Analysis of milling the parts with thin walls using CAM-FEM methods.
Ghionea, Gabriel Ionut ; Ghionea, Adrian Lucian ; Tanase, Ioan 等
The use of modern CAD-CAM techniques in the parts manufacturing
processes has a large application in the mechanical, automotive,
airspatial industry domains (Altintas & Merdol, 2007). The specialty
literature (Constantinescu et al., 2006) also highlights results of FEM applications in order to determine the elastic deformations values and
the stresses inducted in parts by the contact with the tools during the
working processes. The influences of the technological system
(machine-tool, tools, fixture devices) determine dimensional variations
and irregularities of the processed surfaces, dynamical behavior of the
machine-tool in the cutting process and also the premature wear of the
cutting edges (Childs et al., 2000). The results of the surfaces
generation by simulation, with the aid of CAM techniques (tool path,
division pattern of the stock left for machining, different working
strategies, etc.) offer a large number of data: processing times,
surface accuracy (roughness size), behavior of the machine-tool in
working conditions (power and cutting torque) etc., both for roughing
and finishing operations. The aim of the presented analysis is to show
the working simulation possibilities (CAM and FEM) using specialized
software. For the optimization purpose of the technological process
there are considered and applied various criteria, software
environments, manufacturing data. The paper presents a method to
calculate the cutting power and force, to identify the spots where the
force is applied on the part's thin walls, but also the stress
deformation values using simulations.
Preparing the piece for processing on a machine-tool with numerical
control involves the generation of command information, all data is then
stored in a preset order within a storage device. On modern approaches,
the NC codes can be generated using a CAD-CAM program and a virtual
model of the piece (Ghionea, 2009). Defining the piece in a CAD
environment is used as the entry date to generate the NC program codes
with one of the complex existing programming languages (Kief, 2001/02).
Thus, the simulation is justified to optimize the process. For the
purposes of this paper, it is considered a part having its 3D model made
in CATIA Part Design module and presented in figure 1. The overall
dimensions of the stock part are 100x100x32 mm.
From the analysis of the part's surfaces it is identified the
cavity delimited by a closed contour whose walls have thickness of 2 mm
and 20 mm height. To express (by comparison) the material influence over
the part's stiffness in manufacturing conditions, there are
considered two materials: high-alloyed steel and aluminum alloy, having
the yield strength of 2.5x[10.sup.8] N/[m.sup.2], respectively,
9.5x[10.sup.7] N/[m.sup.2].
To manufacture the part it is used a 3-axis CNC vertical milling
machine-tool having the following main characteristics: spindle speed:
20000 rpm with variable speed range (direct drive spindle), the power of
the principal electric engine: P = 15 kW (continuous rating), machining
feedrate max: 7000 mm/min and rapid feedrate: 20000 mm/min. The
machine-tool has a CNC Sinumerik controller. The tools used in
manufacturing simulation are chosen from a company catalogue (Sandvik,
2008). Also, the toolholders are in correspondence with the spindle nose
and the holding system of the machine-tool.
The main steps of the CAM simulation include the following
operations: Face mill, External roughing profile contouring mill,
External finishing profile contouring mill, Internal roughing profile
pocketing mill, Internal finishing profile contouring mill and Drill
four holes.
In figure 2 it is shown the part during the profile contouring
mill, finish surface. The parameters are: two passes, tool diameter
[D.sub.c] = 12 mm, average chip thickness [h.sub.m] = 0.03 mm, cutting
speed [v.sub.c] = 735 m/min, specific cutting force [k.sub.c1] = 700
N/[mm.sup.2], exponent [m.sub.c] = 0.25, spindle speed [n.sub.c] = 19500
rpm, feed speed [v.sub.f] = 8500 mm/min, cutting power for removal of
chips [P.sub.c] = 4.4 kW, feed per cutting edge [f.sub.z] = 0.11 mm,
cutting depth [a.sub.p] = 20 mm, working engagement [a.sub.e] = 1 mm,
number of cutting edges [z.sub.c]= 4, machining time [t.sub.m] = 27s,
total time [t.sub.t] = 31s.
The values previously presented are established for the case of
aluminum alloy machining, with 75 HB.
