The finalization of regional economic development programs in Region 7 Center Romania.
Iosof, Susana ; Nitescu, Raluca ; Pintican, Valentina 等
Regional economic development programs of a country represent the
instruments of regional development policy in that country, and are
reflected through the plans that highlight the development of regional
activities in a given period.
The main goal of our research is finding the results of the
financing regional development programs in Region 7 Center.
Some authors consider that programs are "the projects
portfolio" through which are achieved the proposed objectives by
meso and macroeconomic strategies (Banacu, 2008). We disagree this view
because the programs underlie some possible or potential projects but
without an adequate access we do not have portfolios of projects. Thus,
we believe that the strategic objectives of the regional development
policy are transposed into practice through some integrated plans and
Financing of regional economic development came from the need for
amplification of the regional economies so that companies to easily
benefit of financing for their projects. It also must meet the
requirements derived from the structural changes occurring at economic
level. The new economy based on innovation and knowledge, on environment
and risk prevention require funding in infrastructure, competitiveness
but also in research, innovation and sustainable regional development.
Financing the regional development appears as essential for creating new
enterprises and thus jobs through business incubators (business
nurseries) but as well technological and industrial parks. The results
quantification due to those nurseries is difficult to achieve because
the beneficiary enterprises are not related in any way by these
authorities and their maintenance in the respective region raises lots
of questions. Technological parks require combining several partners
usually from peripheral area and inter-area in order to achieve a joint
venture. Financing the regional development is absolutely necessary
because it improves and modernizes the public administrations in order
to become more transparent and efficient (Popescu, 2004). Below we will
refer in more detail to the financing purpose through regional
development programs for state economic policy implementation, small and
medium enterprises development and modernization, infrastructure
creation and modernization, social policy achievement, for cities and
village's modernization, and technology implementation. Economic
development is determined by all of us, through our personal efforts to
understand and act (Simionescu, 2009).
a. Regional development--lever for economic policy state
Financing of regional development is needed because the state
regional policy is a component of state policies, being in close
interdependence with other policies, either from domain of state aid,
environmental protection, transport, support of innovation or
information society. Funding development of economic-regional programs
consist in achieve of a modern production, sustainable use of resources
and better education of the population living in poor regions. In our
view, regional development programs have facilitated the directing
policies of the Member States towards investment in infrastructure,
human capital and modernization meant to support economic growth and
diversification of economies.
b. Regional development--support for small and medium enterprises
development and modernization
The purpose of regional development programs consists also in
strengthening the public and private sector, being focused on promoting
entrepreneurship, stimulating new job creation, technology transfer and
innovation in companies, creating opportunities for investments and
working more attractive, etc.
c. Regional development as lever for infrastructure development and
Funding transportation through regional economic development
programs supports sustainable mobility for people and goods, ensuring
efficiency, safety and minimizing negative environmental effects. The
finalization of regional development programs must ensure a balance
between road, rail and air transportation.
d. Regional development as support for the modernization of cities
and villages
The purpose of regional development programs consists also in
helping cities and rural communities as vectors of development.
Financing actions are aimed in promoting entrepreneurship, innovation
and development services, so that they can become significant centers of
economic activity. Funding programs (PHARE and SAPARD), were designed to
improve urban surroundings in crisis by rehabilitating of physical
environment, of deforested areas, preserving and developing historical
and cultural heritage, etc.
e. Regional development--lever for achieving social policy
Financing regional development of social policy is absolutely
required to anticipate and manage economic and social changes, for
acting in the following areas: increasing adaptability of workers and
enterprises, promote reform in employment domain, improve access to
employment and participation on labor market, reducing unemployment,
fighting against discrimination and promoting equality, etc. The purpose
of regional economic development programs in this area must face some
new challenges related to globalization and aging, issues that have a
direct impact on regional and local communities. Regions must adapt to
new skills necessary to remain competitive in a global knowledge
f. Regional development as support of implementation technologies
The measure of technological progress in this disrupted industrial
environment is given by the capture of as many as possible technological
innovations. Financing the programs for economic regional economic
development is imperative to facilitate innovation and consists of:
investments in infrastructure, equipment and facilities, strengthening
the links between industrial areas of development and research
institutions, support for groups, centres of excellence, scientific and
technological parks, encouraging the researcher's mobility and
partnerships between training institutions and local technological
enterprises (Matei, 2005).
