Career management in school organisations: case study.
Drobot, Loredana ; Visan, Alina ; Rotaru, Ileana 等
The concept of career has many meanings and for each individual the
meaning can be different. Thus the career can represent (M. Vlasceanu,
1990, p.10):
--he attribute of an occupation or organization;
--the promotion--ascension in a hierarchy;
--the status of a profession--by using the career concept, we
observe the difference between it and other occupations;
--the highlighted involvement of personal activity--the concept
used in this sense has a negative connotation.
The stability of a model activity--the career supposes the
succession of some similar or connected activities, those not connected
would not represent a career.
Greenhaus (1987) describes the career as a reference to "the
model of experiences connected to work"; he includes here some
objective events (positions, posts, jobs) and subjective events
concerning work (attitudes, values, expectations). Schein (1987)
considers the career from the evolution of a person perspective in an
occupation/organization (external career) and from the perspective of a
person's perception regarding his/her work life (internal career).
Thus, the distinction between the two career aspects make reference
to: individual factors (interests, values, aspirations) which are
determining in the person's opinions regarding the engagement in an
occupation/organization and external factors (instruction level, family,
society, organizational pressure) with a role in career construction.
Career development supposes the identification of common
experiences, challenges, problems, tasks to which most people are
confronted during their lifespan.
The analysis of career development allows us to understand the
mechanisms through which certain experiences are produced (e.g. the
difficulties in adapting yourself for the first job, the causes of their
repetition, etc).
Thus, career development determines us to keep in mind all career
stages which are characterized by a set of relatively unique problems,
themes and tasks.
Career planning refers to the actions initiated by a person in
order to understand and control his/her own work life. The actions
predominant in career planning determine the person to:
--become aware of himself/herself, of opportunities, constraints,
opinions, consequences;
--identify the aims connected to career;
--to program work activities, education, experiences connected to
development, etc.
The actions connected to career planning are achieved with the help
of counselors, of the persons from the interior or the exterior of the
organization. In the career planning the predominant role goes to the
person her/herself.
Career management refers to the activities included in the process
of preparation, implementation and monitoring of the career plans
assumed by the individual singularly or together with the career systems
of organizations.
In the process of career management the accent falls on the
individual and the organization. Thus, if the accent is on the
individual role then, the individual: explores the environment, acquires
awareness and establishes the aims of career, develops a strategy to
reach the purpose, implements the strategy, achieves advances in
reaching the purpose and obtains feedback referring to the advance and
evaluates his/her career.
If we highlight the role of organization in career management then
the actions are predominantly achieved by the organization: informing
sessions referring to promoting or evaluating procedures of
performances, development programs such as work rotation, TIC training
programs, etc.
Identity represents the clear consciousness of a person's
individuality, formed by the integration of self-perception and of the
other people's perception about themselves .The identity is in a
permanent construction and reconstruction, being structured from
childhood, but in adolescence it becomes conspicuous. When the cognitive
and social interaction abilities are mature enough the person can
reflect on his/her own career.
Vocational identity combines aspects connected to the understanding
of personal interests, values, abilities, competences for a certain type
of activities, interaction styles and work mediums.
School organization is a special type of organization having common
but also different characteristics as compared to other organizations.
The characteristics which differ from those of other organizations are
"it teaches and produces learning".
According to our accumulated experience we consider that in school
organization, the career management is centered on the organizational
role and less on the individual's or the teacher's actions.
The Romanian education, strongly centralized during tens of years,
adapts difficultly to the decentralization measures. Likewise,
bureaucracy in education limits the personal time of teaching staff for
thinking and choosing the optimal trajectories of personal development.
The education legislation solicits that the teaching staff attend
training programs in order to acquire a number of 90 professional
credits during a period of 5 years. Thus, even if on the professional
market there are training programs interesting for the teachers and
these are not credited, due to the limited personal time, then teachers
renounce attending. Another problem is the absence in schools of persons
specialized in career counseling of didactic staff; the role of
directing towards the training courses is exercised by the didactic
person responsible with training (not paid).
A limited solution, on short and medium term (1-2 years) in
increasing the offer of professional training programs for didactic
staff, is represented by the projects with non-reimbursable financing,
but, the target group is reduced as compared with the demand and
necessities of training. From the analysis of the training needs, the
diagnoses achieved at school level have observed that the teachers are
centered only on some courses, the interest being determined first of
all by their specialization.
