
Moldovan, P. (2001). Treatment of Molten Metals, V.I.S. PRINT,
Bucharest, Romania
Moldovan, P.; Popescu, G.; Dobra, Gh. & Stanica, C. (2003).
Microstructure evaluation and microporosity formation in AlSi7Mg0.3
alloys, Light Metals, pp. 937-944
Lu, L.; Nogita, K.; McDonald, S.D. & Dahle, A.K. (2004).
Eutectic Solidification and Its Role in Casting Porosity Formation, JOM,
volume 56, issue 11, pp. 52-58
Zhu, J.D.; Cockcroft, S.L. & Maijer, D.M. (2006). Modeling of
Microporosity Formation in A356 Aluminum Alloy Casting, Metallurgical
and Materials Transactions, volume 37A, pp. 1075-1078
Lashkari, O.; Yao, L.; Cockcroft, S. & Maijer, D. (2009). X-Ray
Microtomographic Characterization of Porosity in Aluminum Alloy A356,
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, volume 40A, pp. 991-995
Tab. 1. Chemical composition (wt. %) of AlSi7Mg0.3 alloy
Al Si Fe Cu Mn
balance 7.05 0.14 0.016 0.06
Al Mg Zn Cr Pb
balance 0.34 0.021 0.001 0.002
Tab. 2. Density and the density indexes of alloy
Sample Density, g/[cm.sup.3] Density Index, Time degassi
in air in vacuum DI
1 2.680 2.402 10.4 0
2 2.636 2.383 9.6 5
3 2.895 2.632 9.1 10
4 2.630 2.560 2.7 15
5 2.634 2.303 0.8 20