Based on the above considerations, our view is that the role of
regional development policy is the allocation of financial resources
with customised effect on regions to better meet the development demands
and to counter the negative effects of some national policy or
government measeures appeared in situations of economic restructuring
and modernization, and the programs practically represent the direct
implementation of regional policy objectives or goals of macroeconomic
In addition to improve the regions accessibility and more
sustainable investments in transport facilities, regional development
finance must be aimed to create research and infrastructure centers, to
develop and disseminate the information and communication technology.
Also during the pre-accession period, funds have significantly
contributed for upgrading transport infrastructure within the member
states and less developed regions.
In Romania, as amended by Law 151/1998, were created 8 development
regions constituted from neighboring counties. Romania Region 7 Centre
was established from following counties: Alba, Brasov, Covasna,
Harghita, Mures and Sibiu. The regional economic development programs
undertaken in this region were and are aimed primarily to reduce
existing disparities between different areas of the region and raise the
living standards of residents in this region.
The data provided at the end of 2008 by the Agency for Regional
Development Center in a statement which was reviewing "A Decade of
Regional Development" indicate that in this region were conducted
12 Phare and government programs including 25 sub-programs with a total
of 599 projects. On financial matter, these projects have attracted a
total budget of 106.882 million euros, where the public funding grants
had a value of 77.282 million euros. The aims of these programs, for
which data are not fully centralized, consist in: 2.491 new jobs,
purchase of 4038 new equipments, training of 18.165 participating people
in 351 trainings, development and rehabilitation of 48 social centers
throughout the region, achievement of an industrial park and
rehabilitation of 25 schools and centers for human resources training.
Also, through the implemented projects were completed 7
rehabilitation proceedings on water supply and sanitation systems, 13
selective waste collection systems and 12 waste transfer stations.
Beyond these data we decided to analyze some relevant indicators in the
region compared with the national average. We stuck in this approach by
the lack of information on regional level but also because we can
analyze only the impact of pre-accession funds on national and regional
level. The course of pre-accession funds was effectuated during
1998-2006, requiring a period of 1-2 years between designing,
contracting and actual payments.
According to statistical information contained in Table 1., the
results show that in Region 7 Center, Gross Domestic Product value
increased from one year to another, however as a proportion of the
national GDP it has decreased continuously from 12.7% in 2000 to 9 , 65%
in 2008 (Statistical Yearbook 2000-2008). The same trend is noted also
on the level of regional GDP per capita, which declined from 107.1%
(national average in 2000) to 99.7% (in 2006).These figures show that
the living standard and the disparities compared to national values of
these indicators, decreased which leads to the idea that these
development programs for pre-accession period did not had the expected
Our future research plans will expand to:
a) The influence of other funds such as SAPARD and the cohesion
ones of the Center Region
b) Studying the impact of structural funds after 2013 in the Region
7 Center
1) The strategic objectives of the regional development policy must
be transposed into practice through some integrated plans and programs.
2) The role of regional development policy is the allocation of
financial resources with customised effect on regions to better meet the
development demands and to counter the negative effects of some national
policy or government measeures.
3) To improve the region accessibility, the regional development
finance must be aimed to create research and infrastructure centers, to
develop and disseminate the information and communication technology.
4) In our opinion, competitiveness strengthening by focusing on
innovation, entrepreneurship, attractiveness of regions, labor market
supply, investing in human capital and cooperation with neighboring
countries are the main methods to deal with structural changes occurring
in the states.
Istudur N. (2006) Romania's rural and regional development in
Eueopean Union integration perspective, ASE Publishing House, ISBN,
Matei L. (2005) Local Economic Development, Editura Economica
Publishing House, ISBN, Bucuresti
Popescu, D.; Trau[section]an, B. (2004) Sustainable Economy,
Editura Continent Publishing, ISBN, Sibiu
Simionescu M. (2009) Operational audit of economic entities and
public institutions, Editura Napoca Star Publishing, ISBN, Cluj-Napoca
*** (2004) for Regional Centre
Development, Accessed on: 2010-05-20
*** (2003) Forecast Commission,
Statistics Year Book, Accessed on: 2010-05-20
Tab.1. National and regional development indicators during 2000-2008
Indicators 2000 2005
National 80.377,3 100 288.176,1 100
GDP (million
Regional 10.177,5 12,7 34.286,1 11,9
Centre %)
National 3.582,6 100 13.326,8 100
GDP per
Regional 3.838,6 107,1 13.549,2 101,7
GDP per
Indicators 2006 2008 *
National 344.650,6 100 503.958,7
GDP (million
Regional 40.291,2 11,7 48.681,9
Centre %)
National 15.967,6 100
GDP per
Regional 15.920,2 99,7
GDP per