Parameter optimization for spray pyrolysis deposition.
Enescu, Monica-Loredana ; Jaliu, Codruta
In this paper is presented researches in the field of increasing
the uniformity of the thin film. The aim of the research is to evaluate
the dynamic behavior of the deposition system used. For the process of
simulation creates a closed loop in which input parameters from MATLAB affect the simulation of ADAMS and output parameters from ADAMS affect
the input level of control system.
A sprayer is simulated as a spraying cone. The precursor solution
is delivered from the nozzle with a small angle from the center axis
"z", fig. 1. A2-D profile is resulted which reflect the
thickness of the deposition when the sprayer is moved in a straight line
at constant velocity over the plan. In accordance with the profile, the
distance between the two ways of the trajectory should be adjusted to
achieve certain uniformity [Manolache et al., 2007].
In this part of the paper the spraying system was describing. To
develop thin film uniformity is very important to approve the thin. To
obtain the homogeneous thin films widely used in applications [Sheng et
al., 2001], it is necessary that the nozzle spraying trajectory to be
established such as to promote uniform film deposit, to spraying over
the entire surface of the substrate. Homogeneity and film thickness can
be controlled by the number of sprayings. Film thickness depends on the
distance between spraying nozzle and substrate, substrate temperature,
concentration of precursor solution, the amount of precursors spraying
solution and spraying rate. Mainly, film thickness can be controlled by
the number of consecutive sprayings. A trajectory in the spraying
process includes the sprayer direction and the velocity with which this
is shifted. The trajectory generation problem becomes how to find a
percentage of the spray overlap and spraying velocity since the
orientation can be determined using the method of generating direction.
Spraying velocity and percentage of the spray overlap are generated
by optimizing the spraying process in a plan. Figure 1 shows the
spraying cone of the nozzle, the accumulation of the solution in
"w" point on the plan while the nozzle is moving. For each
point of the plan are at most two proximity trajectories contributing to
the thickness of the coating point. The spraying velocity can be
expressed as a function of overlapping for an average of thickness
given. The used method can be applied for to optimize the overlapping
and the rate of sprayer.
The profile spraying zones are generated by using a function of
film accumulation rate. Specific expression of a function can be derived
by changing the formula (1). The expression for deposition rate of
spraying f to a point of surface s which is surrounded by a border of
perpendicular intersections between the spraying cone and the surface
(1), [Potkonjak et al. 2000]:
where Q ([m.sup.3]/s) is spraying rate applied to the sprayer, H
(m) is nozzle height from the surface, [OMEGA] (radian) is the angle
between the nozzle and the cone axis point to the surface s,
[[OMEGA].sub.0] and [[OMEGA].sub.1] are nozzle axis angles for the
inputs and outputs of spraying cone. Function [f.sub.2]([OMEGA])
indicates that the spraying cone includes regions with different
distributions of deposition: in a certain region of input deposition is
proper than in a region of output because the deposition distribution
decreases like a sinus [Potkonjak et al. 2000].
Coating thickness F for any point s is result of spraying pyrolysis deposition throughout the whole movement of the sprayer X(t):
F(s) = [integral].sup.T.sub.0] f (s, X (t ))dt, (2)
where T is the time of spraying, specifying that accumulation
continues only when the point is inside the spraying cone.
In figure 2 is represented the block diagram of inputs and outputs
virtual prototyping for the application deposition where is used a
robot. The spraying principle is based on the input data referring to
the motor torque of the spraying system. Output variables of the system
are the position and the velocity.
The nozzle has to have two translations: one on the X axe and one
on Y axe. For simulating the real behavior of the spraying system, in
order to obtain more realistic results, we have developed the control
system, in the concurrent engineering concept, using ADAMS/Control and
MATLAB/Simulink. For connecting the mechanical model and the control
system, the input and output parameters have been defined. The control
torque developed by driving motor represents the input parameter in the
mechanical model. The outputs, which are transmitted to the controller,
are the position and velocity.
Information about the input/output parameters are saved in
specifying format files of MATLAB software (*.m).
ADAMS software can also generate the command file type (*. cmd) or
(*. adm) which will be used during the simulation. With these files the
control block was created in Simulink in order to make the link between
control and mechanical system (fig. 2.).
ADAMS supports motor torque from MATLAB and adapts mechanical model
like a response to these parameters. Meanwhile, ADAMS provides position
and velocity for MATLAB to be integrated in Simulink model.
This process of simulation creates a closed loop in which input
parameters from MATLAB affect the simulation of ADAMS and output
parameters from ADAMS affect the input level of control system [Getting
started using Adams/Control, MSC Software Publisher, 2005] and [Getting
started using Adams/View, MSC Software Publisher, 2005].
In this case, what is studied, it used a motor torque as an input
variable, a spraying position and velocity for output variables. Upon
completion of the mechanical connection between the mechanical model and
control system, it obtained the characteristics diagrams which are
evaluating the dynamic behavior of the deposition system used. In the
figures 3 are represented in report with time the torque variations
(fig. 5.8. e), the angular velocity (fig. 3. a, b), the end-effector
positions (fig. 3. c, d). Figures 3. a, c and e are distributions of
variables provided by MATLAB-SIMULINK, and figure 3. b and d are
provided the software ADAMS-View after the block simulation realized in
MATLAB software.
The application is a relevant example regarding the implementation
of the virtual prototyping tools in the design process of the spraying
systems. One of the most important advantages of this kind of simulation
is the possibility to perform virtual measurements in any point or area
of the spraying systems, and for any parameter (motion, force and
The optimization based on the optimum field for position and
velocity leads to an efficient spraying system, without developing
expensive hardware prototypes. The aim of the following researches is to
model the control spraying system for figured surfaces having like aim
the rising of the deposition technique efficiency.
This paper is supported by the Sectoral Operational Programme Human
Resources Development (SOP HRD), financed from the European Social Fund
and by the Romanian Government under the contract number
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*** (2005) Getting started using Adams/Control, MSC Software
Publisher, Santa Ana
*** (2005) Getting started using Adams/View, MSC Software
Publisher, Santa Ana