Comparativ study regarding the energy of turbines with vertical and horizontal axis.
Dubau, Calin
The comparative analysis has focused on the energy evaluations of
each separate assembly. Based on these, the functional performances of
the two turbines have been established. The adimentional curves have
been constructed CP = f([lambda]), where these curves of reference
present the association of the characteristic number [lambda] with the
maximum power value CP (Bej, 2003).
For estimations of the energy production, we have analysed the
energy curves of the turbines with vertical (Gyulai, 2000 a) and
horizontal (Dubau, 2007) axis previously presented.
There is made a comparative analysis based on the results yielded
by the calculations. There will be compared: the vertical turbine V2500
(Gyulai et al., 2000) and the horizontal turbine H2500:
a) Adimentional curves:
--V2500 - CPmax = 0,45, [lambda] = 3;
--H2500 - CPmax = 0,87, [lambda] = 3;
b) Exploitation curves:
--V2500 - Parb = f (v); n = f (v);
--H2500 - Parb = f(v); n = f(v);
c) Energy curves:
--V2500 - ET = f (v); EE = f (vmed);
--H2500 - ET = f (v); EE = f (vmed)
a) The adimentional curves (of the two types of turbines) (see
Fig.1.) allow the construction of the exploitation curves defined
through the area exposed to the air blown by the rotor of the turbine
(S) and the mode of operation (n) see (Gyulai, 2000 b; Gyulai & Bej,
2000). The characteristic number [lambda] is the same for both turbines
(vertical and horizontal). The association of the characteristic number
[lambda] with the maximum power value CP allows a maximization of the
energy produced by the turbine, when this functions under optimum
conditions CPmax and [[lambda].sub.0].
b) The exploitation curves (see Fig.2.) serve the evaluations of
the annual energies, which are correlated with the areas exposed to the
wind and the rotations of the turbine. We can notice from the figure
that the horizontal turbine in comparison with the vertical one,
accomplishes power Parb = 3500 at speed v =10 m/s, which is a smaller
value than that of the vertical turbine, where v = 12 m/s.
Next, we present the dependence of the revolution according to wind
speed, n = f (v), for the analysed turbines (vertical and horizontal),
(see Fig.3.). It can be noticed from the representations that the
horizontal turbine is more efficient than the vertical one because at
smaller revolutions it reaches the values of the indices defined in the
calculation for the obtaining of the axis energy.
c) Comparison of energy curves. The synthesis of the energy balance
for the two turbines (at a location with an average speed of 4 ... 7
m/s) is presented in the following tables (Tab. 1. and Tab. 2.):
There is represented superimposed, in detail, the Parb=f(v)
correlation graphic for five revolutions values of the two previously
analyzed turbines (see Fig.4.). It is shown also in this graphic the
fact that the horizontal turbine, vs. the vertical one, achieves for
each revolution higher values of the power at the axis, in smaller wind
There is presented next the comparison between the energy curves of
the two turbines which are graphically represented for the energy at the
shaft of the turbine (see Fig.5.) and the electrical energy produced by
the two turbines (see Fig.6.), depending on the wind speed.
A first conclusion is that from the dependence Parb = f(v),
determined on a large interval of wind speeds, the horizontal turbine is
more efficient in the process of exploitation than the vertical one,
being able to reach the required powers at lower wind speed.
It can be seen that the assembly with horizontal axis yields an
annual energy production, at a location which allows a medium speed of
4...7m/s and favourable variability, bigger than the assembly with
vertical axis, which, under the same conditions of medium speed, yields
a smaller annual energy production (EE=f(vmed)).
The horizontal turbine is yet again the most representative from
both points of view: the production of more axis energy, as well as the
production of more electric power in an energetically system (ET=f (v)).
Thus, we have accomplished the review of some objective criteria of
comparison, based on scientifically, technical and economical analysis,
which have been subordinated to the general aim of increasing the
efficiency of low power wind assemblies.
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Tab. 1. The vertical turbine--[lambda] = 3, CPmax = 0,45
[] 4 5 6 7
ET 2607 4110 5900 7895
EE 2103 3316 4755 6348
Tab. 2. The horizontal turbine--[lambda] = 3, CPmax = 0,87
[] 4 5 6 7
ET 4419 6668 9125 11627
EE 3577 5410 7403 9416