Testing the interoperability of HL7-based applications using TTCN-3.
Egner, Alexandru ; Moldoveanu, Florica ; Moldoveanu, Alin 等
HL7 protocol is very complex and defines a lot of optional fields
(Hinchley, 2005). This problem has led to the emergence of many HL7
profiles, which aimed to narrow the protocol, constraining it to
specific fields of activity. One example of HL7 profile is Query for
Existing Data (QED), a standard developed by Integrating the Healthcare
Enterprise (IHE). The increasing number of such HL7 profiles makes the
testing troublesome. Our approach comes from the need of a generic
testing solution, extensible and flexible. The main advantage of our
approach is the use of a standardized testing technology, Testing and
Test Control Notation version 3 (TTCN-3), which is reliable, very
flexible and independent of the platform and the technology of the
system under test (Willcock et al., 2005). In addition, the TTCN-3 test
system is portable and modularized. This solution was adopted by the
ReTeMeS (Reliability Testing of Medical Systems) partners. ReTeMeS is a
Eureka project which aims for the development of new methods for medical
applications testing.
The system under test (SUT) was Hospital Manager, an application
developed by InfoWorld, one of the ReTeMeS partners. The communication
with Hospital Manager was done with HL7v3 messages, through a web
service. This enabled the possibility of remote testing. TTCN-3 allows
both message and procedure-based communication, but in this case the
message-based type was chosen.
Briefly, the testing method is as follows. Firstly, different
TTCN-3 templates containing several queries and their expected responses
are defined. The queries are processed and translated into HL7 messages
by the TTCN-3 test system. The SUT receives these HL7 queries and
replies to them. The replied HL7 message is then translated into a
TTCN-3 template and compared to the expected response template. The
TTCN-3 template matching mechanism enables then to establish if the
response from the SUT is the one expected.
Before detailing the message flow, we mention two of the most
important TTCN-3 test system components, the Codec and the Adapter. The
Codec is responsible for encoding and decoding the TTCN-3 templates into
and from Java. It is basically the link between the TTCN-3 scripting
language and the TTCN-3 test system. The Adapter is responsible for
assuring the correct communication with the SUT. The communication
protocol between the Adapter and the SUT is Simple Object Access
Protocol (SOAP).
The following figure illustrates the processing steps in a QED
message exchange, based on our implementation.
The TTCN-3 template that describes the QED Query is sent to the
Codec through the TTCN-3 Control Interface (TCI, 2007). The message is
translated into a Java object that is passed on to the Adapter through
the TTCN-3 Runtime Interface (TRI, 2007). The Java object is then
serialized and embedded into a SOAP message. After the connection
between the Adapter and the SUT is established, the SOAP message is
passed on to the SUT, which, in our case, is represented by a web
service. If the query is valid, the web service replies with a QED
Response in SOAP format. The Adapter converts the SOAP message to a Java
object and forwards it to the Codec which decodes it back to a TTCN-3
template. At this point, the Testing Execution (TE), another important
TTCN-3 test system component, can evaluate the received response and
establish if it matches the expected one, setting the verdict of the
test case.
A. Codec
The Codec is an important TTCN-3 test system component. It has two
basic functions: encode and decode. The TE interprets the TTCN-3 script
describing the test case and automatically converts the TTCN-3 template
representing the QED Query to a Java object, organized as a structure.
After the conversion, the Java object is sent to the Codec.
When encoding, the Codec is responsible for translating this
structure into a Java HL7 object. By doing so, the Codec assures that
the Adapter receives a set of input data that it can handle. This
translation is performed at runtime, with Java Reflection. The structure
is being parsed, and each composing element is translated into the
corresponding HL7 Java object. These objects are then merged into a
single Java object representing the query.
The Codec is also responsible for sending this query request to the
Adapter. The TRI defines the interaction between the TE and the Adapter.
There is a restriction that the usage of TRI implies. All classes
defining the messages used in the communication between the TE and the
Adapter must implement the TriMessage Java interface. This constrains
the messages to be formatted as byte arrays. Thus, we had to develop a
simple script to modify the JAXB generated HL7 classes, in order to make
them Serializable.
The decoding function is just the opposite of the encoding one,
meaning the Codec receives a TriMessage from the Adapter, containing the
QED Response, deserializes it, converts it into a Java structure and
forwards it to the TE.
B. Adapter
Another important TTCN-3 test system component is the Adapter. Its
existence confers the TTCN-3 test system much flexibility. It is the
only TTCN-3 test system component that establishes connections and
handles the communication with the SUT. This means that the same test
suite can be run on several SUTs with different platforms just by
replacing this component. Our Adapter has two different roles: the
encapsulation of the query and the extraction of the response from SOAP
When encapsulating, it uses the TriMessage it receives from the
Codec as input and translates it into a SOAP message which will later be
sent to the SUT. Given the transparency of the test case to the Adapter,
the conversion from Java to XML can only be done dynamically, at
runtime, through Reflection. For this translation we used the Java API
for XML Processing (JAXP), which provides the capability of validating
and parsing XML documents. JAXP offers several parsing interfaces from
which we chose the Document Object Model (DOM) parsing interface.
