Turning nearshoring into a success managing technical background differences.
Moldoveanu, Alin Dragos Bogdan ; Asavei, Victor ; Moldoveanu, Florica 等
As types of outsourcing, offshoring and nearshoring are important
means of reducing software costs and sometimes also improving quality.
However promising, they must be perfectly understood as they come with
intrinsic risks. Software life cycle and team knowledge must be
carefully chosen and adapted.
This article presents an academic nearshoring experiment involving
teams from 6 universities of UE countries and the resulted lessons and
2.1 Offshoring vs. Nearshoring
Outsourcing is one of the modern successful approaches to reduce
costs (and sometimes also improve quality) in software development and
also in other hi-tech areas.
While "outsourcing" appeared during the 1980s and there
are a lot of success stories and specialized structures that promote
outsourcing, it still comes with some particularities that need to be
considered carefully to eliminate risks (Wiener, 2007; Karle &
Offshoring means outsourcing to a company from another country.
Offshoring appeared from economical reasons, due to the lower cost of
software development in some countries from Asia, like India and China.
Many countries from USA, Canada and some from west Europe have obtained
huge benefit on cost savings by offshoring in such countries due to wage
difference of cost of hiring and training combined with high quality
Nearshoring is a particular case of offshoring--to providers in
nearby countries. Numerous companies from West-Europe offshore their IT
processes and services to companies from Central and Eastern Europe (Deutsche Bank Research, 2006).
Compared with offshoring, nearshoring offers benefits:
* Geographic proximity, enabling easy deployment of project team
members, during the project's critical phases;
* Cultural closeness, an identical time zone and the service
provider's knowledge of the local and English languages facilitates
the communication between the offshoring team and the provider's
team, project management and control;
* Shorter development times
So basically nearshoring reduces the risk of offshoring, since the
outsourcing country is closer geographically and in cultural aspects but
still lower in cost than the local country.
Compared with traditional offshoring locations CEE wages are higher
but communication more efficient (Deutsche Bank Research, 2006). The
region is recommended for more sophisticated services. For simpler IT
services the traditional offshore locations, such as India, should be
2.2 Issues With Off and Near Shoring
The economic significance of offshoring is debated. Dislocation of
technology in the provider's country reduces employment in the
offshoring company's country. But, offshoring / nearshoring are a
form of distributed software development, which has some valuable
benefits. Thus, besides the cost reducing, the strategic reasons for a
company to decide for distributed software development can be to access
the global resource pools and to speed up the time-to-market.
The offshoring, and generally, the distributed software
development, is now a challenge. Studies reported many failures of
outsourced projects (Wiener, 2007; Karle & Schoenthaler). The main
reasons of these failures seem to be:
* The lack of adequate software development methodologies;
* Insufficient standardized methods and tools for software
specification, architectural design and test cases specification (and
automatic generation);
* Ignorance of the risks of offshoring;
* Inadequate project management;
* Insufficient control of the resulted software product quality.
Many IT specialists analyze such advanced issues about special
methodologies/tools needed for offshoring.
However, our opinion is that most of the failures in offshoring
projects have simpler reasons, mainly residing in cultural and technical
background differences between the offshoring company and the offshoring
provider--which we try to pinpoint and tackle in this paper.
Our experiment simulated nearshoring activities in an academic
controlled environment. We wanted to observe directly the issues with
nearshoring activities, trace and identify their primary reasons.
The experiment was hosted by the European Intensive Program
"Nearshoring: the next step in Offshoring" (Moldoveanu &
Moldoveanu, 2008), involving:
* Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HVA), Netherland
* University POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Romania,
* Mid Sweden University, Sweden
* EVTEK Institute of Technology, Finland
* Politechnica Krakowska, Poland
* Technical University of Ostrava, Czeck Republic
Each university was involved with a team of 10 students, supervised
by 2-3 professors.
The experiment evolved through a period of 3 years.
During each year a couple of IT projects were proposed and the
teams were paired: one team played the role of the company that uses
outsourcing services (teams C -contractor) and other team was the
outsourcing service provider (teams SC--subcontractor). There were 3
distinct phases in each year:
* Creation of specifications for IT projects, by each team C.
* Implementation following specifications, by each team SC.
* Meeting with all the participants, presenting the executable
programs and discussing the results.
Each year we incorporated conclusions of previous years in the
methodology and the instructions given to student teams.
The professors' supervisor role was minimal--just
organizational stuff and observing the activity. Teams were supposed to
be autonomous to emulate a real environment. They were free to use any
development methodologies they considered fit to their expertise and the
scope of the projects.
The resulted environment, though slightly controlled and fully
observable, was free and natural enough to emulate a real environment,
and we can extrapolate the results to industry.