In the case the part would be processed of high-alloyed steel, with
200 HB, the data above will be modified. Thus, the parameters become:
two passes, [D.sub.c] = 12 mm, [h.sub.m] = 0.03 mm, [v.sub.c] = 235
m/min, [k.sub.c1] = 1950 N/[mm.sup.2], [m.sub.c] = 0.25, [n.sub.c] =
6235 rpm, [v.sub.f] = 2750 mm/min, [P.sub.c] = 4.3 kW, [f.sub.z] = 0.11
mm, [a.sub.p] = 20 mm, [a.sub.e] = 1 mm, [z.sub.c] = 4, [t.sub.m] = 30
s, [t.sub.t] = 34 s. To determine the cutting power for this operation,
it is used the next equation:
[P.sub.c] = [a.sub.p] x [a.sub.e] x [v.sub.f] x [k.sub.c]/60 x
[10.sup.6] x [eta], (kW) (1)
where: [k.sub.c] = [k.sub.c1] - [] = 4685
N/[mm.sup.2] and [eta] = 1.
In the FEM simulation it is considered a finishing end mill with
the diameter [D.sub.c] = 12 mm, [z.sub.c] = 4, pitch of the helical cutting edge [P.sub.hc] = 37.4 mm, helix angle [omega] = 45[degrees]. On
the contact line between the end mill and the part there are created
four cutting spots placed on the height of the helix pitch. Two of the
spots corresponding to the cutting depth ([a.sub.p] = 20 mm) are shown
in figure 3. In order to establish these spots where the tangential medium cutting force is applied it was necessary to determine the
contact length of each helical edge with the part. The dimensions of
these spots and also the contact angle [phi] between the part and the
cutting edge are calculated with the following equations:
[b.sub.c] = [square root of [D.sub.c.sup.2]/4 - [([D.sub.c]/2 -
[a.sub.e]).sup.2]] = 3.32, (mm) (2)
[] = [square root of [D.sub.c] x [a.sub.e]]/tg[bar.[omega]]
= 3.46, (mm) (3)
[phi] = 2 x [square root of [a.sub.e]/[D.sub.c]] = 0.577.(rad) (4)
The medium cutting force acting on a contact spot for the contact
angle [phi] is determined by the relation 5 and then compared with the
values given by the relation 6.
[F.sub.m[phi]] = [] x [h.sub.m] x [k.sub.c], (N) (5)
[] = 60000 x [P.sub.c]/[v.sub.c] x (N) (6)
With the previously determined values for cutting power (aluminum
alloy and high-alloyed steel) it is calculated the tangential medium
cutting force, relation 6, and has the values: 360 N, respectively, 1098
The medium radial cutting force (which is practically applied on
the two spots) is [F.sub.rm] = (0.3 ... 1) * [], considered
[F.sub.rm] = 0.45 x []. As follows, there are presented some
results of FEM simulations and analysis in the cases of the part being
processed of aluminum alloy and high-alloyed steel. Thus, the medium
radial cutting force is different for each case ([F.sub.rm] = 164 N -
aluminum alloy and [F.sub.rm] = 536 N - high alloyed steel).
Figure 4 shows the Von Mises stresses calculated by the FEM
analysis in the case of aluminum alloy and flat surface. For a force of
164 N applied on the two spots (Fig. 3) the results are: max. stress =
4.68x[10.sup.7] N/[m.sup.2] and max. elastic deformation = 0.062 mm
(Fig. 5) with an error of 48.8 %. That error is too high, so a new
analysis is done after a refinement of the part structure. After the
refinement, the error is 32.7 % and the values become: max. stress =
6.22x[10.sub.7] N/[m.sup.2] and max. elastic deformation = 0.083 mm.
In the high-alloyed steel case (flat surface S1, [F.sub.rm] = 536
N), for an error of 48.8 % the max. stress = 1.53x[10.sup.8] N/[m.sup.2]
and max. elastic deformation = 0.07 mm. Also, for an error of 31 % the
values are: max. stress = 2 x [10.sup.8] N/[m.sup.2], max. elastic
deformation = 0.09 mm.
The user is interested in the outputs of the maximum stress that
must not exceed the admissible material yield strengths.
The simulations' results show that the stresses inducted in
the part's thin walls did not exceed the elastic domain. The
maximum elastic deformations of the processed surfaces are greater in
the case of the high-alloyed steel than in the case of the aluminum
alloy. The data obtained in such simulations are very useful in real
manufacturing processes.
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