Augmented process control and maintenance interface for an alcohol fermentation plant.
Galzina, Vjekoslav ; Saric, Tomislav ; Lujic, Roberto 等
Keeping operation variables stable was previously only objective of
a given process control. New objectives put in front of process industry
as result of variable working conditions ask for reliable control and
monitoring system for supervision (Tellez-Angiano at al., 2008). Final
solution has to be modular, time and cost effective in deployment and
maintenance. Two main tasks in this example needed to be satisfied: one
is to preserve self-sufficiency of control and monitoring system for
fermentation plant and enable connection with other present systems in
refinery and factory. In recent period, ethanol alcohol as alternative
fuel product draws progressive attention. New ways of production, new
sources of feedstock and control are presented recently (Balat, 2009;
Cinar et al. 2003). New control paradigms and strategies are tested and
deployed, like ones in evaluated literature where fuzzy logic (Karakuzo
et al., 2006, Balic & Majdandzic, 2008; Zhao, 2008), neural networks
(Meleiro & Maciel Filho, 2000) and genetic algorithms for process
identification and control (Campello et al., 2003) were used. Process
industry supervision and control is considered complex doe to high
integration (Cinar et al., 2003; Charbonnier et al., 2005). This all
makes more difficult to preserve safety, process and maintenance demands
at local and consequently global factory level. An advanced control
system should provide displays which are oriented toward the total
process rather than towards only individual parameters (Barker et al.,
2005; Tellez-Angiano et al., 2008) furthermore it could stand for every
supervision and control system generally speaking.
Sugar beet molasses, as by-product of sugar production, is commonly
used as substrate for ethanol and yeast biomass production. Ethanol
usage is as technical alcohol, in alcoholic beverages production and as
alternative fuel. Fig. 1. presents general scheme of alcohol refinement
from sugar molasses. Main focus in this paper is on fermenters and
preparation of constituents for batch-feed fermentation supervision and
control in refinery as central unit in alcohol production. Molasses
preparation, and latter distillation and rectification are not covered in this paper, only as information interchanges between these systems in
A properly designed plant interface system should provide displays
and interfaces, which operator can use to supervise and control all
available process activity. The interaction is dual: active in
controlling the process or passive in monitoring the system and process
behaviour (Barker et al., 2005). Input data from other systems are:
status of molasses preparation system, concentration of molasses, flows;
status of distillation and rectification columns, main flows,
temperatures and concentrations; general supply status; general
communication status of relevant systems. System must maintain self-
sufficiency even if other control systems fail (working on last known
set points until operator declare otherwise).
Process control interface is the means by which the operators, site
supervisors, maintenance engineers and system administrators interact
with the system. Process operators need to know present and past process
data, trends and alarms and be able to control process in the desired
way. Supervisor need to check historical trends and give direction for
operators accordingly. A maintenance engineer has to have entrance for
equipment usage, its parameters and all other relevant data (Barker et
al., 2005). System administrator has local and remote access for
database administration and system health control, setup and
configuration screens for controllers parameters and system behavioural
configuration. All of these functions needed to be taken in to the
consideration in process control interface design and deployment. Design
considerations have to be taken by human oriented approach in goal of
realization better integration of procedures, control and alarm system
(Carvalho et al., 2008; Cinar et al., 2003; Nachreiner et al., 2006).
New setup configuration consists of one central process controller and
one central personal computer with two monitors (one for process control
operations and other for alarms and messages) for process control
interface. At Fig. 2. detail of main process control operations is
shown. Operators usually keep this screen active for the period of
normal operation of system.
3.1 Acid dilution
Acid dilution is one of safety critical from maintenance and
control point of view because of aggressive media used. Sulphuric acid
is strong mineral acid and its dilution in water is highly exothermic reaction. Industrial concentrated sulphuric acid is stored in outside
monthly tanks and mixed with molasses after dilution. Because of water,
relative lower density it tends to float on acid and process needs to be
closely monitored and controlled to avoid dangerous splatter and boiling
if water is accidentally added in acid. Main control value is
temperature in mixing tank. Acid is 10% diluted (in mass concentration).
Diluted acid is added to yeast milk and mixed. This mixture is further
mixed with prepared molasses, water and nutrition salts mixture in
3.2 Process Supervision and Control
Supervision and control of fermenters is in main concern of
operators beside control of quality of product by means of sample
extraction and bio-chemical analysis (in present time manual). Main
process control is modular programmable logic controller (PLC) based
with Profibus and Industrial Ethernet communication connections to other
systems (*). Control of continues variables is by means of standard and
advanced software fuzzy proportional integral derivable algorithm (PID and fuzzy-PID). Parameters optimization is off-line particle swarm
optimization for different work regimes of advanced control (start-up
and normal) for mixture of water, diluted acid, molasses, additives and
temperature control in pre-fermenter and standard for air, water and
molasses flows in fermenters for error and error rate.
Alarms control have been divided in two screens, distinguishing
acid dilution and fermenters control alarms and all other alarms; where
others include approximately 100 valves, pumps and electrical drives
status values. Relevant information for maintenance division is prepared
in form of graphic signalization for operators (Fig.3)) and text alarms
and messages interchange for maintenance division. User's remarks
after first period of usage was taken in to the consideration, evaluated
and implemented.
The process control system presented in this paper uses adopted
computer based interface as a replacement of former conventional
interface. Implementation of new control system based on software
algorithms was successful and replaced old conventional. Users have all
relevant information on one place; and maintenance staff now can
historically view and act preventively.
* Sample extraction and bio-chemical analysis for molasses needs to
be fully automated and integrated in process control system to enable
more autonomy optimisation of control parameters.
The authors would like to thank Sladorana d.d. Zupanja Sugar
Factory where the research was performed at Alcohol refinery plant and
its staff for their cooperation in the ongoing case study, especially
maintenance division.
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