About the dynamic stresses induced by the vibrations of an electronic circuit plate.
Dragomirescu, Cristian George ; Iliescu, Victor ; Patrascu, Gabriela 等
The study is done for the most representative situations:
1) We consider an electronic circuit with the components set
parallel to the vibration direction. Due to the high stiffness of the
plate, its transmissibility, [tau] = 1. This means that the perturbation is acting directly upon the electronic components, each of them becoming
an oscillating system.
2) If we assume that the connections are the only deformable parts,
the model is reduced to a static undetermined frame.
3) The system damping may be considered linear for stresses in the
elastic domain and highly nonlinear in the elastic and plastic domain,
due to the hysteretic phenomena.
4) If the circuit is including massive components with transversal
connections, a rotation tendency occurs. In this case, two natural
frequencies occur, for transversal and torsional vibrations. One may
observe that the mechanical model is determined by the placement of the
component on the plate, in respect with the stress direction and by the
mass and the form of the component (Pascu, 1992).
2.1 The perturbation is acting directly on the components
The stresses in the connectors and connections depend on the force
acting on the component (Deciu & Dragomirescu, 2001):
F = m x a = m x [a.sub.p] x [tau], (1)
where m is the mass of the component [kg], a--the acceleration
[m/[s.sup.2], [a.sub.p]--the acceleration at the plate level [m/s2], t -
the transmissibility of the vibrating system (the ratio between the
transmitted force and the acting force).
From the above expression one may deduce:
a = [a.sub.0]/[square root of [(1 - [[eta].sup.2]).sup.2] +
4[D.sup.2][[eta].sup.2]] (2)
where [eta] = [OMEGA]/[omega] is the relative frequency, [omega] =
[square root of c/m]--the natural beat [[s.sup.-1]], [OMEGA]--the beat
of the acting force [[s.sup.-1]] , D = b/[b.sub.[alpha]]--the damping
factor, C - elasticity coefficient [N/m], b--the damping coefficient
[kg/s], [b.sub.cr] = 2[square root of cm] = 2m[omega]--the critical
value of the damping coefficient [kg/s], [[alpha].sub.0]--the
acceleration of the acting force[m/[s.sup.2]].
2.2 The deformation of the connections
The most usual ways of placing the components on the plate,
considering the direction of the stressing force (Hauger, 1990) are the
ones in Fig. 1.
One may observe in Fig. 1 that if only the connections are
deformed, the system is reduced to a static undetermined frame for which
the deformations, forces and torques may be deduced as known (Voinea et
al., 1998). In this respect, the Fig. 2 is presenting the mechanical
model and the Tab. 1 the results.
2.3 Stresses in the elastic and plastic domain
The analysis is made on the mechanical model presented in Fig. 3.
For the differential equation of the free undamped vibrations of the
beam, considering harmonic sollutions and using the usual known limit
conditions, we obtain the solution:
Y(x) = 2[F.sub.0]/EI[[alpha].sup.3](1 + ch [alpha]1 x cos [alpha]l)
[T([alpha]l)U([alpha]x)- S([alpha]l)V([alpha] x)], (3)
where S([alpha]l), T([alpha]l), U([alpha]x), V([alpha]x) are Krilov
functions, [[alpha].sup.4] = [rho]A[[omega].sup.2]/EI, A--the section of
the beam, E--the elasticity module, [rho]--the density of the beam,
I--the geometric inertia momentum. In this case, the solution for the
forced undamped vibrations is:
Y(x) = 2[F.sub.0]/EI[[alpha].sup.3](1 + ch [alpha]1 x cos [alpha]a)
[T([alpha]l)U([alpha]x) - S[alpha]l)V([alpha]x)]cos[omega]t., (4)
For 1 + ch[alpha]1 x cos[alpha]1 = 0, the vibration amplitude is
increasing towards infinite. This phenomenon of resonance is possible
when the natural frequency of the system and the force frequency are
The amplitude of the free end of the beam vibrations is:
Y(1) = [F.sub.0]/EI[alpha]3 x ch[alpha]1 x sin[alpha]1 - sh[alpha]1
x cos[alpha]1/1 + ch[alpha]1 x cos[alpha]1. (5)
For the model considered, using a computerised algorithm, we obtain
the natural forms of vibration shown in Fig. 4a and 4b (Craifaleanu et
al., 2003). As one may see, an increasing force F(t) will produce at the
beginning elastic deformations, proportionally with the stress. If the
force is increasing too much, the deformations become plastic and the
function describing the deformation becomes nonlinear. When the force is
decreasing to zero, the deformations disappear if the plastic limit was
not over passed. Otherwise, a plastic deformation of the beam will be
visible (Fig. 4c and 4d).
The laboratory experiment lead to the following diagrams (Fig. 5).
2.4 The dynamic behavior of a massive component
If the circuit plate is vertical and the component is horizontally
placed, due to the two connections, a rotation tendency around the mass
centre axis may occur. In this case, the mechanical model in Fig. 3 must
be transformed into the one shown in Fig. 6a (Deciu et al., 2002). In
this situation, two natural frequencies, one for each type of motion,
may be highlighted. The natural form vibration is shown in Fig. 6b.
In order to calculate the natural frequencies of the two types of
vibration, for the translation we consider [l.sub.2] = 0 (similar to
Fig. 3). The two values are:
[[omega].sub.trans] = [square root of c/m], [[omega].sub.rot] =
[square root of c[phi]/[m[phi], (6)
where c = 3EI /[l.sup.3.sub.1][N/m], [c.sub.[phi]] = 3EI /[l.sub.l]
[Nm/rad], I is the geometric inertia momentum of the connections
section, [J.sub.[phi]]--the torsion mechanic inertia momentum
considering the mass centre axis.
For [l.sub.1]=5 mm, [l.sub.2]=8 mm, d=0,5 mm (for the connections),
m=1 g, E=[10.sup.5] N/[mm.sup.2] (copper connections), we obtained the
following natural frequencies: [f.sub.trans] = 185Hz; [f.sub.rot] =
1218Hz .
The studied models are pointing out the physical phenomena that
take place, showing also the ways to avoid them if necessary. The
experimental study carried out is showing the risk domains. It is thus
possible to better understand the harmful consequences that may occur if
one is neglecting the mechanical vibrations of an electronic circuit
plate, as it happens in practice in most of the situations.
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Vibrations), Prima Conferin|a de eLearning, Educate [section]i Internet,
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Applied in Mechanical Engineering), Editura Academiei Romane, ISBN
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Hauger, W.; Schnell, W. & Gross, D. (1990). Technische Mechanik
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Pascu, A. (1992). Structura mechanica a aparatelor electronice
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Tab. 1. The results for the adopted model
Fig. 1a [V.sub.A] = 3Fhc/1(1 + 6c); [H.sub.A] = F/2;
[M.sub.A] = Fh/4 (1 + 1/6c + 1)
Fig. 1b [V.sub.A] = F/2; [H.sub.A] = 3F1/2h(8 + 4c);
[M.sub.A] = F1/8c + 16
Fig. 1c [V.sub.A] = [F.sup.2][h.sup.2]/[8E.sub.2][I.sub.2];
[H.sub.A] = F/2; [M.sub.A] = Fh/2;
[M.sub.tB] = [F1.sup.2][GI.sub.2p]/
8([2hE.sub.1][I.sub.1] + [1GI.sub.2p])