Multicriteria product development as effective manufacturing tool.
Kostanjevec, Tomaz ; Kostanjevec, Metka
The purpose of the future analysis phase is the identification of
innovation potentials and the formulation of specific innovation
activities for the company. To start off with, general trends as well as
more specific developments within the chosen formation fields are
analyzed. Following this, the impact these will have on the formation
fields and the company in general is projected. Based on this, and
taking into account the company potentials, innovation potentials are
deduced which will correspond with future market or technology
developments. Output from this phase is therefore information regarding
company innovation potential or more specific innovation tasks
(Eversheim, 2009).
The early stages of the new product development (PD) process are
most usually defined as idea generation, idea screening, concept
development and concept testing. They represent the formation and
development of an idea prior to its taking any physical form. In most
industries it is from this point onwards that costs will rise
significantly. It is clearly far easier to change a concept than a
physical product. The subsequent stages involve adding to the concept as
those involved with the development (manufacturing engineers, product
designers and marketers) begin to make decisions regarding how best to
manufacture the product, what materials to use, possible designs and the
potential market's evaluations (Trott, 2008).
Today's computer aided design technology, for example makes it
relatively easy to create three dimensional (3D) models of a part.
However, simultaneously translating inarticulate customer tastes into a
product concept, or a verbal product description into visual styling
designs and numerical specifications remain difficult. Similarly, the
timing of problem solving in consecutive stages of development, such as
prototyping or tool building, and the number of iterations in the
design-build-test cycle may affect the overall lead time and the
productivity of development process (Sergio et al. 2003).
During the application of the methodology, the number of
Ideas--originally in the form of futuristic projections and innovation
potentials and then in detailed product concepts--is constantly being
reduced. This reduction in the number of ideas through the so called
idea funnel is necessary as the required work content is increasing as
the ideas are becoming more and more concrete--there is a reduction in
flexibility and agility available per idea.
The main requirement for a methodology used to plan technical
innovation can be summarized by the innovation funnel presented in Fig.
1. The multi-criteria (MC) method used in the methodology is mapped and
modified according to this relationship between concreteness of an idea
and number of ideas. This means that the more concrete the formulation
of an idea--depending on the stage within the planning timeframe the
more detailed and specific the relevant methods used become (push for
creativity, analysis, evaluation etc.). MC method in integrated in all
stages of the innovation funnel.
The presented article shows the possibility how a firm can, in the
initial phase of choosing the most appropriate heating system on the
base of MC analysis, seek the most suitable one. Additional information
about the research in provided in the doctoral thesis (Kostanjevec,
The idea about MC analysis of product acceptability in the market
was developed from observing two-dimensional graphs showing the
dependence of the dependent variable from the independent one. The
independent variable represents time, the dependent one is derived from
the observed and most representative parameters (Kostanjevec, 2009).
Besides the strategic goals, an analysis of the technological
potentials is required for product innovation planning. Here the
enterprise potentials refer to the totality of all company capabilities,
in answering requests for problem solutions and reacting quickly to new
market requirements as well as to develop and apply new products and
commercial success.
The analysis and collection of trends is a continual process used
in the early clarification. A trend can be described as the basic
direction of either a development or a development bias. The "trend
scanning" takes place in different observation areas, which
together form the observation field. It represents the global
environment of the formation field. In the ideal case, detailed
information on developments in single observation areas already exists
in the business so that these can be analyzed formation
field-specifically. If the trend-scanning in a business is established,
a list of trends from the various observation areas exists, that is
reviewed, updated permanently and/or analyzed regarding its relevance.
In addition to the available trends, the observation areas can be
examined formation field-specific. Obviously, a complete analysis of the
collection of trends is required.
In the trend test, the examination of the resemblance of the trend
identified in the individual observation areas is important. During the
resemblance analysis, the goal has to be to objectively rate the
weighting of the trend while avoiding a overrating of a trend direction
by the consideration of several similar trends. If similar trends are
taken up in the matrix such as Table 1, this could lead to an overrating
of future projections.