The interest stimulation for the didactic staff's training is
achieved according to: the length of the training program, the program
type, location, number of credits and the last one is the personal
development. Maybe, the providers of professional training should have
in view when conceiving these programs, especially the psychological and
vocational component of professional development. In order to check the
mentioned hypothesis we have created an experimental design for a school
in the neighborhood of a residence town.
The Sample is composed of 28 titular teachers from a
Romanian-Croatian bilingual high-school. The distribution of the sample
is the following: 18 women teachers and 10 men teachers with the average
age of 42.
The selected school has constituted one part of the target group of
a PHARE project with non-reimbursable financing, achieved in 2007-2009.
On the occasion of the monitoring visits organized periodically we have
administered Scale of self-efficiency (S.E.S), translated and adapted in
Romanian by Ramona Moldovan. The scale of self-efficiency is composed of
10 items rated from 1 to 4; it is administered in the variant
pencil-paper individually or in group.
Self-efficiency is related to the employment decision in different
departments and it is important in choosing the professional line.
The teachers in the target group have already chosen a professional
line but the motivation for a career development must be
"aroused". We consider that a reduced level of self-efficiency
determines a reduced mobilization in selecting and attending the
training programs, in career management. At the beginning of the
didactic career, the self-efficiency is increased, but in time when
obtaining the didactic degrees, the interest diminishes. That is the
reason why we insist on the psychological component of the personal
development in the training programs.
Self-efficiency also influences the resources allotted to the
demarche of solving a task. The individuals with an increased level of
self-efficiency will optimally allot the resources in difficult
situations as compared to the individuals with a reduced level of
self-efficiency even if they have similar aptitudes.
The processing of data at the Scale of Self-efficiency has
determined the following distribution:
* 20 teachers have had results between 30 and 33;
* 5 teachers have had results between 26 and 29;
* 3 teachers have had results bigger than 25; The standard for
scale SES specifies that:
* class 3 with the values 30 and 33 is the class with the medium
level of self-efficiency;
* class 2 with the values between 26 and 29 represents the class
with a low level of self-efficiency;
* class 1 with values bigger 25 is the class with very low level of
It would have been interesting if the study had been achieved in
comparison to other schools from the rural area but we assume the limits
of this study.
We have observed that the predominance of medium values recorded
constitutes a favorable result which proves the teachers' interest
training, attendance of courses.
The discussions with the headmaster and the managerial team of the
school express the desire to control the professional career even
outside the walls of the school "extra muros". The traditional
Croatian specific and its perpetuation motivate the teachers towards the
career development. Self-efficiency contains the desire to improve
oneself, the school organizational development and the development of
the Croatian community. The specific of the community is the main engine
of the career development.
The desire of career development was also pointed by:
* solicitations to participate to other training programs;
* conceiving some projects which should promote the Croatian
* the desire to achieve inter-cultural exchanges.
The study is limitative but it offers suggestions for the
conception of some training programs destined to the Croatian community
in the area.
The medium and increased self-efficiency is an important element
for the teachers' motivation to attend the training programs. It
must be preserved during the entire career not only in the moment of
choosing it.
School as an organization has its own peculiarities which must be
taken into account in the design and planning of social and educational
policies. The tradition of the community imprints a special specific to
school as an organization.
The themes approached through training programs must aim the
aspects referring to the cultivation of competences of pupil's
counseling and of the persons who are in charge of the pupil's
education out of school.
It was observed that the training programs elude this component
being centered only on the organization role and less on the individual
role in the career development. It is this component that must be
The career management of teachers has personal but also common
characteristics with the career management in other organizations.
Nowadays, for our Romanian schools, we propose that the persons
responsible for the professional development of teachers should attend
training courses in order to develop this component.
Drobot, Loredana (2008). Social Pedagogy, Pedagogical Printing
House, Bucharest, ISBN: 978-973-30-2057
Greenhaus, J, (1987). Career Management, Hinsdale, IL: The Dryden
Paun, E (1999). School as Socio-pedagogical Organisation, Polirom
Printing House, Iasi
Schein, E. H (1987). Individual and careers, in: J. Lorsch,
Handbook of Organizational Behavior, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall
Vlasceanu, M. (2002). Career Management, Printing
House, Bucharest