Development of software package based on the mathematical graph theory for more efficient project management.
Majstorovic, Vlado ; Rakic, Kresimir ; Glavas, Marijana Bandic 等
In terms of the increasing division of labor and specialization,
planning and management projects becoming more complex. Coordination of
the participants in performing the business task is of great importance
and decisive impact on the efficiency of its execution. Integrated
observing of execution of business project provides significantly better
planning of implementation process and increases the efficiency of
managing these projects. Network planning methods have the advantage
compared to other methods which have complete look at the process of
business project realization, because they provide a clear enough view
of realization of the entire work, unambiguous view of logical course of
mutual dependence of parts and processes, more precisely and more
accurately determine parts of the project deadlines and the project as a
whole as well as they determine the most burdened path from time aspect
(Andrijic, 1982).
Recognizing the need for continued specialized software solutions
for computer-aided project management, we are going to create an
comprehensive software package that will enable us faster and more
efficient operation in the future. Despite the existence of similar
software packages, we decided for this step because of the need for
concrete customizing software solutions to real problems that we
encounter every day.
Noticing a strong correlation between the concepts of network
planning and concepts of mathematical graph theory, along with a
detailed study of the many algorithms used in graph theory, we concluded
that the mentioned algorithms can very effectively used to solve
specific problems encountered in project management.
The basis of network planning is the network diagram that consists
of activities, or parts of projects, which can be considered as separate
entities from the feasibility and economic point of view, and events, or
moments of time where one or more activities begin or end. Each
activity, as well as the entire project, has a initial event and final
event. An activity which initial event is i, and final event is j we
will mark as [A.sub.ij] (Majstorovic, 2001). Each network diagram must
meet the following requirements:
* there is only one initial and one final event of the project;
* there is at least one path from the initial to the final event of
the project;
* for each event there is at least one path to the final event of
the project;
* the existence of cycles is not allowed.
In terms of graph theory, graph vertices represent the events, and
its edges represent project activities. Due to the lack of multiple arcs
and loops, the network diagram is a strict, directed graph D (Veljan,
2001). Therefore, in our analysis, we can apply all the known algorithms
from mathematical graph theory that will help us in solving our tasks.
To illustrate the usability of these algorithms in this paper we
describe the application of well-known Floyd-Warshall algorithm for
finding the critical path (CPM--Critical Path Method) in project time
analysis. In this analysis, each activity is associated with a numeric
value that represents its duration. From the standpoint of graph theory,
these numerical values can be interpreted as a weight value of edges, so
in this case, the network diagram is an strict weighted directed graph
D, which is very suitable for performing the aforementioned
Floyd-Warshall's algorithm
Original Floyd-Warshall algorithm compares all possible paths
through the strict weighted directed graph D between each pair of
vertices (Cormen et al., 2001). If we assume that a strict weighted
directed graph has no negative cycles, and network diagram for time
analysis is just such a graph, Floyd-Warshall algorithm finds the
shortest path between each pair of vertices in a single passage.
Considering that the longest path between initial and final vertex of network diagram, as well as paths between all pairs of internal
vertices (due to possible multiple critical paths between any pairs of
nodes), is crucial for determination of critical path, we will modify
the Floyd-Warshall algorithm to find the longest paths between vertices
instead of the shortest ones. First we will describe modified
Floyd-Warshall algorithm for finding critical paths in the network
Let D be strict weighted directed graph and let [V.sub.D] =
{[v.sub.1], [v.sub.2], ..., [v.sub.n]} be set of n vertices of graph D,
insome order. We will define an recursive function LongestPath(i, j, k):
LongestPath(i, j, k) = Maximal(LongestPath(i, j, k-1),
LongestPath(i, k, k-1) + LongestPath(k, j, k-1)); LongestPath(i, j, 0) =
ArcWeight(i, j);
for which we claim that, as a result, returns the longest possible
path starting at the vi and ending at the [v.sub.j], using only the
vertices [v.sub.1], ..., [v.sub.k] as an intermediate points along the
The basis of the algorithm is an adjacency matrix W(D) of weighted
directed graph D, which gives us the value of the function ArcWeight(i,
j) for all vertices pairs ([v.sub.i], [v.sub.j]). Algorithm for finding
the longest path between each pair of peaks is carried out in n steps.
The proof of correctness of the basics of Floyd-Warshallovog
algorithm, that is the above recursive formula LongestPath(i, j, k), is
carried out with an mathematical induction, according to the cardinal
number k of vertices set {[v.sub.i], [v.sub.2], [v.sub.k]} e VD, which
are used as an intermediate points along the path.
