Research on obtaining wear-resistant sintered parts from metal powders recovered.
Radu, Stefan ; Demian, Mihai ; Didu, Anca 等
Global trends can be grouped as: recycling, development of new
technologies to reduce consumption of powder metallurgy and metal (Sinha
et. al., 1992).
Obtaining metal powders from wastes of production has many
implications for both the higher capitalization of waste and the
finished product.
Processing chips from classic pieces of iron or steel is in a
mechanical workshop, a small value for remelting scrap or reuse them and
can be turned into dust by grinding, forming and sintering (for parts
with medium quality).
The performed researches have proposed to obtain some basic
material with similar qualities as the classical ones, but for a lower
price (Cesar et. al., 2003), (Hong al., 2000).
We present the results of experimental research regarding wear
behaviour of sintered samples obtained from HSS (high speed steel)
collected during the process of recovery and grinding of high speed
steel chips during the rectification operation.
The chips were grinded inside a Fritsch planetary mill type
Pulverisette 4 with grinding balls in conditions of variable rotation of
the drum and of the grinding bowl, making possible in this way to
determine the optimal grinding times for the obtaining micrometric
powders with different granulation of HSS.
It was analyzed the time influence of MA on the morphology of the
particles of micrometer powders by electron microscopy SEM. To determine
the grain shape it has been used the SEM at JEOL 5600 LV microscope,
The chemical composition of the high speed steel (HSS) powder was
studied using the EDAX analysis, fig.2.
The recovered samples were obtained through unilateral compacting
techniques at pressures of 600 and 800 MPa The green densities evolution
function the milling time and the pressing forces are presented in the
figure 3.
The samples were sintered in an electrical owen using Argon
atmosphere at 1150[degrees]C, 1200[degrees]C 1250[degrees]C, 1 hour and
2 hour. After sintering, the box was cooled in furnace into the
protective argon atmosphere. Figure 4 present the densities of the
samples sintered at 1250[degrees]C with dwell time at the sintering
temperature of 1 and 2 hours. The hardness of the samples was studied
and is it was presented in figure 5.
The samples were submitted to wear forces on a tribometer type
TRB-01-02541 and a profilometer type TRB-0-WM-0000. As a result of the
experimental research conducted we obtained important correlations
between wear resistance and the morphology of the high speed steel
recovered powder, compacting pressure and sintering temperatures.
In Fig.6 and Fig. 7., can be see the evolution of the friction
coefficient versus sintering temperature and pressing force.
The experimental work lead to the following conclusions: Recycled
steel powder can be produced using steel scrap in the planetary milling
During the milling, the scrap is laminated, micro-forged, cracked
continuously, and then finally formed into a spherical shape powder; The
size and shape of the spherical powder produced depend on the milling
Increasing the milling time will reduce the size of the powder and
produce spherical-like powder.
The best values at the coefficient of friction have the HSS
produced from recovered chips obtained by milling for 20 hours, pressing
for 800 MPa and sintered of 1250[degrees]C and dwell time 2 hours.
Cesar Edil da Costa, Walter Contreras Parucker & Moises Luiz
Parucker, (2003). Characterization of casting iron powder from recycled
swarf, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 143-144, pp. 138-143.
Hong, S.H. D.W.Lee & B.K. Kim, (2000). Manufacturing of
aluminum flake powder from foil scrap by dry ball milling process,
Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 100, pp. 105-109.
Randall M. German, (1994). Powder Metallurgy Science.2nd, Metal
Powder Industries Federation USA.
Sinha, A.K. (1992). Recent Developments in Iron and Steel Powder
Production for High Performance P/M Components, In: Production of Iron,
Steel and HIgh Quality Product Mix. Ch. 2, ASM International, USA
Trudel, Y.(1998). Metal Powder Production and Characterizaion, In:
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