Engineering aspects of pre-surgery planning using virtual reality.
Dreucean, Mircea ; Sticlaru, Carmen ; Hoigne, Dominik 等
The benefit of virtual reality technology has touched the medical
world and added a very useful training method in surgery. One of the
first applications for virtual systems in medicine was the stent
surgery. Another direction is the development of training software for
orthopedic surgery based on virtual reality. The simulator has to
include a number of virtual objects like surgery table, bones, tissues,
muscles, blood vessels as well as surgical instruments like scalpel,
holders, drills and many others. There are a few challenges in this
process of virtualization:
* All the components have to be created as CAD parts and the human
bones should be customized for every patient. On this purpose a spiral
CT in the Imagistics laboratory and the MIMICS software for the 3D
reconstruction based on the CT slices were used. The members of the team
use ProE to create the surgical instruments. The parts created in this
way are always too large to be used in the virtual scene. Therefore the
number of triangular facets must be reduced and the parts should be
* In order to obtain a virtual reality model of the surgery room as
well as the patient's anatomy, one or more haptic devices must be
used. For small systems the simple use of a phantom device and a normal
stereoscopic screen could satisfy, but in the case of larger models a
CAVE system is more relevant.
The research team is oriented to the 3D reconstruction of the human
skeleton parts based on CT scans using MIMICS and to the design and
rapid prototyping of the implants of various types, both osteosynthesis
implants and complete joint replacements and their interaction with the
bone. Many FEA studies have been developed for the bone-implant
interaction. (Krauze, et al., 2008)
The study was oriented to the combination bone-implant at the level
of the proximal femur. The first problem to solve was the achievement of
a CAD model of the femur as close as possible to the real bone. In the
first step of the procedure the femur was 3D rebuilt from a series of CT
slices. The reconstruction was developed in MIMICS and the result was a
realistic replica of the bone. The bones were virtually fractured in the
trochanteric region in a manner the most frequent fractures of the
proximal femur occurs. Over this model a set of implants were inserted
and contact conditions were defined between the implants and bone with
the aim of taking this models into FEA and virtual environment.
2.1 Types of fractures
An exact analysis of the fracture is important for choosing the
optimal treatment strategy. For proximal femur fractures, the
classification system from the AO (Sadowski, 2002), (***, 2009) was
used. The trochanteric fractures are subdivided in three types:
pertrochanteric simple (Type A1) (fig. 2a), pertrochanteric
multifragmentary (Type A2) (fig. 2b) and intertrochanteric fracture
(Type A3) (fig. 2c).
The femur with fractures was designed in ProE and the CAD models
are ready to be taken in the virtual reality application. The models of
different types of implants will be used for training the surgeons. As
used for planning a real osteosynthesis of a patient, the models of the
bones can be generated using the MIMICS software, as mentioned before,
which can produce 3D models based on CT scans. Recently it was developed
the method for the generation of the 3D models starting from normal 2D
X-ray. (Matthews, 2007).
In some cases the intertrochanteric fracture is multifragmentary
and reversed and separates the greater trochanter completely from the
femur. In this case the forces at the fracture line are different from
the normal fracture type A1 and special measures have to be taken in the
process of reduction of the fracture and implantation of the implant
(fig. 2d).
In the pertrochanteric multifragmentary fracture (type A2) and in
the multifragmentary intertrochanteric fracture (type A3) the trochanter
minor is broken as well. So, the forces acting on this dorsomedial
column have to be compensated by the implant. The abductor muscles
stabilize the pelvis especially during walking in one leg and standing.
If the trochanter major is fractured completely, the abductor muscles
are disconnected and cannot affect the leg any more. Major limping is
the consequence. That's why one of the main goals of the operation
is to fix the trochanter major.
The different types of implants are intended to keep the fragments
in position during the healing time. The reposition of the fragments in
correct position has to be achieved priory. The reposition success in
proximal femur fractures is assured mostly by indirect traction of the
fragments, usually on a traction table and without cutting the skin.
2.2 Types of fixation implants
Four different types of implants are designed and documented in
this study:
* Fixed implant, designed as a bended blade with cutting edges,
(also called "blade plate") which is driven from lateral side
through the trochanter region into the center of the femoral head. The
other end is in good contact with the external femur fixed with screws
(fig. 3a).
* Sliding screw-plate. The screw splints the fracture inside while
the plate is fixed extramedullary. The dynamic connection between the
plate and the screw allows the screw sliding along this determined angle
allowing impaction of the fracture in the axis but no other dislocation.