Table 1 shows the matrix of a different heating system for complex
production building hall located in Maribor, Slovenia. The production
carried out in the hall is complex steel construction. Data from Table 1
estimate most of the parameters for all the heating systems. In the
empirical research, all the possible types of heating systems
appropriate for serial production were collected. Limitations of
different combinations of heating systems were eliminated in the
beginning due to the demand for fast and effective service and universal
spare parts.
Future product developments can be predicted independently from
current production boundaries. This gives development much more
flexibility. Reliable trends for the most important product parameters
can be evident from market demands.
In Fig. 2, a multi-dimensional graph is displayed; in which each
parameter in Tab. 1 has its own dimension and polarity defined. The
movement of data for each parameter is independent of other parameters,
but they all describe a single product. For this reason, the common
centre of gravity is a generic indicator of the movement of production
parameters for the evaluated product.
Fig. 3 shows the centre of gravity from Fig. 2 in polar graph. With
a "dotted" line the centre of gravity as calculated from 3D
model from Fig. 2 is drawn. With "dashes" the linear trend is
indicated. In the polar view in Fig. 3, the movement of focus in a
particular direction and certain intensity is shown. In the analysis,
the parameter of tube heat radiation is the most suitable. For the
company, the most appropriate manner of heating according to MC analysis
is by tube heat radiators.
The life cycles of technologies, products and processes are
becoming shorter, so it is very important to predict technology in
planning (Clark, Fujimoto, 1991).
An alternative form of PD can be based on the simple idea that a
product at a given time is of various parameters an instance
(Kostanjevec et al. 2008). With the powerful tool of MC analysis,
investors can correctly forecast PD in an early phase of idea creation.
In a variety of simultaneous projects, the project manager can compare
competitive products in the market with developed MC model with speed
and mathematical correctness. With additional graphic support of the
model, forecasting of development is even easier.
Clark, Kim B.; Fujimoto, T. (1991). Product development
performance: strategy, organization, and management in the world auto
industry, Harvard Business School Press, ISBN 0-87584-245-3, Boston
Eversheim, W. (ed.). (2009) Innovation Management for Technical
Products Systematic and Integrated Product Development and Production
Planning. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. ISBN 978-3-540-85726-6, Berlin
Kostanjevec, T.; Polajnar, A. & Vujica-Herzog, N. (2008).
Product development through multi-criteria analysis. Annals of Daaam for
2008 proceedings of the 19th International DAAAM Symposium
"Intelligent manufacturing & Automation: "Focus on next
generation of intelligent systems and solutions", Katalinic, B.
(Ed.), pp. 723-724, ISBN 978-3-301509-68-1, Trnava (Slovakia), 2225th
October 2008, DAAAM International, Vienna
Kostanjevec, T. (2009). Napovedovanje sprejemljivosti izdelka na
trgu s pomocjo veckriterijske analize: doktorska disertacija, [T.
Kostanjevec], Maribor
Sergio, A.; Duarte, J.; Relvas, C.; Moreira, R..; Freire, R.;
Ferreira, J. L. & Simoes, J. A. (2003). The design of a washing
machine prototype, Materials and Design, Vol. 24. No. 5, (August 2003)
pp. 331-338, ISSN 0261-3069
Trott, P. (2008) Innovation management and new product development.
4th ed. Prentice Hall, ISBN 10 0-07-7114159, London
Tab. 1. Analysed parameters of heating through time aspect
Heating system parameters estimated in %
(year) Radiator Floor Wall-floor Convection
2001 15 21 7 11
2002 16 22 7 11
2003 16 20 5 12
2004 14 19 6 11
2005 16 19 6 11
2006 15 20 9 6
2007 14 17 12 10
Heating system parameters estimated in %
Time Tube--heat
(year) radiation Other [SIGMA]
2001 40 6 100
2002 39 5 100
2003 42 5 100
2004 45 5 100
2005 46 2 100
2006 45 5 100
2007 42 5 100