4.1 Observed Aspects
Each year, we tried to observe the following aspects:
* the ability of each team to define User Requirements, System
Requirements and Software Requirements;
* the methods used by teams from different countries;
* the adequacy of easy method to nearshoring;
* if the specification were well understood;
* how much of the specified functional and non-functional
requirements were actually implemented;
* if students building the system followed the design and testing
recommendations included in the specification;
* how each team pair has communicated.
We observed these aspects both direct and through questionnaires
conducted at the end of each year.
4.2 Main Issues
As a rough summarization, the main issues observed during the
nearshoring experiment felt into the following categories:
* Huge technical background differences between the contractor and
subcontractor teams, especially related to Analysis & Specification
activities and deliverables.
* Usage of various software development methodologies by the
contractor and subcontractor teams. For example, during the 1st year of
the experiment, the Dutch team acting as subcontractor used most of the
time to build an incomplete version of the system, because they were
used to the DSDM method, that doesn't require building a complete
product in the first iteration.
* Inability to check the actual understanding of the
specification--led to waste of time during implementation and even to
implementation of wrong functionalities.
* Communication issues
Some of these were gradually corrected to some degree, by adjusting
the rules each year to avoid the issues.
Our conclusion was that, apart from advanced issues that experts
try to handle, like advanced methodologies and tools, seems that a huge
part of the issues in nearshoring can come from different technical
background of the 2 involved parties.
4.3 Background Differences and Nearshoring
Different teams have different backgrounds and perspectives on
using even standardized software development methods. This is even more
likely when the teams are from different countries or from universities
with different targets. For example, the majority of the participating
students have got, before the project, programming and database courses,
but only one Software Engineering course. But Dutch team have got
initial courses in Java, UML, RDBMS and ERD, and they have done projects
using Prince2 and DSDM.
Cultural background seems to have minimal or no influence in
European nearshoring. There is enough convergence in the various
European cultures and habits to provide a solid foundation for any
nearshoring IT project. More important in this case are the educational
background and work habits.
Even limited as amplitude, our study was relevant enough to
highlight deep reasons for typical offshoring/nearshoring issues and
even to suggest ways to prevent them.
Future research should aim at experimenting and measuring the
effectiveness of these ideas we conclude below.
In the offshoring/nearshoring perspective, it is important to exist
a preliminary phase, when the two teams can present and discuss the
methods, the documents templates and the notations which will be used.
This is necessary because there are not standards that define the
content and the format of the requirements documents, not enough
formalized and spread software development methods.
It is important to choose the appropriate methods, taking into
account the specifics of the project, the specifics of the nearshoring
and the level of specialization the teams involved. For example, the
DSDM seems to be inappropriate in the nearshoring context, as we
mentioned before.
Apparently at least, classical software development methodologies
like waterfall or the iterative and incremental life cycle, both
supported by detailed specifications, seem to give better results than
the more modern but complicated approaches (Betz & Makio,
2007)--probably due to the fact that they are easier to understand and
provide clear deliverables and checkpoints for both parties involved in
a nearshoring.
Strong communication between the involved teams is very important.
Reports and daily online meetings are very useful, assuring the
detection of misunderstandings and the possibility of immediate
correction. In particular, is very important to check upfront then
repeatedly if both parties have a common understanding of the methods
and expected deliverables.
Any company involved in the offshoring should see it also as a
learning process. Following the above rules has proven, in the 3rd year
of our experiment, to allow the success of most the proposed IT
projects, which were medium-sized projects. Big scale projects would
also benefit from this approach, of course, combined with more advanced
tools for collaboration and integrated software analysis, design and
Betz, S. & Makio J. (2007), "Amplification of the COCOMO II regarding Offshore Software Projects", Proceeding of the
Workshop on Offshoring of Software Development-Methods and Tools for
Risk Management at the second International Conference on Global
Software Engineering 2007, ISBN: 978-3-86644-203-0.
Deutsche Bank Research (2006), "Offshoring to new shores
Nearshoring to Central and Eastern Europe", Available
fom:http://www. dbresearch.com/PROD/DBR_INTERNET_EN-PROD/
PROD0000000000201757.pdf Accessed: 2010-06-13
Karle, T. & Schoenthaler, F., "Prevention of Failure
Situations in Offshore Software Projects", Available from:
Failure_Situations_Offshoring.pdf Accessed: 2010-06-13
Moldoveanu, F.; Moldoveanu A. (2008), The influence of technical
background differences in nearshoring projects Conclusions of the IP
"Nearshoring: the next step in Offshoring", Available from:
view=category&layout=blog&id=9&Itemid=13 Accessed:
Wiener, M. (2007), "Successful Offshore Software
Development", ICGSE 2007, Available from:
tabid=58&mid=387 Accessed: 010-06-13