Optical and radar image processing for vegetation effects monitoring.
Poenaru, Violeta Domnica ; Savin, Elena L. ; Mihailescu, Denis Iosif 等
Vegetation monitoring using satellite techniques was starting in
Romania sconce 1994 when multitemporal Landsat TM images were processed
to classify land cover maps and assess landscape pattern changes. Based
on classifications' results, Romanian scientific community was
interested to use satellite data in vegetation health monitoring
affected by the climate changes, air pollution and human activity.
This study is focused both on vegetation parameter extraction
especially on normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) from SPOT
Vegetation images and canopy water content estimation from Radarsat-1
The development of vegetation indices is based on differential
absorption, transmittance and energy reflectance by vegetation in the
red and near-infrared regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Many
studies have been shown that only NDVI is least affected by topographic
factors and is an indicative of the plant photosynthetic activity
(Burgess et all, 1995; D.P. Roy, 1997).
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index is a non-linear
transformation of the visible (red) and near-infrared bands of satellite
information that is defined as the difference between the spectral
reflectance in near-infrared (NIR) [[rho].sub.NIR] and visible (red)
[[rho].sub.R] bands over their sum (Reed et all, 1994).
NDVI = [[rho].sub.NIR] - [[rho].sub.R]/[[rho].sub.NIR] +
[[rho].sub.R], NDVI [member of] [-1,1] (i)
NDVI reduce multispectral measurements to a single value for
predicting and assessing vegetation characteristics such as species,
leaf area, stress and biomass.
In this paper we use Spot Vegetation multitemporal images acquired
during 2008 and 2009 years. VEGETATION is a multispectral instrument on
board of the Spot 4 and Spot 5 Earth Observation satellites whose
spectral bands were dedicated to vegetation studies. The sensor has a
wide field of view (about 1 Km) covering 2400 km area. The first three
spectral bands are very similar to the HRVIR and HRV sensors of the
previous generation allowing studies, analysis and interpretations in
many spatial and temporal scales.
The optical sensor main's disadvantage is his dependence on
the weather conditions so that it can be use microwave sensors due to
all weather and day/ night measurements capacities and their sensitivity
to the soil moisture content (0-5 cm), soil roughness and vegetation
effects. To retrieve the surface parameters the models can be divided in
three general classes: the theoretical models based on the field (i.e.
the physical optical model, the geometrical optics and small
perturbation model) (Ulaby et all, 1990) or intensity approaches (i. e.
radiative transfer method), the semi-empirical models (a statistical
relationship) and SAR interferometry (i.e. correlation). Theoretical
models require complex sets of equations with many variables and
parameters, so they cannot be easily inverted. SAR interferometry depend
both on correlation between images and coherence which can be lost due
to high canopy. On the other hand, the semi- empirical model
"water-cloud" seems to be the most suitable to use due to very
simple sets of equations involving few variables and parameters such as:
plant water content or leaf area index for vegetation and the surface
soil moisture for the soil. Simplifying, "water-cloud" model
can be express as:
Whole canopy: [[sigma].sup.[degrees]] =
[[sigma].sup.[degrees].sub.veg] + [[tau].sup.2]
[[sigma].sup.[degrees].sub.soil] (2)
Vegetation: [[sigma].sup.[degrees]].sub.veg] =
Acos[theta](1-[[tau].sup.2]) (3)
[[tau].sup.2] = exp(-2[Bm.sub.v]/cos[theta]) (4)
Soil: [[sigma].sup.[degrees].sub.soil] = C + [Dm.sub.v] (dB) (5)
The variations in the canopy descriptors used in the models that
describe canopy backscattering are due to complexity of vegetation
structure and to the relative simplicity of these models: there is no
general theoretical background allowing to define the best set of canopy
descriptors and to predict the values of the A and B parameters. A and B
parameters are influenced by geometrical structure of the canopy and are
always determined by fitting the models against experimental data sets.
3.1 NDVI data
Two sets of the Spot Vegetation images representing the Romania
surface area were acquired in Octomber 2008 and March 2009. These images
were been processed in ENVI 4.5 and integrated in ArcMap in order to
make a cartographic map in Stereo 70 projection. This projection was
adopted by the Romanian authorities in 1973 and is still in use. The
results are shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2.
Vegetation usually has NDVI values in the range from 0.1 to 0.7.
Higher index values are associated with higher levels of healthy
vegetation cover, whereas clouds and snow will cause index values near
zero, making it appear that the vegetation is less green.
3.2 Radar data
During ADAM project (2000-2002) 6 RadarSat images (C-band, HH) in
low mode at 16[degrees] incidence angle with a spatial resolution of 20
x 20 m2 were collected. The parameter A and B were estimated from each
SAR using in-situ data on the calibration units. The temporal evolution
of the vegetation constituents is shown in figure 3.
The canopy water content was interpolated at the radar acquisition
dates using a classical generalised logistic function of time, fitted to
the experimental data (figure 4).
We observe that the radar signal decreases when the plant water
content increases. The parameter A [congruent to] 0 so as we neglected.
The attenuation by the canopy (B) decreases from VV to HH polarisation.
This can be explaining by the vertical structure of the canopy (i.e.
contribution of the steams) which leads to smaller interactions when the
electric field has a vertical component.
SPOT Vegetation data with its high temporal resolution has
potential for vegetation parameters mapping and the high frequency of
coverage enhances the likelihood for could-free observations and makes
it possible to monitor changes in health vegetation over short periods.
In this paper, an approach based on semi-empirical water cloud
model for the estimation of soil moisture from Radarsat imagery was used
to reduce the effect of vegetation on backscatter coefficient. The aim
was to simplify the model by minimizing the inclusion of a number of
vegetation descriptors in the water cloud model.
Future work will be focused on leaf area index and surface soil
moisture estimation in order to be integrated into a system for
monitoring and drought risk analysis in Romania that will be implemented
in the SIAT framework project coordinated by Romanian Space Agency.
Burgess, D.W.; Lewis, P. & Muller, J.P.A.L. (1995). Topographic
effects in AVHRR NDVI data, Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol. 54,
Issue 3, pp 223-232, doi:10.1016/0034-4257(95) 00155-7;
Roy, D.P. (1997). Investigation of the Maximum Normalized
Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and the maximum surface temperature
([T.sub.s]) AVHRR compositing procedures for the extraction of NDVI and
[T.sub.s] over forest. Int. Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol.18, No. 11,
pp 2383-2401, ISSN 0143-1161;
Ulaby, F.; Sarabandi, K.; McDonald, K. W. M. & Dobson, M.
(1990). Michigan microwave canopy scattering model, Int. Journal of
Remote Sensing, Vol 11, pp 1223-1253 ISSN 0143-1161;
Reed, B.C.; Brown, J.F.; Vandeer Zee D.; Loveland, T.R.; Merchant,
J.W. & Ohlen, D.O. (1994). Measuring the phenological variability
from satellite imagery. Journal of Vegetation Science, Vol 5, No. 5, pp
703-714, 1994;
*** (2010) http://eoedu.belspo.be/en/satellites/spot.htm--SPOT
vegetation information, Accesed on: 2010-08-10