The evaluation of different types of digital elevetion models for geomorphological applications in mountain areas.
Torok-Oance, Marcel Francisc ; Ardelean, Florina-Minodora ; Onaca, Alexandru Lucian 等
The use of DEMs has increased in the last years in everyday life
and in many research fields. The digital analysis of the relief,
including the geomorphological mapping and the geomorphological
modelling, offers reliable results only if the models used in analysis
have an appropriate quality regarding both the altitude data and the
accuracy of the represented landforms.
Many studies debated the DEMs quality and the interpolation methods
used in DEM generation (Mitas and Mitasova, 1999, Carlisle, 2005) even
in relation to landform types (Chaplot et all, 2006) but unfortunately
there are less similar studies for mountain areas. In mountainous areas,
errors appear on DEMs derived from topographical maps due to lack of
altitude values in areas with steep slopes and horizontal surfaces,
saddles and peaks. They also appear on DEMs derived from remote sensing
data in areas with steep gradients and high terrain roughness.
Therefore, we tried to identify the most suitable model for the
automatic classification of the landforms in the alpine area of the
Southern Carpathians.
In this approach we used different methods to assess the accuracy
of DEMs in mountain areas. We evaluated DEMs derived both from
topographic maps and from remote sensing data. First, we compared the
DEMs using geostatistical analysis of the altitude data. Second, we
developed new methods for the estimation of the accuracy of the surface
morphology representation. These methods are: the comparison between
topographical profiles extracted from DEMs for different types of
landforms, the comparison between the contour lines extracted from DEMs
and the contour lines from the topographical maps and the comparison
between the hydrographical network derived from DEMs and the one from
topographical maps. We also used altitudinal data collected by
topographic survey. The study area is situated in the Tarcu Mountains
(fig.1), and is representative for the relief of the alpine level of the
Southern Carpathians (Romania). The altitudes range between 1035 - 2090
m. The major elements of the study area's landscape are represented
by the planation surfaces and glacial and periglacial landforms (glacial
cirques and valleys, talus cones and scree slopes).
Further studies may include more accurate models, like LiDAR DEMs,
but in present there are no such data for the Romanian Carpathians.
The data used in the analysis are: topographic maps at scale
1:25000, 30 m resolution SPOT-HRS DEM, 30 m resolution ASTER DEM, 90 m
resolution SRTM DEM and elevation data collected in the study area with
a Leica TPS 400 total station.
In order to produce DEMs derived from topographical maps we made
the data transfer of the analogue topographical maps in digital form.
First, we scanned the maps at 400 dpi resolution and we georeferenced
them in Stereo 1970 national reference system using ArcGIS 9.2 software.
The RMS error is between 0.4 - 1.1m. We have digitized the contour lines
and the elevation points from the digital topographic maps. All the
resulting data were stored in a geodatabase. The DEMs generation was
done in Idrisi Andes and ArcGIS 9.2 software using the interpolation of
the altitudinal data. The following interpolation algorithms were used:
Kriging, IDW (inverse distance weighted), Natural Neighbour, Spline, TIN
and Topo To Raster. All the DEMs we obtained were stored as raster files
at10 m resolutions.
The second types of analyzed DEMs were the models derived from
remote-sensed data: SPOT, ASTER and SRTM. We extracted from these models
only the area which overlapped the study area. In order to compare them
with DEMs derived from topographical maps and with field data we
resampled these models in the same coordinate system, Stereo 1970.
We used both visual analysis and geostatistical analysis to assess
the accuracy of the altitude data and the quality of the surface
morphology representation. The accuracy assessment of the altitude data
was made by geostatatistical methods. We compared the heights values
recorded in each DEM by statistical tests (GraphPad InStat v3.05
software) for different samples: 500 randomly selected points for entire
study area and 100 points for the heights along the topographical
profiles. Finally we compared the heights values of the DEMs with field
data: 425 altitudinal values collected by topographic survey.
The analysis of the summary statistics of all nine types of DEMs
indicated that there are no important differences between the
statistical parameters. The variation of the mean altitude value is only
2.6 m but the variations of the minimum and maximum values are higher.