The DOM documents have a tree-type structure. They are composed of
a root element, which represents the XML document, and several nodes,
representing XML elements. The translation of the Java message to XML
was implemented as follows. A DOM document was created based on the type
of the query message. Then we used Reflection to obtain the
object's fields list, each field representing a Java HL7 object.
For each field in that list a DOM element was generated and added to the
root element's children list. Afterwards, another DOM element was
defined, based on the preconditions and added to the root's
children list. The DOM document was then serialized and ready to be
forwarded to the SUT.
When receiving the response from the SUT, the Adaptor deserializes
the XML into a DOM document. The root element is used to generate the
Java object representing the QED Response. The document is then parsed
and each node is translated into the corresponding HL7 Java object.
Using Reflection, these objects are set as fields of the Java-based QED
Response object. After the parsing is finished, this object is
serialized to a byte array and sent to the Codec via a TriMessage. The
communication with the SUT was one of the Adapter responsibilities as
well. Hospital Manager provided a web service to interface the
communication with the Adapter. The communication protocol chosen for
exchanging messages was SOAP. The web service used Web Services
Description Language (WSDL) to define the type of QED messages it can
handle, such as Query, Continue or Cancel (Chinnici et al., 2007). For
the communication to take place, first the connection had to be
established, and for that a Java client was needed. There are many tools
that use the WSDL description to generate stubs and clients, and our
choice was Java API for XML Web Services--Reference Implementation
(JAX-WS RI). Once the client has been created, the methods for
connection, sending and receiving QED messages were available and the
communication was possible.
C. Defining test cases
We defined and ran several test cases to simulate various
scenarios. We tested the SUT's behavior to queries of clinical
information regarding patient allergies, immunizations, diagnostics or
medication. The first step in building the test cases was the creation
of the corresponding TTCN-3 templates.
We have first created several templates to match HL7 data types.
For the flexibility, for some data types we created more than just one
template, varying on the semantic content of the message that includes
it. For instance, we created two CD templates. CD is a HL7 data type
used for coding. The first CD template was defined to match any other CD
template. The second CD template was defined to match only the ones
containing certain field values. This approach provided much flexibility
when creating the message templates. The next step was to create the
query and response templates.
In creating the templates we took into account the preconditions,
which represent information about the patient and the existing data to
execute the queries on. The objective was to analyze the message both
syntactically and semantically. For the syntax validation a simple
template was enough. On the other hand, for the semantic validation more
templates had to be defined for the same query.
The template matching mechanism helped then deciding which response
was similar with the one expected. The verdicts established for these
test cases enable to report the conformity of the application with the
HL7 protocol.
There are many advantages that come with our approach. Probably the
most important one is the usage of a standardized scripting language,
TTCN-3, and TTCN-3 testing system. The flexibility of TTCN-3 enables the
adaption of the current approach to virtually any HL7 profile.
Moreover, our solution does not directly depend on the SUT, neither
on its architecture, nor on the technologies it uses. The Adapter
component is responsible for linking the SUT with the test suite, which
means that it is the only component that needs to be replaced when
testing other systems.
Another advantage is the automation. Test suites can be developed
to thoroughly test several systems, without user intervention. Logs can
be saved to allow post-processing.
The solution we proposed turned out viable, the results being a
functional system that is reliable and can unambiguously determine the
HL7 conformity of any application. The testing of Hospital Manager
revealed there is a type of message the application handled erroneously,
and also some minor semantic differences.
However, there are some enhancements that can be made. The TTCN-3
template definition is a bit difficult and requires solid knowledge both
of TTCN-3 and HL7. A generating tool for defining these templates based
on the preconditions the tester specifies would be a great addition.
Another extension would be the development of a generic Adapter
which defines most of the common Adapters' behavior, making it
easier to adapt the testing to new systems.
Willcock, C.; Deip1, T.; Tobies, S.; Keil, S.; Engler, F. &
Schulz, S. (2005). An introduction to TTCN-3, John Wiley & Sons,
***(2007) Methods for Testing and Specification (MTS); The Testing
and Test Control Notation version 3; Part 6: TTCN-3
ControlInterface(TCI), ETSI ES 201 873-6 v3.2.1
***(2007) Methods for Testing and Specification (MTS); The Testing
and Test Control Notation version 3; Part 5: TTCN-3 Runtime Interface
(TRI),ETSI ES 201 873-5 v3.2.1
Hinchley, A. (2005) Understanding Version 3 - A primer on the HL7
Version 3 Communication Standard
Chinnici, R.; Moreau, J.; Ryman, A. & Weerawarana, S. (2007)
Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Version 2.0 Parti: Core