Computing of stress intensity factor using J-integral method with F.E.A.
Tierean, Mircea ; Baltes, Liana
Path-independent integrals have interesting applications in
computational fracture mechanics. The reason is that stress-intensity
factors are defined by the near tip fields of stress or displacement
which are inaccurate in numerical computations. The J-integral
discovered independently by Rice (1968) and Cherepanov (1968) originated
from a conservation law given by Eshelby (1951) who introduced an
integral having the meaning of a generalized force on an elastic
singularity in a continuum lattice (Bui, 2006).
The fracture behaviour of linear-elastic materials can be easily
analysed with the stress intensity factor (K). To calculate K through
analytic methods, there are lots of typical calculus relations of
elasticity theory available (Tierean, 1999), valid only in particular
cases. The great majority of technical materials have linear-elastic
behaviour only in special conditions (temperature, loading velocity,
radiation) and the validity domain of analytic formulas is reduced. In
these conditions it is necessary to use different methods to study the
fracture resistance.
The J-integral approach has a greater validity area than the stress
intensity factor method, being applicable to linear-elastic and
elastic-plastic materials too. Selecting the favourable integration
path, this method can be used for different pieces' geometry,
because of path-independence on the integral domain.
For a correct analysis the finite element method is preferred. Many
commercial programs for finite element analysis have fracture mechanics
features, using the displacement method.
The stress intensity factor for the opening mode in P(r,9) point,
in the crack neighbourhood (fig. 1), can be obtained with the relation:
The J-integral is computed using the expression:
J = [[integral].sub.l]([W.sub.dy] - [bar.p][partial
derivative][bar.D]/[partial derivative]x ds), (2)
defined on the contour l (fig. 2), where:
* W is the strain energy density;
* ds is the arc element along the l path;
* [bar.p] is the traction vector;
* [bar.D] is the strain vector on the l path, both of them related
to the external perpendicular line [bar.n].
Because of J-integral's solution independence by the domain
radius, "r" is chosen whatever the size. If r [right arrow]
[infinity] this results into
J = [alpha]/E([K.sup.2.sub.I] + [K.sup.2.sub.II]) + (1 + v)/E
[K.sup.2.sub.III], (3)
[alpha] = {1 for the plane stress state {1 - [v.sup.2] for the
plane strain state. (4)
With this relation the stress intensity factor is determined when
the J-integral value is known. Further, on a simple application,
comparative results for stress intensity factor using analytical
relations and the finite element method will be presented.
One considers a square plate (2b=2000 mm), g=10 mm thickness, with
two edge cracks (a=120 mm), loaded at traction ([sigma]=50 MPa) (fig.
3). The problem is solved with the analytic solution (5) (Keer &
Freedman, 1973), valid for the infinite plate
[K.sub.I] = [sigma][square root of [pi]a 1.12 - 0.61 a/b +
0.13[(a/b).sup.3]/[square root of 1 - a/b] (5)
or with the relation (6) presented in (Gross & Srawley, 1972)
[K.sub.I] = 1.13 [sigma] [square root of [pi]a][[2b/[pi]a
tg([pi]a/2b)].sup.1/2]. (6)
Because of the symmetry, only the left up quarter of the plate was
used for finite element modelling. An alloyed steel with E=2.1 x
[10.sup.11] Pa and v=0.28 was selected as material.
The influence of mesh shape (8-nodes [P8N] rectangular plane
elements or 6-nodes [T6N] triangular plane elements) on the results was
studied with CosmosM software. Although the path-independence of
J-integral was proved by J.R. Rice, in the case of F.E.A. analysis,
three different contours have been chosen to study the influence of
approximation level to the obtained values. In fig. 4, the meshing using
the 8-nodes rectangular plane elements, maximum size 20 mm is presented.
The presence of the three integration contours is to be seen.
The analysis with Comsol Multiphysics was done using only
triangular plane elements, maximum size 20 mm. In this case three
rectangular integration contours were considered, each of them as sub
domain, having the same size as in the first case (fig. 5). In fig. 6,
von Mises stresses in the plate with two edge cracks are presented,
analysed with Comsol Multiphysics. The heavy concentration of stress in
the crack tip is to be seen.
The results of the analytic calculi as well as the simulations were
presented in table 1. A good correlation between the values obtained
with the large integration paths using CosmosM with rectangular plane
elements and internal path using Comsol Multiphysics are to be observed.
The determination of stress intensity factor based on J-integral
method was successfully used in the case of F.E.A. software that
includes fracture mechanics facilities. With this method results near
the analytic solutions were obtained, errors being smaller than 5%.
The unchallenged advantage of this method is the possibility to use
it for elastic-plastic materials and different shapes, distinctively
from standard geometries for which solutions through elasticity theory
methods were determined. Because this integration is path-independent,
it could be evaluated along with a path chosen to give the greatest
computational advantage.
Baltes, L.S. (2006). J-Integral method, a feasible method for
stress intensity factor determination, In: 4th International Conference
in Higher Education and Research in the 21st Century, CHER 2006, pp
79-81, ISBN-10:954-580-206-5
Bui, H.D. (2006). Fracture Mechanics. Inverse Problems and
Solutions, Springer, ISBN-10 1-4020-4837-8, Dordrecht
Srawley, J.E. & Gross, B. (1972). Engineering Fracture
Mechanics, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp 587-589, ISSN: 0013-7944
Keer, L.M. & Freedman, J.M. (1973). International Journal of
Engineering Science, Vol 11, No. 12, pp 1265-1275, ISSN: 0020-7225
Tierean, M.H. (1999). Mecanica ruperii (Fracture Mechanics),
Editura Lux Libris, ISBN 973-9240-98-4, Brasov
Tab. 1. Computed stress intensity factors.
Stress intensity factor KI [MPa x [m.sup.1/2]]
Domain Analytic relation (5) Analytic relation (6)
Internal path -- --
Average path -- --
External path -- --
Total 34.27 34.90
Stress intensity factor KI [MPa x [m.sup.1/2]]
F.E.A. F.E.A. F.E.A.
Domain CosmosM [P8N] CosmosM [T6N] Comsol Multiphysics
Internal path 35.96 33.54 35.99
Average path 34.94 33.64 41.94
External path 34.81 33.63 43.53
Total -- -- --