Contributions to the hydrostatic buffers for railway vehicles.
Otlacan, Dimitrie ; Tusz, Francisc ; Duma, Virgil-Florin 等
At the 150 reunion of the Expert Committee ORE (ERRI), the join
symposium of the B12 and B36 commissions performed an evaluation of the
state-of-the-art regarding the construction of the railway wagons, and
of the necessities & possible evolutions in order to have a railway
transport competitive with regard to its competitors, i.e., road
Several problems to be solved were highlighted: 1) decrease of the
costs related to railway items; 2) decrease of the costs related to the
maintaining of railway material; 3) increase of the velocity of the
trains; 4) insurance of the security of transports. The annual costs of
the repairs of the wagons, consequence of minor accidents, was
16,678,000DM/year for DB (0.3% of them, in frontal parts), CFF and SNCF,
while the costs of the payments due to bad condition of the items
transported (consequence of the shocks produced by frontal contacts of
the wagons) reached 22,421,000DM/year (ORE, 1995); 5) the decrease of
the longitudinal forces for which the wagons are tested, by using
frontal buffers with superior characteristics; 6) environment
protection, especially for the transport of dangerous items (UIC, 2000a,
b, c).
In order to solve with low costs such problems, UIC recommended the
pan-European cooperation of those interested (UIC 1998, 2001, ORE 1990a,
b). For the European transport system, objectives to be reached until
2020 are: increasing by a factor of 2 the traffic of persons and by a
factor of 3 of the traffic of different items & 50% reducing of
From a technical point of view, problems 3-6 may be solved, but the
costs of the existing solutions do not allow their large scale
application, because:
7) 140, even 160km/h velocities are possible with wagons for the
transport of different items, but the cost of the bogie would be three
times higher than the one of a bogie that reaches but 120km/h, while the
wear of the railway and of the wheels may increase significantly, also
due to the transversal forces that appear in the buffers when passing
through curves (Otlacan et al, 2008);
8) Some buffers of the C category (with a minimum of 70 kJ and a
displacement of 105 mm, according to UIC 526-1) and buffers of the L
category (a 130 or 150mm displacement, according to UIC 526-3) may
provide a sufficient protection of the structure of the wagons and of
their load, but their price is 2-3 times higher (ORE, 1995) than the one
of an A category (min. 30kJ and a displacement of 105mm), which has the
minimum accepted and necessary characteristics for the new wagons.
As a consequence, in Europe, out of the two or three pair of wheels
wagons, just 1% of them have the C category buffers and less than 0.1%,
L category ones. Out of the 4 pair of wheels wagons, 4.5% have the C
category buffers and less than 0.1% have L category ones. Because of the
costs, superior characteristics buffers are used only where the UIC asks
for that (for freight wagons of class 2 RID).
9) A problem related to the buffers used, but also with
implications on the safety of the transports and on the wear of the
wheels, is given by the forces transversal with regard to the
displacement direction, forces that appear in the buffers when passing
through curves.
In order to meet specific present and future requirements regarding
the buffers, we have conceived a buffer (Otlacan, 1999) that is able to
satisfy all the specified conditions. This element represents a
development of the hydrostatic technology (Otlacan, 2000). The
hydrostatic solution developed, used at the buffers of railway wagons
(Dixon, 1998), is presented, with its constructive solution, in figure
The diagram in a static regime of the spring & shock absorber
developed assembly is presented in figure 2a, while in figure 2b, the
functional diagram of the system in the dynamic regime (Otlacan, 2007)
is drawn. One may notice that the spring-damper assembly has the
functional characteristics (the level of the forces, the absorbed
energy, the consumed energy and so on) at the level of the best existing
solutions of the hydrodynamic spring-dampers.
We concluded that the forces that appear for the wagons provided
with the proposed buffers are 2 ... 2.9 times smaller than in the case
of the buffers built with the hydrostatic technology and 1.5 times
smaller than those of the best nowadays buffers (Otlacan, 2009).
Other characteristics are: (i) constructive simplicity; easy to
maintain; functional characteristics at the level of the best
hydrodynamic buffers of the C and L category; (ii) the possibility of
changing the static characteristic with regard to the condition of the
wagon, both in repairs and functioning. In addition, these buffers can
work differently in the situation when the wagon is single or in a
convoy, without being necessary to link it at the air circuit of the
wagon; (iii) the spring of the buffer may be designed with a
displacement of up to 200 mm, in the overall size conditions imposed
nowadays; the spring of the assembly and its characteristic may be
adapted, with minimum costs, in order to be also used as the spring of
the automatic couple, in the case when this type of couple will be
applied in Europe as well; (iv) the spring designed especially for the
automatic couple simplifies the way the head of the couple is linked to
the shock absorber, reducing the costs; the spring may be designed for
any type of railway wagon for passengers, freight or locomotives.
The use of the developed buffer, with a displacement of 105 mm, 150
mm or higher, with characteristics of the C or L category, brings
advantages for all those involved in the railway transport: (i) for the
owner of the wagon, by decreasing the costs of buying and maintenance; a
better protection of the structure; smaller wears of the buffers, of the
spring and of the wheels.
Although our research continues, a minimum of 50% increase of the
transport distance between to repairs of the worn wheels is estimated
and a reducing of the costs of the transfer to the automatic couple by
using again the spring of the shock absorber; (ii) for the user (the
transport company), by providing a better protection of the load of the
wagon and by decreasing the curves in which the transport can be
performed with no special measures like the ease of the screw of the
elongation device and by reducing the necessary power of the driving
engine at the train start, when the shock absorber and the elongation
device or the automatic couple is used; (iii) for the owner of the
railway, by reducing the wear in the curves; d) for the wagons
manufacturer, by an increase of the guarantee period for some
sub-assemblies. The cost for the manufacturing of this buffer is lower
than of any of the nowadays C category.
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Automotive Engineers, Warendale, Pa
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