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  • 标题:Effective production structures for intelligent manufacturing.
  • 作者:Tesic, Zdravko ; Cosic, Ilija
  • 期刊名称:Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings
  • 印刷版ISSN:1726-9679
  • 出版年度:2009
  • 期号:January
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:DAAAM International Vienna
  • 摘要:The concept of modern enterprise and intelligent manufacturing appeared as a result of continuous growth of the degree of complexity in all areas of economic and social activities, intensive technological development, changes in the demands of consumers and other unforeseen events that follow the business processes. Intelligence enterprises are where knowledge management and other business intelligence solutions provide the in-depth analytical capabilities needed to turn row data into actionable knowledge for the enterprise (Sharma & Gupta, 2003). There are three basic approaches to the development of modern enterprises:
  • 关键词:Artificial intelligence;Manufacturing;Manufacturing processes;Production management

Effective production structures for intelligent manufacturing.

Tesic, Zdravko ; Cosic, Ilija


The concept of modern enterprise and intelligent manufacturing appeared as a result of continuous growth of the degree of complexity in all areas of economic and social activities, intensive technological development, changes in the demands of consumers and other unforeseen events that follow the business processes. Intelligence enterprises are where knowledge management and other business intelligence solutions provide the in-depth analytical capabilities needed to turn row data into actionable knowledge for the enterprise (Sharma & Gupta, 2003). There are three basic approaches to the development of modern enterprises:

* The continuous research in the development and introduction of human intelligence in the cognitive, innovative and creative sense by increasing knowledge, experience and skills (Johannessen, 2008), Human capital refers to all employees and mangers knowledge, ability, skills and experiences etc.. (Edvinsson & Malone, 1997). Companies must keep employees to display their intangible knowledge, skill, experience and ability to create corporate value (Stewart, 1997).

* The development of information and communication technologies and artificial intelligence technologies with the aim of studying the phenomenon in the process of work, elimination of restrictions, and the development of sophisticated software for effective action in the decision processes (Meziane et al., 2000).

* The competitive intelligence is focusing on the growth of competitive abilities of companies. When designing of competitive intelligence, information is collected from the actions and knowledge about the overall business enterprise competition and the environment-market (Hughes, 2005; Buchada, 2007).

Modern enterprises are systems that implements the intellectual procedures in manufacturing and use them to better connect human resources with intelligent machines, integrating a whole range of processes (marketing, design products and production flows, production control, maintenance) in a flexible approach that leads to performance improvements. The questions we will try to shed light on in this article are: what are effective production structures and effective production control systems in modern manufacturing enterprises.


Traditional approach in the development of manufacturing structures has developed in conditions of high demand and more efficient product delivery to consumers. Functional layouts, also known as process layouts, are the physical grouping of machines that do similar work. Main disadvantages of functional layouts are: complex material flows, long throughput times, high levels of work-in-progress, complex planning and control systems and low workers satisfaction. Analysis of the above mentioned disadvantages of functional layouts in the real material processes of production have led to the conclusion that it was necessary to develop more effective production structure. Production programs for the wider structures and different amounts, it is possible to apply the Group Technology (GT) concept that seeks to identify and group similar parts to take advantage of their similarities in production flows design (Burbidge, 1989). Family of operational group of similar parts is the basis of group design flow, and the basis for the design of manufacturing cells (MC), which is able to maintain an independent existence. The concept of independent existence means the ability to make decisions without external influence, ie, the ability of business through its internal state and behavior (Zelenovic & Tesic, 1988). MC is a fully structured, flexible, motivated to action, effective, that contains all the necessary systems to maintain an independent existence (Figure 1)


The main problems in the implementation of the MC are: the costs of investments in the distribution of technological systems, the time re-design of production flow, insufficient quantity of the market demands and problems in the change of production program.

Significant attention in the development of effective production structure is dedicated to the development of virtual manufacturing cells (VMC). The design of manufacturing systems can be broken down into physical design and logical design. Physical design deals with the configuration of the physical resources (machines, people). Logic design deals with the possibilities and ways of organization and management of production processes and activities. Determination of resources grouped logically within the system for production management, offers the possibility of achieving the cells when the Cellular Manufacturing can not be realized. The VMC is formed by a group of resources for the production of parts so that the family clustering does not affect the physical structure in the manufacturing layouts. Machines from different plants can be grouped into virtual (logical) group, instead of physical machines in the reallocation of an independent production cells (Nomden et al., 2006). VMC effective design can be achieved by applying the concept of GT, which is based on family of similar parts. The directions of VMC discusses three different types of resources: technological equipment (machines), human resources and equipment for handling materials, as Figure 2 shows.


Future research should be focused on the development of methods for improving the system for handling materials that allows the introduction of smaller series in production. Research the role of human resources in the VMC will be important in the future.



In the application of GT approaches, it is necessary to design the system for planning and control of the manufacturing that uses the reallocation of technological systems in the manufacturing cells. The main task of the system is to fully exploit the advantages of the GT approach, which requires a set of existing or development of new approaches to production planning and control. Many authors recommend the use of MRPII (Manufacturing Resource Planning) in the production systems with the application of GT approach (Riezebos, 1998). However, we need to know that MRPII approach includes modules for planning and management of business and production processes, but does not consider their relations with the configuration of production systems. The problem is the MRP module, which refers to the second level of planning, that does not provide a connection to the real situation in the operating units. Advantages of GT can be achieved by applying MRPII approach with certain settings. Burbidge is designed PBC method in the management of production systems (Burbidge, 1978). PBC approach can be described as a system of single-cycle ordering method. As MRP, PBC use time-based planning of the flow of cases between the level of production and component products apply in determining the need for components, parts and materials. PBC is based on the philosophy of assembling products when they have to be despatched to customers, of making components when they are required for assembly and of accepting materials from suppliers when they are required for processing. GT and PBC together able reducing set-up times, work-in-progress and througput times in manufacturing systems (Zelenovic & Tesic, 1988).


The development of modern enterprise requires effective management, which implements intelligent procedures in manufacturing sector The aim of effective management is continuous improvement processes of product design, production structure design, setting production control system and redesign the organizational structure. This article is exposed to the needs of the development of effective production structures and production control system of the company which is a requirement to establish and design next generation of manufacturing and processing technologies. Design of modern enterprise requires the integrative approach of all business and manufacturing processes we discuss above.


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