The importance of a postprocessor in data transfer from APT format (CAD) in ISO format used by Heidenhain iTNC 530.
Ghinea, Mihalache ; Dobrescu, Tiberiu ; Nicolescu, Adrian Florin 等
1.1 The postprocessor
The postprocessor is an essential element in mechanical
manufacturing, when the machine-tool is equipped with a CNC. The
postprocessor represents the link between 3D-CAM software and a CNC
machine-tools. Over the world there are a lot of CNC types with
personalized features, which are designed somewhat independent of CAM
designers. A professional postprocessor can guarantee a manufacturing
costs dropping by removing the 3D-CNC conversion errors that can produce
fatal collisions and manufacturing errors.
A postprocessor is a computer program that consist in a lot of
subroutines, and that transform the output data from processor into a
useful data for CNC machine-tools. It can translate the specific
language of the CAM software into ISO language for numerical control
(for this case, from APT format obtained by CATIA software into ISO file
used by Haidenhain iTNC 530 numerical control) (Ross, 1978). APT or
Automatically Programmed Tool is a high-level computer programming
language used to generate instructions for numerically controlled
machine tools.
The reason of this extra task is that data files obtained by CAM
software commonly cannot be fully assimilated by the numerical control.
The final result is a ISO data file used by the almost all known CNCs.
A such of postprocessor (figure 1) contains five major functional
modules (Ryu, 2002): control function, input function, auxiliary
function, translation function and output fc.
1.2 The postprocessor importance
Therefore the automation of the translation is a complex process
due to the a large number of operations, of mathematical transformation
In order to realize this translation, in fact to obtain that
specific code recognized by the numerical control, the postprocessor
must process a lot of operations, the most important ones of these being
presented below:
(1) Reading ATP file;
(2) Switching to the coordinate system of the machine-tool;
(3) Switching from incremental coordinate at absolute coordinate;
(4) Checking of the machine-tool restrains;
(5) Developing feed and rotation speeds;
(6) Developing movement commands ordered by machinetool/controller;
(7) Allowing linear interpolation, circular interpolation etc;
(8) Storing output data;
(9) Allowing output data printing.
The postprocessor can be responsible for other functions not just
for neutral files translation what are typically for machine-tools. In
addition a postprocessor can restore axes displacements, speed
limitations, effective work times, data about tools, information's
and decisions what can improve resources planning and can lead to the
better manufacturing solutions.
The more sophisticated postprocessors can check the program before
that CNC starts running. There are a lot of simple rules which
postprocessor follows, and if these rules are not respected a visual or
acustic warning appears (e.g. when the cutting tool was not chosen at
the beginning of the program). After a simple checking of the program,
next step is the correction stage. There are a lot of situations when a
postprocessor can detect and correct an error. During cutting process
can appear a lot of errors like: work cycles as active stages during the
tool changing (in fact these must be temporarily canceled), the choice
of wrong or inexistent axes (the postprocessor must select those axes
that support speed), indication of unavailable cooling liquid
(postprocessor must indicate the right available cooling liquid) etc.
The professional postprocessors offer in real time an overview of
the CNC machine-tool activity, based on the forecasting a future events
during the process. Thus it can be taken the best decision at the right
moment, the CNC programmer using these information in order to improve
the cutting optimization without any further interventions.
Also, the postprocessors can work in restricted conditions or even
when some errors of CAM software or CNC appear. Generally, is much
easier to change the postprocessor than the CAM software or to check the
CNC controller.
1.3 The postprocessor structure
In figure 1 there is a postprocessor example, having in its basic
structure the most important functions: control, auxiliary, input,
output and translation. In figure 2 it is presented the data route from
APT format into ISO format, accepted by CNC machine.
APT source file is written by the user helped by the CAM software.
APT processor verifies if there are errors in APT source file, errors
related by the geometry and movement. CL file is a neutral file and
contains data about tool position. Postprocessor converts the neutral
file into ISO file.
It is important to explain the simplicity of the ISO language. ISO
language has two types of commands: G commands and M commands. G
commands refer to the directions which must be followed (feed,
rotational movement, shift displacement on the left or on the right,
function by the milling tool diameter). M commands refer to the
auxiliary actions regarding the manufacturing process (main spindle
start/stop, cutting tool changing, ending program etc.)
ISO commands can be grouped in two: instant commands and modal
commands. An instant command is available just in the moment of its
reading and a modal command is available until that command will be
The program sequence shown in figure 3 is extracted from an APT
file, designed in the CAM module of the CATIA software. The program
sequence shown in figure 3 is extracted from an APT file, designed in
the CAM module of the CATIA software.
In pictures shown above there is the same sequence of the program
in different formats (APT--figure 3, ISO, after postprocessing in figure
4, and directly written on Haidenhain NC--figure 5). In figure 6 there
is a screen captured from CATIA with the processed part obtained by
milling, process controlled by NC program, ISO version.
This paper presents the postprocessor role when cutting
manufacturing becomes just a numerical controlled process. The diversity
of the machine-tools, of the CNC controllers, of the CAM software and
the geometry of the processed parts, ask for a faster NC programming. It
is very well known that a CNC machine-tool works with a low level
programming language, and this kind of program almost is impossible to
be obtained by modern CAM software, which offers a high level
programming language--APT format. Thus, a postprocessor, realized in a
common programming language, can be the most useful solution to make
real the communication between CAM software and CNC machine-tools.
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