On the torsion gear tooth stiffness at helical gears.
Dobre, George ; Gabroveanu, Ionel Sorin ; Mirica, Radu Florin 等
The problem approached by the present paper is the determination of
the gear tooth stiffness in helical gears using gear technique in a
particular case of an overlap contact ratio equal to a natural number
([[epsilon].sub.[beta]] =1). The justifications of this task are: a) the
decisive effect of the variation in time of the gear tooth stiffness on
gear vibration and noise behavior; b) the possibility to use modern
techniques of FEA in the complicated analysis of displacement specific
for helical gears.
A short description of the state of the art in this problem is
carried out below. Pioneering studies pertaining to the decisive effect
of the variation in time of the gear tooth stiffness on gear vibration
and noise behavior carried out, for example, Rettig (1957); Schlaf
(1962), Bosch (1965). Previous research regarding the effect of contact
ratio on the dynamic behavior of cylindrical gears achieved Rettig
(1956), Baethge (1969), Ziegler (1971), Geiser (2002). The team of
authors developed a careful and profound use of FEA techniques in the
mentioned subject, some of their papers being Dobre, Mirica, Sorohan.
(2006) and Dobre, Mirica, Gabroveanu (2008).
The present paper explores aspects of FEA studies (model, analysis,
post-processing) of the static torsion gear tooth stiffness along the
line of action for the geometrical case of [[epsilon].sub.[beta]] =1,
for a model with a lower density on wheel length: 8 elements. This
results in a new diagram of variation respecting the accuracy
requirements related to the interference and a comparison with previous
results (model with 25 elements/wheel length) given by Dobre, Mirica,
Sorohan. (2006) and Dobre, Mirica, Gabroveanu (2008).
The future research will be aimed to estimating the accuracy of the
results by convergence analysis that takes both work and time.
Validation experiments are in progress.
The three known steps of FEA are described succinctly below.
1. The step of pre-processing or modeling the structure.
a) The MATHEMATICA software was used to generate the profile of the
tooth in the transverse section using procedures of gear generation
(see, for example, Dobre, 1986). b) Based on experience, the twenty-node
hexahedral BRICK element was chosen, because of its three degrees of
freedom per node and the better mesh close the curve surfaces specific
to gear wheels. c) The transverse tooth section is discretized, more
dense elements being placed close by tooth profile (including tooth tip
and root). d) The section is roto-translated (sweeping process) along
the gear pitch helix till the last transverse plan. e) based on
experience, five teeth at pinion and gear wheel are considered
sufficient in the final model (not-given here) for a proper analysis. f)
The constraints' (boundary conditions) definition, model of loading
and mechanical properties definitions finalize the pre-process step.
This paper studies a model having a density of 8 elements/wheel
length having 142908 nodes and 32424 hexahedral elements. The smaller
number of elements on wheel length means, in our opinion, a lower
density of the model in contact zones. Another studied model in previous
papers have 25 elements/wheel length, this means that the contact
calculation is more accurate.
2. Analysis. Matrix equations for each element (considering the
geometry, the limit conditions, loading and the mechanical properties)
are assembled into the global matrix equation:
{F}=[K]{u}, (1)
in which: {F} is the external force matrix; [K]--global stiffness
vector; {u} - displacement matrix. The equation (1) solved by specific
software (ANSYS) returns displacement values permitting the calculation
of the static torsion gear tooth stiffness (procedure is given by:
Dobre, Mirica, Sorohan, 2006; Dobre, Mirica, Gabroveanu, 2008):
[k.sub.tm] = [T.sub.1]/[[phi].sub.12]m, (2)
The stiffness is determined along the gear line of action in some
meshing points placed in the first transverse plan.
An important observation at this moment: the first obtained results
given that the interference was not correct as values. As a result, the
accuracy of the position angles of the wheels was increased to ensure
interference fit values.
3. Post-processing. The first sub-step is the representation of the
static torsion tooth stiffness variation along the line of action. For
the two models mentioned in step 1 with different densities of elements,
the variation diagrams are given in the fig. 1.
Another sub-step is the interpretation of the two diagrams, which
is carried out below.
a) The variation of the static torsion gear tooth stiffness along
the line of action is similar for the two models of structure mesh, in
the idea that the style of gear tooth stiffness variation is alike along
the line of action.
b) The differences are following: a) the values are different, the
more dense structure on the wheel length resulting in higher values of
the static torsion stiffness; b) the stiffness values of the high
density model are closer for different loading in contrast with the case
of lower density model. The explanation of these differences is a better
description of the material behavior as a continuous structure in the
case of dense model, thus the calculation accuracy is higher.
c) The variation of the static torsion tooth stiffness is
sufficient uniform in time (along the line of action). Thus the
parametrical excitation of the gear pair is more diminished.