We noticed that for the DEMs derived from remote-sensed data, because of
the specific method of height data aquisition with active sensors, the
values recorded higher variations. As a rule, both mean and maximum
values are lower than the real altitude, because the sensor recorded the
average altitude for a small area (pixel). Contrary, in areas covered by
forest, situated in the lower part of the study area, the values are
higher then the real ones because the sensor recorded the heights of the
objects and not the height of the topographic surface. The highest
difference between the real altitudes and the DEM was noticed for the
SRTM DEM: 68 m for the minimum value and -41 m for the maximum altitude.
Another method to compare the DEMs was the statistical tests
(GraphPad software). We used samples of 500 random extracted elevation
points for each DEM. We have generated the points using a stratified random function (Idrisi software) which assures a better selection of
the samples regarding the spatial distribution. All the 9 array data had
normal distribution and to compare the data we applied the paired
t-test. The result demonstrated that the samples did not differ
significantly (p>0.05) except the data from SRTM DEM (p<0.001).
Although the statistical analysis showed that most of the models are
similar regarding the altitudes, the visual analysis of the DEMs,
including 3D visualisation, showed significant differences both in the
relief representation and on the longitudinal and transversal profile
The next step was the statistical analysis of the heights values
from the profile lines. Easy Profiler 9.2, a multi-layers and
multi-profile tool for ArcGIS, allowed the extraction of the
topographical profiles from DEMs, both in graphic and numeric form (100
data for each line). The topographic profiles were created along
different landforms: plateaus, glacial cirques and valleys. We used both
summary statistics and the same paired t-test to compare the profiles.
The profiles created from the DEMs generated from topographical maps and
from SPOTHRS DEM are similar regarding the altitudes (p>0.05) but the
profiles created from SRTM and ASTER DEMs differ significantly
Visual analysis of the profiles showed also that for DEMs obtained
from Natural Neighbour, Topo To Raster, TIN and Kriging interpolation
methods and for SPOT-HRS, the profile line is very smooth and close to
the real landform, while for DEMs obtained from IDW and Spline
interpolation methods and SRTM and ASTER DEMS the profiles show more
irregular lines, with many thresholds in slope angle (fig.2).
To assess the accuracy of the DEMs concerning the real altitudes we
compared the values of 425 altitude points collected by topographic
survey and the heights values extracted from the same location from
DEMs. The statistical test demonstrated that the DEM generated by Topo
To Raster function fitted the field data the best (Pearson correlation
coefficient r =0.9738, p< 0.001).
We noted also a strong correlation between the measured values and
the heights values recorded on SPOT DEM, but only in the areas with no
The comparison between the contour lines extracted from DEMs and
the contour lines from the topographical maps as well as the comparison
between the hydrographical networks derived from DEMs and the one from
topographical maps are complementary methods developed for the
evaluation of the accuracy regarding the surface morphology
representation. The DEM generated by Topo To Raster function and the
SPOT HRS DEM are the most accurate DEMs for relief analysis.
The geostatistical analysis of the altitude values from the DEMs
and the statistical and visual analysis of the topographic profiles
extracted from the DEMs, for some relief forms, demonstrate that between
models are not significant differences excepting the SRTM and ASTER DEM,
which are not suitable for detailed geomorphological analysis. The IDW
and Spline interpolation methods generated also models with errors in
profile lines (interpolation artefacts).
The comparison between the real altitudes and DEMs argued that the
best model is the DEM generated by Topo To Raster function. The SPOT-HRS
DEM is also a good choice but only in the areas with no forest. The
assessment of the contour lines and the hydrographical networks
extracted from DEMs emphasized that the best DEMs for geomorphological
applications are the DEM generated by Topo To Raster function and the
Further studies may include the assessment of the morphometrical
values derived from DEMs and also more accurate models, like LiDAR DEMs,
but in present there are no such data for the Romanian Carpathians.
This work was supported by CNMP, project number PNII- GEOMORF
32-140/2008 and by CNCSIS-UEFISCSU, project number PNII-IDEI 1075/2009.
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