Romanian public accounting vs. business accounting analysis.
Nistor, Cristina Silvia ; Deaconu, Adela ; Cozma Ighian, Diana 等
There is an international acknowledged trend to change the
orientation of public institutions' accounting systems (Olson et
al., 2001; Sutcliffe, 2003; Nistor et al., 2009) from cash based
accounting to a more business style accounting, namely accruals-based.
Romania has taken on the same trend after the accession to the European
Union (2007). Considering the accounting techniques of performance
measurement, the accounting system finds itself within public
institutions in one of its two basic forms: cash accounting and accrual
Empirical evidence indicates that accrual accounting could provide
a more accurate measurement and a more comprehensive communication of
public sector entities' financial position (Chan, 2003) and
performance (Hodges & Mellett, 2003), improve accountability
(Perrin, 1998) and transparency (Van der Hoek, 2005; Yamamoto, 1999),
and encourage ongoing monitoring of assets (Hodges & Mellett, 2003;
Pallot, 2001). Thus, accrual accounting offers a better image of the
business's dynamic financial performance than cash accounting
(Collier, 2003:32, Deaconu et al., 2009).
This study shows a great level of originality by quantifying and
measuring the way in which national rules (hereafter NR) relate to
IPSAS. By combining qualitative and quantitative research, this study
performs an empirical computation of the degree to which IPSAS
international references as a support of an accrual based system shapes
the structure of the Romanian financial statements specific to the
public entities regulated by NR. We consider that the findings of this
study can be a benchmark for the position of an emerging country on its
way to adapting to the international reality in the field of the public
accounting system.
Given these opinions, determining the consistency degree between
elements specific to the Romanian accounting system and IPSAS references
through similarity/dissimilarity tests is a fundamental element in order
to validate the hypothesis that the outcome of the transition specific
to the Romanian accounting system for public institutions is a purely
accrual based accounting system build on IPSAS references.
In order to validate or invalidate the stated hypothesis we have
taken the following steps:
* Through a content analysis and applying the comparison, selection
and integration technique we have determined the elements specific to
the accrual based accounting, in accordance with the content of
financial statements designed for the Romanian public accounting system,
from two points of view i.e. NR and IPSAS;
* We have compared the occurrence or non-occurrence of these
elements (N=28) by 1=occurrence, 0=non-occurrence;
* We have empirically determined the consistency degree through
similarity/dissimilarity tests, in order to identify the correlation
degree between NR and IPSAS references in the case of financial
Consistency through the similarity and dissimilarity degree
valuation was determined using the following indicators:
* Simple matching binary similarity coefficient--is the rate of
correspondences between the two observations or variables
(a + d)/(a + b + c + d) (1)
* Jaccard--is the rate of correspondences when at least one of the
vectors is marked 1
a/(a + b + c) (2)
* Russell--is the rate of correspondences between the two
observations or variables
a/(a + b + c + d) (3)
* Hamann--is the number of similarities minus dissimilarities
divided by the total number of observations or variables
((a + d) - (b + c))/(a + b + c + d) (4)
* Dice--gives double weight to similarities
2a/(2a + b + c) (5)
* Sneath--gives double weight to correspondences
2(a + d)/(2(a + d) + (b + c)) (6)
* Anti-Dice--gives double weight to dissimilarities
a/(a + 2(b + c)) (7)
* Roger--gives double weight to dissimilarities
(a + d)/((a + d) + 2(b + c)) (8)
Where: a is the number of variables where observations NR and IPSAS
are both marked 1; d is the number of variables where observations NR
and IPSAS are both marked 0; b is the number of variables where
observation NR is marked 1 and observation IPSAS is marked 0; c is the
number of variables where remark NR is marked 0 and observation IPSAS is
marked 1.
In conclusion, the method of scientific research in this paper
approaches multiple spheres. The profound study of the knowledge
continues by using the retrospective method imposed by the standard
research and the prospective method required by the empirical research.
Among the social sciences methods used in this approach we can mention:
the documents analysis, the comparative method and the observation
For the first two stages we present an extract from the database
subject to empirical computation, separated on content and form elements
(Table 1). In the third stage, the following data resulted from the
empirical computation of similarity and dissimilarity coefficients
(Table 2).
As the empirical computation shows, as a whole, the national rules
on financial statements of public institutions have a great degree of
similarity to IPSAS international references. Deductively shown in two
groups, the similarity is very high in the case of content elements
(such as reversible depreciation, irreversible depreciation,
re-evaluation, assets, equity, liabilities), with some coefficients very
close to 1 (0.89, 0.8). On the other hand, the similarity is lower in
the case of form elements (such as the decreasing order of asset
liquidity, the increasing order of the liability pay ability, the status
of financial performance according to the position) as the NR are more
different compared to IPSAS. The justification lays in the fact that
IPSAS references have been the basis on which the Romanian national
rules for the public sector were built. But even so, certain national
specific elements were kept, and they are responsible for the
differences, but they do not radically affect the interpretation of the
data provided by the financial statements in the public sector. Take for
example terminological differences: Account of real output--NR,
Statement of financial performance--IPSAS; Operational expenses and
incomes--NR, Operating expenses and incomes IPSAS; Financial expenses
and incomes--NR, Non-operating expenses and incomes--IPSAS.
In conclusion, financial statements specific to public institutions
are significantly compliant of IPSAS references, thus the hypothesis
stated at the beginning of the research is validated. This enables time
and space comparability of the results and performance in the public
sector, as the international environment becomes the optimum framework
for the manifestation of their entrepreneurial spirit.
The limits of the database submitted to analysis for specific
elements of the financial statements typical for the public entities are
a limit of our study.
In order to deepen the present topic, a more complex database
typical for the whole accounting system should be analysed in order to
ensure a much better practically substantiated image of the position of
the accounting system in relation with the relevant international
We estimate that this study can be improved through a deeper
assessment of more elements of public accounting system, using more
complex econometric approaches. Moreover, through further research we
wish to enlarge the comparison sphere with IAS/IFRS references, in order
to determine the consistency degree between the accounting system of
economic entities versus public institutions and IAS/IFRS versus IFRS.
This study would demonstrate if harmonization and convergence between
national and international accounting systems are currently situated at
a feasible level or just at declarative level.
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Tab. 1. Database subject to empirical computation
Content elements of financial
statements NR IPSAS
Reversible depreciation 1 1
Cashed incomes 1 1
Form elements
Decreasing order of liquidity 0 1
Statement of financial performance 1 1
according to type
Tab. 2. Similarity and dissimilarity coefficients
Value/total Value/content Value/form
Coefficient criteria elements elements
Simple matching 0.607 0.8 0.5
binary similarity
Jaccard 0.607 0.8 0.5
Russell 0.607 0.8 0.5
Hamann 0.214 0.6 0.06
Dice 0.756 0.89 0.6
Sneath 0.756 0.89 0.6
Anti -Dice 0.43 0.66 0.33
Roger 0.43 0.66 0.33