Physical--mechanical characteristics dependence on compacting pressure for reinforced with steel yarns pieces.
Didu, Anca ; Didu, Marin ; Radu, Stefan 等
In the last years human civilization has known a high development
in the field of manufacturing technology. From this large field, the
material technology has known the highest development. So, there were
created new materials, few of them with spectacular characteristics. A
field with high development is the one of classic composite or
nanostructural materials. These new materials with special
physic-chemical characteristics will replace the classic ones in the
future. (Didu et al., 2005), (Didu et al., 2002) .On last years
automotive industry has increased to better performance especially on
reduction of weight. A part of pieces from automotive industry are
obtained from powder metallurgy. (Didu et al., 2009).
Global trends can be grouped as: recycling, development of new
technologies to reduce consumption of powder metallurgy and metal (Sinha
et. al.,1992).
The researches desire as a result the obtaining of some high
porosity light pieces for automobiles, but with high mechanical strength
(bending strength, critical shear stress, stretching zone). (Dorofeyev
& Dorofeyev ,1997)
For the study there have been made parallelipipedic samples of
powder named ANCORSTEEL 1000 B, code 6086, made by SC. DUCTIL SA Buzau,
Romania, reinforced in the border zone with high alloyed steel yarns
located as in figure 1. The yarns have been linked one with the other
forming a spot--wealed reticulation, one in the inferior side and
another in the superior side.
For realizing study of some sintered powder parts with good
mechanical and wear strength, we considered the following powder
mixture: 1% zinc stearat and iron powder type ANCORSTEEL 1000B, cod
6086. made by S.C. Ductil S.A. Buzau.
The chemical composition and the physical features of iron powder
are shown in tables 1 and 2.
The homogenization of powders with Zn stearat was obtained in a
planetary mill Pulverisett 6, in 30 minutes with speed 250 rot/ min
using 20 balls with [empty set] 10 mm. The pressing was made at
pressures of 300 MPa in a mould made of modulated elements which can be
observed in figure 2.
For reinforcing there were used steel yarns with [empty set] 0.3
mm. The pressing was made orthogonally onto the placement direction of
yarns. The compacting has been made unidirectional in a mould with
section 7x51 mm. The sintering was realized at 1100[degrees]C, in a
controlled argon medium, for 30 minutes.
For studying the compacts density dependent on compacting pressure
was used powder mixture Ancorsteel 1000 B with granulations presented in
table 2 and Zn stearat 1%.
It was used the same mould from figure 2 with section 7x51 mm.
The pressing has been made at compacting pressures: 200 MPa, 300
MPa and 400 MPa.
The samples sintering was made at 1100[degrees]C, fo3 30 minutes in
protective argon medium.
The aspect of parallelipipedic samples is presented in figure 3
The density for crude and sintered pieces made of powder with
different granulation at compacting pressure of 300 MPa and sintered at
1100[degrees]C is shown in figure 4.
From figure 4., it can be observed density variations for different
granulation for crude and sintered at 1100[degrees]C pieces used for
For realizing the study of the pieces porosity variations dependent
on the powder granulation have been used powders: 56 [micro]m, 63
[micro]m, 100 [micro]m, and >160 [micro]m.
Density values obtained by authors are beetween 6.05 g/[cm.sup.3]
(for 40-56 [micro]m) and 6.31 g/[cm.sup.3] (63 [micro]m) for sintered
pieces. Density variations of pieces dependent on compacting pressure
can be observed in figure 3.2.
From this research's results can be observed that:
1. The density for reinforced with steel yarns pieces changes
dependent on powder granulation. The lowest density is obtained for
powder's granulation 56[micro]m;
2. The density changes progressive dependent on compacting
pressure. The sintered compact density variation is between
6.05g/[cm.sup.3] (200 MPa) and 6.55g/[cm.sup.3] (400 MPa).
Didu, M., Radu, S., Mangra, M., Dumitru, C., (2005) Preceding of
World Congress & Exhibition Euro PM, 2-5 october, Prague, Czech
Republic, pag.99-102.
Didu M., Teisanu, C., Dumitru, C, Ciupitu, I., (2002) Proceding of
International Conference DF PM, vol.2, Stara Lesna, Slovak Republic,
September 15-18, pag.184-187
Didu, M., Gruionu, L., Radu, St., Ghermec, C., (2009) Proceding of
The 4th International Conference on Powder Metallurgy, Ro PM 2009, 8-11
iulie, Craiova, Romania, pag. 153
Dorofeyev Yu.G., Dorofeyev V.Yu.,(1997) Proceding of the 1997
European Conference on Advances in Structural PM Component Production,
Munich, Germany, pp92-97
Sinha, A.K. (1992). Recent Developments in Iron and Steel Powder
Production for High Performance P/M Components, In: Production of Iron,
Steel and HIgh Quality Product Mix. Ch. 2, ASM International, USA
Tab. 1. The chemical composition of the iron powder type
Compozition C 0 N S P
[%] <0.01 0.09 0.001 0.009 0.005
Compozition Si Mn Cr Cu Ni
[%] <0.01 0.10 0.03 0.05 0.05
Tab. 2. The physical features of the iron powder typ
Physical features
The number of mesh [mm]
0.8 0.4 0.31 0.25 0.2 0.12 0.1
Particle size distribution [%]
2.2 0.006 0.028 0.003 0.25 87.674 5.86
Physical features
The number of mesh [mm]
0.8 0.07 Balance Flow rate Apparent
s/5 0gr density
Particle size distribution [%] g/c [m.sup.3]
2.2 0.744 3.225 26 2,92