For bed-ridden patients this is not applicable and the dynamic implant
is not the implant of choice because there is no compression in the
fracture (fig. 3b).
* Intramedullary dynamic implant enables also a dynamic connection
of the femoral head and the stem. In contrast to the sliding screw
plate, the fixation on the stem in the femur occurs in the
intramedullary space. It is assumed that it supports better the
dorsomedial forces in cases of fracture of the trochanter minor (A2 and
A3). The insertion of this nail is performed from proximal lateral side
through abductor muscles. There is a discussion if this circumstance
could compromise the function of the abductor muscles and cause limping.
Another risk of the nail is that during the insertion, the fractured
trochanteric region blasts. The head screw is inserted through a small
incision from lateral side (Fig. 3 c). (Koumoutsakos, 2003).
* Ender nails are flexible stabs integrated in the core of the
bone, in marrow, from distal end up to the femoral head. They are
usually used for fractures at children (fig. 3d).
Fig. 3 represents the CAD models of the four types of implants for
trochanteric femoral fractures, based on the types of implants normally
available on the international market.
In order to make the manipulation of the separate objects possible
in the virtual reality environment, using a haptic device like a glove
or phantom joy stick, the parts must have draggers and manipulators
attached (Krauze, et al., 2008). This can be achieved with special
software like Inventor which has a proprietary file format for 3D models
including the draggers and handlers for objects. The objects used in
this kind of simulation with virtual reality are rigid. In this way, the
collision detection problem is easier and can be solved using bounding
boxes and distance fields. In the case of flexible objects (e.g.
internal organs, lever, lungs, etc) the collision detection problem is
more complicated.
The Layered Depth Images algorithm can be used in such cases, with
good results both for rigid and deformable bodies (Krauze, et al.,
Better immersion is achieved by using large stereoscopic screen or
CAVE systems, letting the surgeon study and manipulate 3D geometric
representations of the fracture elements on a virtual environment with a
higher degree of realism. The system can be adapted to a variety of
surgical procedures using both common surgical tools and custom
instrumentation. The implemented tools let the surgeons learn how to fix
fractured bones and perform preoperative planning (Talaba et al., 2006).
The virtual environment used for pre-surgery planning in
Orthopedics runs on the basis of a complex software structure. The
structure is organized around the holo-cave and comprises a few
intercommunicating modules: an interaction devices module, a Multi User
Server module that performs the administration of the 3D model and of
the users, a Virtual Environment Server which coordinates local
projections and navigation devices, a remote network data management
module, a 3D geometric identification and modeling of the fractures
based on reconstructed 3D CT images. System also facilitates the remote
collaboration in a virtual surgery room.
Planning the osteosynthesis on a virtual reality-based model allows
comparing different therapeutic concepts as well as testing the
stability in walking. The forces acting on the hip are complex and an
additional tool like Finite Element Analyze could be useful for the
validation of a certain solution. The model can also be used as a
teaching tool for young surgeons and the components of the model can be
integrated in a medical CAD library.
The next step in the development of the research theme is the
completion of the set of surgery room equipments in cooperation with the
surgery team in Basel. Another step is the addition of new models of
body elements in the collection of virtual objects used in the training
of orthopedic surgeons in the virtual environment.
Koumoutsakos, P., (2003), A Virtual Surgery Environment, Semester
thesis SS 2003, Institute of Computational Science ETH Zurich,
Krauze, A., Kaczmarek, M., Marciniak, J., (2008), Numerical
analysis of femur in living and death phase, Journal of Achievements in
Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, Vol 26, Issue 2, February 2008
Matthews, F., et al., (2007), Patient-specific three-dimensional
composite bone models for teaching and operation planning, Journal of
Digital Imaging, ISSN 0897-1889 September 21
Sadowski, C., et al., (2002), Treatment of Reverse Oblique and
Transverse Intertrochanteric Fractures Screw-Plate, Journal of Bone
& Joint Surgery, Vol 84-A(3), March 2002
Talaba, D., Mogan, Gh., et al.,(2006), Virtual Reality in Product
Design and Robotics, Workshop on Virtual Reality In Product Engineering
And Robotics, Bulletin Of The Transilvania University Of Brasov ISSN
1221-5872, 2006.
*** (2009) Surgery Reference, Accessed
on: 30.05.2009