Electric discharge machining process control.
Popa, Marcel Sabin ; Contiu, Glad ; Preja, Dan 等
In 1942 the Lazarenko couple discovered the Electric Discharge
Machining process. At the beginning it was used only in the military
industry. EDM performed a long way till its present high performances.
EDM was created in order to fulfill the requirement to manufacture
materials with better mechanic and thermal characteristics. The major
advantage of EDM as compared to other manufacturing processes is that
the hardness of material is not important, and the only condition that
has to be fulfilled by the processed material is to be electro
conductive (Popa M, Contiu G., Precup M., 2008).
Development of unconventional technologies in the field of
manufacturing processes was possible due to discovery of new materials
that are harder and sometimes impossible to process with conventional
technologies. The new dimensions in the electronic and automation opened
also the gates for the unconventional technologies to take the lead in
the research departments.
Even though the unconventional technologies have been studied for a
long time, some aspects are not yet perfectlyunderstood. For the
industry that is using those technologies (for example EDM) it is
important to understand every detail that could influence the quality of
the work piece that is manufactured.
Electric discharge machining process is complex and stochastic in
nature. The process involves a combination of several disciplines such
as electrodynamics, electromagnetic, thermodynamic, and hydrodynamic which makes it difficult to structurein a comprehensive model. (S.H.
Yeo,2 008)
The properties of diatomic plasma were considered to be constant
and the fluid dynamic equation was included in the model. Eubank
reported variable mass cylindrical plasma which expands with time. For
an EDM process with a current of 2.34 A, the temperature and pressure of
the plasma channel were approximated to be 11,210 K and 54 bar after 6
us. Another approximation of plasma channel for micro-EDM process was
reported by Dhanik and Joshi (2005) where the temperature and pressure
were found to be in the range of 8100 [+ or -] 1750K and 6-8 bar,
respectively (S.H. Yeo,2008, Eubank, P.T.1993, Dhanik, S., Joshi, S.S.,
One of the parameters that depend on these phenomena is the
roughness of the surface obtained by processing a work piece with EDM
process (Popa, M. S. 2008).
The phenomena of electric discharge machining was studied and
mathematically modeled by some scientists such as Jilani,
Di'Bitonto, Van Dijck, Beck etc. By these models, they tried to
approximate the dimensions of the crater created by a single spark
during the EDM process.
To be able to obtain a single (fig. 1 and 2) crater some researches
were made. The best method was to use plate electrodes, one anode of
cupper and one cathode of steel. Moreover, in order to be able to obtain
only a few sparks, the pulse-off-time had to be modified up to 50000 us.
By extending the pulse off time obtaining a longer period, it was
possible to obtain single defined craters.
The experiments were performed on different work pieces with the
aim to observe the variation of the roughness of the surface and the
speed of machining as related to the thickness of the material. In
figure 3 measured the volume of the crater by with the help of an
electronic microscope. In this case the volume above the crater is
[V.sub.above]= 11513351 [micro][m.sup.3] and the volume above the
surface [V.sub.below]=21322934 [micro][m.sup.3]. Two problems occur
during the process. One is the accuracy of the measurements that
isperformed by the microscope and the second oneis the light reflection
of the processed surface. As in figure 2, some white points can be seen.
Some of these errors appear because of the surface that is too dark and
the light from the microscope is not reflected and some of them because
the surface reflect too much light. During the measurements all these
reflections generate errors of the results.
Rough surfaces or complex form geometries are challenging for
tactile and conventional optical instruments. Tactile methods can
produce errors caused by the tip radius of the stylus which can cause
mechanical misrepresentation of the true surface. The complex reflective
properties of extremely sculptured surfaces can be extremely difficult
to resolve and capture with conventional optical systems.
A researche was performed on a number of types of materials that
were processed by wire EDM and than the surface roughness was measured.
Six types of material were used. Three of them were steel alloys and the
other three were Al, Cu and Graphite.
Measurements of the roughness of the surface and the material
removal rate are shown in figure 4. The diagram presented in fig. 1
shows the approximated form of the crater that can be measured with an
electronic microscope.
A mathematical calculation and a statistic evaluation of the
dimension of the crater would be more precise than the microscopic
measurement of the volume. Also an approximation of the thermal
influence could provide us the structural changes in the superficial
layers of the surface.
The roughness of the surface is constituted from all the craters
that are melted during the process. A state of the art machining
technology adapted for each specific material should provide a precise
value of the surface roughness.
One of the most important problems to be solved is a mathematical
model like one of DiBitonto or Jilani, which should provide a precise
approximation of the one spark crater. These could solve the problem
that industry still has.
Until this point, the research has focused on measuring the
dimensions of the craters that are generated on the surface. Next step
will be to improve or to create a mathematical model of the crater.
All the measurements that were made till now will be used in
validation of the future mathemathical model.
A mathematical model could help in building a data base for every
machine type.
For a better planning of the technology, it is necessary to build a
data base with most common materials that are to be used in a factory.
Although the machining parameters (such as the type of material, the
thickness of the work piece, the roughness that must be obtained and the
tool material) are optimized, the quality of surface is different for
each machining because external conditions are different for each
machining process. (Popa M. S., Contiu G, Preja D.., 2008).
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