The analysis of the interference and penetration values was another
sub-step. The first model with lower density led to non-valid
interference; as a result, the stiffness values incorrectly decreased
with the load. A new correction of the position angle values of the
wheels brought the interference within acceptable values; also the
penetration values are in good limits (table 1) considering the case of
grinded teeth.
The following conclusions could be outlined.
1. The study of the complex problem of the gear tooth stiffness
determination using FEA techniques is decisively influenced by the
accuracy of the model.
2. A model with lower density on the wheel length led to
non-accurate results of the static torsion gear tooth stiffness.
The authors thank the company COMOTI of Bucharest for its support
in sustaining the publication of the paper.
Baethge, J. (1969). Drehwegfehler, Zahnfederhdrte und Gerausch bei
Stirnradern, Diss. TH Munchen.
Bosch, M. (1965). Uber das dynamische Verhalten von
Stirnradgetrieben unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der
Verzahnungsgenaugkeit, Diss. TH Aachen.
Dobre, G. (1986). Contributii privind influenta factorilor
constructivi si tribologici asupra reducerii zgomotului angrenajelor
cilindrice (Translation in English: Contributions regarding the
influence of constrictive and tribological factors on the noise reducing
at cylindrical gears), Teza de doctorat, Institutul Politehnic din
Dobre, G. (1980). Suma lungimilor liniilor de contact la angrenajul
cilindric cu dinti inclinati in evolventa (Translation in English: Sum
of contact lines lengths at the involute helical gear pair), Studii si
Cercetari de Mecanica Aplicata--SCMA, Editura Academiei Republicii
Socialiste Romania, Tom 39, No.3, pp. 412-430.
Dobre, G., Mirica, R. F., Sorohan, S. (2006). On reducing the
parametrical excitation at cylindrical gears, The 2nd International
Conference "POWER TRANSMISSIONS '06, Novi Sad, Serbia &
Montenegro, pp. 33-40, ISBN 8685211-78-6.
Dobre, G., Mirica, R.F., Gabroveanu, S. (2008). Measures to reduce
the internal excitations at spur and helical gears according to loading,
Scientific Bulletin of the POLITEHNICA University of Timisoara,
Transactions on Mechanics, Tom 53 (67), Fasc. S1, M&M 2008, pp.
107-114, ISSN 1224-6077.
Geiser, H. (2002). Grundlagen zur Beurteilung des
Schwingungsverhaltens von Stirnradern, Diss. TU Munchen.
Rettig, H. (1957). Dynamische Zahnkraft. Diss. TH Munchen.
Schlaf, G. (1962). Beitrag zur Steigerung der Tragfahigkeit und
Laufruhe geradverzahnter Stirnrader durch Profilrucknahme, Diss. TU
Ziegler, H. (1971). Verzahnungssteifigkeit und Lastverteilung
schragver-zahnter Stirnrader. Diss. TH Aachen.
Tab. 1. Penetrations and interference along the line of action
Pairs of teeth being
simultaneously in gear action
2 1
Interference (for null loading)
or penetration (for non-null
loading) [[micro]m]
Point on the Loading
line of action in [%] Number of elements/wheel length
for the teeth from the
pair 1 nominal one 25 8 25 8
A 0 -- 0.71 0.30
50% -- 0.83 1.92
75% -- 1.22 2.78
100% -- 1.62 3.61
B 0 0.51 0.15 0.07 0.23
50% 0.72 1.49 1.16 2.67
75% 0.95 2.11 1.50 3.82
100% 1.24 2.73 1.95 4.93
C 0 0.05 0.14 0.07 0.39
50% 0.71 1.47 1.14 2.37
75% 1.03 2.13 1.68 3.57
100% 1.33 2.81 2.19 4.60
D 0 0.07 0.00 -- 0.00
50% 0.83 1.91 1.69 1.78
75% 1.22 2.77 2.28 2.63
100% 1.62 3.59 2.75 3.42
Pairs of teeth being
simultaneously in
gear action
Interference (for null
loading) or penetration
(for non-null loading)
Point on the Loading Number of elements/
line of action in [%] wheel length
for the teeth from the
pair 1 nominal one 25 8
A 0 0.47 0.26
50% 1.68 1.77
75% 2.28 2.62
100% 2.75 3.42
B 0 -- --
50% 2.17 1.38
75% 3.33 3.11
100% 4.18 4.81
C 0 -- --
50% -- --
75% -- --
100% -- --
D 0 -- --
50% -- --
75% -- --
100% -- --