Basis: For k = 0 set of vertices that we use as an intermediate
points along the path is an empty set. Thus, the longest path beginning
at the [v.sub.i] and ending at the [v.sub.j], which does not contain any
vertex as an intermediate point, is either equal to the weight of arc
starting at the [v.sub.i] and ending at the [v.sub.j], if this arc
exists, or it is not defined (i.e. has value [infinity]) if there is no
such arc. Those are the exact values that we can find in adjacency
matrix W(D), or, in other words, the return values of function
ArcWeight(i, j). This proves induction basis.
Assumption: We assume that the recursive function LongestPath (i,
j, k) returns the longest possible path starting at the vi and ending at
the vj, using only vertices [v.sub.i], ..., [v.sub.k] as an intermediate
points along the path.
Inductive step: Let us prove the claim for k+1. Therefore, we are
looking for the longest possible path starting at the v' and ending
at the [v.sub.j], using only the vertices from the set {[v.sub.1],
[v.sub.2], ..., [v.sub.k], [v.sub.k+i]} as an intermediate points along
the path. There are two candidates for this path: it's either the
path which uses only the vertices from the set {[v.sub.1], [v.sub.2],
..., [v.sub.k]} and [v.sub.k+i] is not used, or there is an longer path
that goes from [v.sub.1] to [v.sub.k+i], and further from [v.sub.k+i] to
[v.sub.j]. We know that the longest possible path from [v.sub.i] to
[v.sub.j] that uses only vertices [v.sub.i], ..., [v.sub.k] is
determined by function LongestPath(i, j, k). It is also obvious that, if
there is a longer path from [v.sub.i] to [v.sub.j] through the vertex
[v.sub.k+i], then its length is the sum of the longest paths from
[v.sub.i] to [v.sub.k+1] and from [v.sub.k+1] to [v.sub.j] (using only
the set of vertices {[v.sub.1], [v.sub.2], [v.sub.k]}). Therefore:
LongestPath(i, j, k+1) = Maximal(LongestPath(i, j, k),
LongestPath(i, k+1, k) + LongtestPath(k+1, j, k));
which proves the inductive step.
Since both the basis and the inductive step have been proved, it
has now been proved by mathematical induction that our formula holds for
all natural n. Q.E.D.
Functioning of the Floyd-Warshallov algorithm for finding critical
times in the project time analysis we will show using the following
network diagram.
The final results of modified Floyd-Warshall algorithm are the
longest paths between each pair of vertices of strict weighted directed
graph D. In the terminology of network planning these numerical values
represent the earliest beginnings of the project activities.
The next step is to determine the latest beginnings of project
activities. For this purpose, we observe the network diagram starting
from the final event and all the activities in the reverse direction,
which is achieved by transforming the adjacency matrix.
We get the values of the latest beginnings by detracting the
results of Floyd-Warshall algorithm from the value of the earliest start
of the final event. Final results will be as the following figure:
Critical project activities are those activities in which have the
same earliest and latest start (Heldman & Cram, 2004). In our
example, those activities are [A.sub.13], [A.sub.36], [A.sub.67] and
[A.sub.78] (marked with thicker arrows), and they form a critical path
in time analysis of observed project.
The presented problem is a simple example of finding unique
critical path in project time analysis. Used the modified Floyd-Warshall
algorithm also allows the determination of multiple critical paths, due
to the fact that it determines the longest paths between each pair of
vertices, not only between the initial and final vertex. Once we
determine the critical project activities, we can determine all the
critical paths in a way that for every internal vertex of critical path
(excluding initial and final vertex), verify the existence of an
alternative critical paths from the initial vertex to the observed one,
which does not pass all previously tested internal vertices of critical
This way of finding the critical path will be a basis of software
package, which we plan to develop. In this direction we face our further
Andrijic, S. (1982). Matematicke metode programiranja u
organizacijama udruzenog rada (Mathematical Methods of Programming in
Organizations of Associated Labor) Svjetlost, ISBN, Sarajevo
Cormen, T.H.; Leiserson, C.E.; Rivest R.L. & Stein C. (2001).
Introduction to Algorithms, 2nd Edition, The MIT Press, ISBN
0-262-03293-7, Cambridge
Heldman, W. & Cram, L. (2004). IT Project +, Sybex, ISBN
07821-4318-0, San Francisco-London
Majstorovic, V. (2001). Production and Project Management, DAAAM,
ISBN 3-901 509-23-2, Mostar-Wien
Veljan, D. (2001). Kombinatorna i diskretna matematika
(Combinatorial and Discrete Mathematics), Algoritam, ISBN 953-6450-74-7,