Theoretical and experimental contributions on the use of plasma Arc installations in cutting different types of materials--Part 2.
Fagarasan, Cristian Codrut ; Popa, Marcel Sabin
1.1 Factors affecting consumable life
In a properly functioning system, three key factors affect
consumable life (The Hypertherm, sept. 2000): number of pierces, cut
duration and material thickness.
These technologies by themselves, however, do not guarantee optimal
consumable life. Other system problems still can cause unnecessary
consumable wear. In most instances, these operating problems are fairly
easy to identify and correct: premature or improper consumable
changeout, pierce height, ramp-down errors in oxygen cutting systems,
gas supply, coolant flow, and work cable connection.
2.1 Numerical optimization. Desirability values.
When studying material Stainless Steel, steel grade 5NiCr180,
thickness 3 mm, it is designed to achieve optimization with the
condition of minimum roughness (Fig. 1) and minimum cutting time (Fig.
2), regarding the degree of optimization, the points of prediction are
0,731 and 0,976.
Following the value curves indicated in Fig. 3, it is easy to see
that they are more inclined towards the speed axis than the voltage
axis, therefore suggesting an increased influence of the cutting speed
Once the steps for optimization are went through, the program
offers a solution to obtain the minimum roughness value using the data
provided. To obtain a minimum roughness, Ra = 19,47 [micro]m, and a
cutting time value of t=15,21 s, the voltage must have the value of 170
V, the intensity 80 A and cutting speed of 975 mm/min.
It is noted that in Fig. 1, 2 and 3 Desirability term is
represented, whose value varies on a scale from 0 to 1 (1 being the
maximum). For material 5NiCr180 thickness 3 mm, that point's value
is 0.976.
A model rendering is a process of confirming that the model can
approximate the outcome experimental values with a satisfactory level of
accuracy. The main question is how to estimate the confidence level of a
model. Mainly there are three techniques for validation of a model
(Lazarescu et al., 2008): by graphical comparison, confidence interval method, and R 2 method (the calculation of determination coefficient).
Graphic comparison method is based on visual comparison by the same
graphical representation of experimental and calculated results.
Confidence interval method involves analysis of the model parameter
uncertainty in the process of validating the model and determines the
level of confidence of the calculated response.
The calculated F statistics are compared with the reference value
F[alpha] (v1, v2), where v1 represents the number of degrees of freedom
in the numerator (of the considered factor) and v2 the number of degrees
of freedom of the error (in the denominator).
Analyzing the F statistics related to each mathematical model, (see
ANOVA picture for response surface model for surface roughness and model
of cutting time) in which the F (Fischer) statistic value is found, and
considering the "Six Sigma philosophy" (Lazarescu et al.,
2008), it was determined that the probability that the results obtained
with mathematical models to be within the confidence interval
[-3[sigma], 3[sigma]], is 99,95%.
It can be concluded that the material having a cut surface of the
highest quality is undoubtedly steel grade S235JR (OL37-2k).
In terms of roughness, acceptable values (e.g. Ra = 5/15 [micro]m)
were found for stainless steel, studied alloy was grade 5NiCr180. The
third group of examined material in the study was aluminum Al99.5. It
describes, following the cutting process and performed measurements, the
higher values of roughness which is interpreted as a poor cut surface
After presenting the methodology for establishing mathematical
models describing the relationship between quality characteristics (cut
surface roughness and cutting time) and process variables (cutting
speed, voltage and generator current intensity), the mathematical models
were tested using the ANOVA method, and by graphical comparison it was
demonstrated that the solutions fits sufficiently precise the
experimental results.
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