Considerations to design of metrological confirmation processes in mechanical manufacturing systems.
Villeta, Maria ; Lobera, Alfredo Sanz ; Rubio, Eva Maria 等
Metrological confirmation process represents a fundamental element
in the assurance of the quality of the mechanical manufacturing systems.
It must be designed and implemented to ensure that metrological
characteristics of the measurement system meet metrological requirements
of the measurement process (ISO 10012:2003, 2003). The confirmation
process includes the calibration, the verification and also the
measurement uncertainty. Measurement uncertainty (ISO/IEC Guide
98-3:2008(E), 2008), internationally recognized parameter and widely
used in metrological studies such as (Casalino & Ludovico, 2003) and
(Seferovic et al., 2003), is the mainstay of this process. Direct
comparison of the measurement uncertainty with the metrological
requirements will determine whether the measurement system is confirmed
or not for a particular measurement process. In this sense, whether or
not the tolerance/uncertainty ratio falls within a predetermined range
of values, such as that established by (Sanz et al., 1985) or (Sanchez,
1999) to cite only the most relevant, has been a routinely procedure
used at the time of carrying out the metrological verification process.
This paper presents a possible alternative way to the design of
confirmation processes. It is based on a new criterion for the
evaluation of metrological systems (Villeta et al., 2009). Next, both
are going to be exposed briefly. Finally a practical case in the field
of mechanical manufacturing shows the application of such new way of
In mechanical manufacturing field, measurement systems are often
used for evaluating and improving manufacturing processes. The
variability of the measurement system affects on the data obtained from
the measurement process, so these data can show a distorted image of the
variation of the manufacturing process.
In order to guarantee capable measurement systems for controlling
manufacturing process, Villeta (Villeta, 2008) has proposed the ICC index (Index of Contamination of the Capability). The model of equation
(1) has been considered for obtain this index.
Y=X+[epsilon] (1)
Where Y is the observed result after a measuring operation, X is
the true value of the characteristic of a product and [epsilon] is the
random error due to the measurement inaccuracy. It was assumed that X is
normally distributed with average [mu] and variance
[[sigma].sub.P.sup.2] and [epsilon] is independent of X normally
distributed with average zero and variance [[sigma].sub.M.sup.2]. Thus
in agreement with equation (1) instead of observing the characteristic
X, the empirical variable Y normally distributed with average [mu] and
total variance [[sigma].sup.2] is observed:
[sigma].sup.2] = [[sigma].sup.2.sub.P] + [[sigma].sup.2.sub.M] (2)
From this model and with the idea of controlling the manufacturing
process by mean of the capability index [C.sub.p]
([C.sub.p]=T/6[[sigma].sub.P], where T represents the manufacture
tolerance) evaluated throughout the measurement system, equations (3)
and (4) have been developed:
where [z.sub.[alpha]/2] represents the value of a standard normal
distribution which leaves on its right a probability of [alpha]/2 and
[gamma]=U/T, where U is the expanded uncertainty of measurement (ISO/IEC
Guide 98-3:2008(E), 2008). [[??].sub.p,obs] represents the observed
process capability and [[??].sub.p,real] is an approach to the
capability that the manufacturing process really has.
Due to the uncertainty of measurement, a capability lower than the
manufacturing process really has is observed. With the aim of
quantifying the adequacy of measurement systems in this context, the
mentioned ICC index has been proposed by:
As it was mentioned before, the relationship between tolerance and
uncertainty has a great interest in metrological confirmation process. A
very usual requisite for verification in mechanical manufacturing
systems, but not unique (Aguilar et al., 2006), consist on the
requirement of the following rank of values (Sanz et al., 1985):
3 [less than or equal to] T/2U [less than or equal to] 10 (6)
On the other hand, fixing a minimum value for ICC index so that in
case of observing a 1.33 capability and taking [alpha]=0.05 the minimum
index agrees with the lower limit of the rank of values for the ratio
tolerance/uncertainty in equation (6), it can be obtained next criterion
(Villeta et al., 2009):
T/2U [greater than or equal to] (4.42)[[??].sub.p,obs]/[z.sub.a/2]
Considering this result and with the idea of establishing a
two-side limits rank of values useful in the process of metrological
verification, equation (8) can be obtained now proceeding with the upper
limit of equation (6) in a similar way as in the lower one:
T/2U [less than or equal to]
(14.74)[[??].sub.p,obs]/[z.sub.[alpha]/2] (8)
Therefore, equations (7) and (8) offer a rank of values for the
ratio tolerance/uncertainty that can help in concluding or not if a
measurement system is according to metrological confirmation for a
defined measurement process in a mechanical manufacturing process. It
can be noticed that the rank of values is bigger for processes more
capable, but more demanding with the uncertainty too.
In order to illustrate the above considerations to the design of
the confirmation process, a practical case is going to be exposed.
Assume the experimental study of Saenz de Pipaon (Saenz de Pipaon
et al., 2008) where cylindrical bars of magnesium alloy UNS M11311 were
dry turned. To measure the roughness of the workpieces, a surface
roughness tester Mitutoyo Surftest SJ401 was used. Suppose that this
measurement system owns a ratio T/2U=3.5. Suppose also that a capability
of 1.2 is observed in the machining process with the roughness tester.
Then, by the equations (7) and (8) (with [alpha]=0.05):
2.71<3.50<9.02; this suggests that the roughness tester is in
adequate state of confirmation to measure the machining process.
Nevertheless, the same roughness tester would not be in adequate
state of confirmation for a turning process with an observed capability
of 1.8, because 4.42[[??].sub.p,obs] / [z.sub.[alpha]/2] = 4.07 >3.5.
Figure 1 shows this situation.
This paper offers an alternative way to the traditional
requirements about the relationship between tolerance and measurement
uncertainty, considered in metrological verification processes applied
to mechanical manufacturing systems. In such way, the capability of the
manufacturing process has been considered for fixing the limits of
tolerance/uncertainty ratio. More capable processes will be more
demanding with the tolerance/uncertainty ratio. Depending on such
capability, among other parameters, the measurement system will be or
will not be in adequate state of metrological confirmation for the
measurement process.
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