Advanced micro and nano technologies for applications within intelligent production.
Gheorghe, Ion Gheorghe
Advanced micro-nanotechnologies for intelligent production
applications analyze important techniques used in micro- and
nanoprocessing with precisions that cover a range from one micron to a
nanometer, constituting now, the amount and the result of the scientific
release works at a national scale and its major impact for the future.
MEMS and NEMS (Taniguchi, 2000) rapidly matured technologies and
the ultimate inventions have created a great opportunity, even a unique
one, for carrying out the most advanced micro and nanotechnologies
focusing on those with application in intelligent production and in
information metrology.
By the contributions of the author in the MECATRONIC field
(Gheorghe, 2006), convergences toward the micro- and nanotehnological
field were obtained by approaching and endowing units with new high-tech
equipments, developing subsequently advanced micro- and nanotechnologies
with immediate and tangible applications used in production, research,
laboratories, etc.
Advanced micro technologies for micro-nanoprocessing developed by
The National Institute for Research and Development in Mechatronics and
Measurement Technique--INCDMTM, Bucharest-Romania comprise:
2.1 Advanced micro technology and equipment intelligent for micro-
and laser beam sinterizing nanoprocessings (fig. 1);
The process of selective laser sinterizing is based on obtaining a
thin layer from certain powder mixtures under the action of a laser
beam, depending on the exposure time and on the melting temperature,
marking the transformation of the powder layer in a liquid.
On the basis of the physical properties of the powders used,
immediately after the laser beam stops auctioning, local solidification
takes place almost instantly obtaining a compact cordon shaped after the
directions of the molecular chains, surrounded by a volume of powders
that were not exposed to the action of the laser.
The explanation of the solidification is much more complex, since
the range of materials is very diverse, basing mainly on the same
mechanism exposed to stereolithographical processing: installing
chemical bonds that form linear, three-shaped or tridimensional macromolecular chains.
In this situation, the shift in the physical shape, that involves a
high local amount of heat, can be accelerated through initializes and
controlled through inhibiting substances, and the amount of energy can
be supplied by: heat sources placed on the work space, laser radiations,
These sources must be adapted and regulated when operations take
place, so that the amount of heat needed for attaining the melting
temperature that offers termocinetic conditions that favor the
development of the process be ensured, by establishing the
macromolecular chains and of a structure that is partly crystalline,
once the shift from the liquid to the solid state takes place and the
powder is now tough, this being the mark of the ending of the sintering
From the energetic point of view, the important industrial powders
have a larger range that requires a different amount of energy from the
concentrated energy source.
Choosing the activation energy needed is possible through rapidly
selecting heating regimes accordingly to the dynamics in the sinterizing
process (Fig.2.)
The diversity of these regimes has ultimately attained the
denomination: laser sintering.
1. Horizontal work session
2. Active surface of the working pad
3. Piece section
4. Laser generator
5. Focused laser beam
6. Laser beam diversion device
7. Diverted laser beam
8. Control device
9. Working pad base
10. Adjusting device
11. Sense indicator
12. Recapping pad
13. Opening
14. Tight door
15. Evacuation container
16. Evacuation container door
17. inert gas alimentation mean
18. Heater
19. Discharge device
20. Powder layer application device
21. Powder
22. Powder alimentation
23. Heater radiator
24. Central control device
25. Powder fixing layer
26/28. Container
The rapid prototyping principle is fully automated, it does not
need supervising and the control is carried out by intelligent high-tech
The definition of selective laser sintering is that of a family of
methods, techniques and processes that can generate pieces by
solidification of metallic powder disposed in successive layers (Fig.3.)
over an intelligent high-tech platform, through the exposure of each
powder layer to a laser beam with variable powers.
The metallic powder that can be used encompass a wide variety of
materials including implantable stainless steel and common use steer,
Cobalt or Nickel superalloies, Titanium alloys or genuine Titanium.
All these materials have special physical and mechanical features,
much better than castable or wrought materials, so that they are still
recommended for medical implants, building pieces for the airspace
industry, the autotronical industry, micro pieces used by the
mechatronic, the pneutronic, the hidronic, the robotic, the integronic
industry and much many other industries.
1. Recoater;
2. Micro-mecanical ajusting comparator;
3. Intelligent high-tech platform;
4. Micron/submicron ajusting comparator;
5. Measuring allignment;
A. Micro-motor for micronic adjusting on the Y axis;
B. Micro-motor for micronic adjusting on the X axis.
2.2 Integrated control micro-nanotechnologies
Integrated control micro-nanotechnologies, developed by The
National Institute for Research and Development in Mechatronics and
Measurement Technique in Bucharest, Romania, comprise non-contact 3D
topography control micro-nanotechnologies -3D topography (fig.5).
The non-contact 3D topography control micro-nanotechnologies were
developed by intelligent equipments such as the "Atomic Force
Microscope", dedicated software, for thorough surface scan for
film-like slides with the aid of a measuring tip attached to cantilever
and through ultra precise metrological characteristics, such as
resolution (<0,6 nm--close loop and <0,01--no close loop), Z
scanning area(120 nm, 1200 nm), maximum scan range on X, Y (500 x 500
nm; 5000 x 5000 nm),.
Plane aberrations (max. 2 nm on a horizontal interval of 50
[micro]m, without any software correction), AFM super-luminescent diode
tip (835 nm), zoom (780X), optical resolution (1000 nm), monitored
focus, controlled by software, for a 10 nm depth) and digital high
resolution CCD camera with digital zoom (resolution: 1032 x 778 pixels,
frame speed: 20 Hz; controller processor speed: >500 MHz).
The applicability of non-contact 3D topography control
micro-nanotechnologies is mirrored by 3D graphics, spectroscopic analyses, elasticity material determination, surface topography,
structural chemical analyses, magnetic modulation microscope probe,
nano-lithography, microscopically scanning, etc. in various industrial
environments (chemistry, processing industry, mechatronics, airspace
industry, metrology, etc.)
In the development of the HIGH - TECH area, through the advanced
integrated intelligent control micro-nanoprocessings techniques and
technologies, The National Institute for Research and Development in
Mechatronics and Measurement Technique in Bucharest, Romania has
approached the carrying out and the development, within its research,
experiment or validation laboratories, of a series of advanced
micro-nanotechnologies in successive laser beam sintering, of creating
micro-marks specific to the most important industrial fields and of
advanced micro-nanotechnologies specialized in integrated intelligent
measuring and control in metrological processes and industry, thus
contributing to the development of fields on the basis of integrating
new knowledge and new scientific discoveries in the European area,
according to the regulations stated in the Lisbon strategy.
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