Experimental and measurement based model approach for site on demand wind energy management.
Achim, Moise ; Risteiu, Mircea ; Cabulea, Lucia 等
Today's research developed numerous urban or insulated canopy
schemes mesoscale models in order to approximate the drag and turbulent
production effects of a city, or small hills on the air flow. Somehow,
the little data exists by which to evaluate the efficacy of the schemes
since "area-averaged" wind measurements in cities are
difficult to obtain owing to the large number of wind sensors required
to obtain a reasonable statistical sample. In this paper, we will
describe the experimental approach and obtained data we have used, and
we show vertical profiles of area-averaged wind speed for several
realistic and idealized multi-building array configurations. We will
finish by discussing how the area-averaged wind speed may change as a
function of plan area and relief configuration, as main parameter that
influences the Betz' Theorem (Kastner-Klein et al., 2000).
Groups of buildings, as well as small hills on average, act to slow
down the wind through drag and obstacle deflection of the flow, regions
of reverse flow in obstacle-induced circulations, and zones of calm
winds between obstacles. A number of research groups have been adding
canopy parameterizations to mesoscale models in order to approximate the
sub-grid effects of small scale obstacles on the mean flow and turbulent
kinetic energy fields (Brown & Gowardhan, 2006). The drag term,
usually a function of the frontal area density of obstacles (f(z)),
results in a mesoscale-model-produced wind speed profile:
u(z) = [u.sub.H] [e.sup.(a(z/H - 1]))] (1)
Where H is evaluation measurement point height, U is the wind at
canopy height, and a is an attenuation coefficient proportional to the
porosity of the canopy. We have introduced the evaluation point height
at ax point of wind rotor, because the wind turbine rotor blades must
take power over entire length of the blade, and the lift force must be
The wind field produced by the mesoscale model can be thought of as
representing the average wind over the computational grid cell
(generally on the order of 1 km in horizontal dimension). Since winds in
small scale obstacles areas can be extremely complex, with flow on one
side of the obstacle opposite to that on the other, a single vertical
profile of wind speed measurements from a tower, for example, will not
be representative of the mesoscale model grid cell value. The same
situation is related to the fact that the wind layer thickness is
variating very fast, when the vertical forces (figure 1) are variating
in accordance with the position of measuring system (Kjersti Rokenes
& Per-Age Krogstad, 2008).
For evaluating winds produced by mesoscale models, a large number
of wind sensors at nearly the same height distributed horizontally over
at least a several block area is required to obtain a
"measurement" at a particular height. If multiple horizontal
planes of instrumentation are available, then a vertical profile of
these "areaaveraged" measurements can be used to evaluate the
mesoscale model urban canopy parameterizations.
Fot the selecting of the optimal vertical point of the wind rotor
ax, the economical constrains must be also taken into consideration.
(Bourgeois et al., 2008) have analysed such situation by using SODAR and
LIDAR measurements methodology. Both data sets revealed almost constant
turbulence intensities between 30 m and 100 m above ground. Turbulence
intensities remained below class A of the IEC 61400. SODAR and LIDAR
measurements were normalised to 50 m for all twelve 30[degrees] wind
direction sectors. Determination of turbulence intensity is difficult
due to different sampling rate. More investigations on calculation of
turbulence intensities are needed.
For this reason, the instant vertical speed profil have to be
determined. A low cost measuring system is presented next.
3.1 Measurement setup
The measurement setup is based on wireless data acquisition system,
with a datalogger facility (WDAQ). The system comprises 3 main
components: i) wireless sensor nodes which acquire and transmit data
from thermistor-based anemometer (MF51E+ AD620), wind direction
(CXTLA02), atmosphere temperature and humidity (MPX4115A serie), WDAQ
altitude, ii) base station which receives and passes the data to a host,
and iii) software which operates the system. When base station is not
available, the WDAQ is swhitched into datalloger mode, where up to 2
millions of data could be stored. For five types of data, up to 400000
sets of data, could be stored. For a sampling rate of 2 samples/sec
(Bourgeois et al., 2008), there is enough storage area for more de 55
hours of experiments. The WDAQ and measurement sensors are supplied by a
6 Ah accumulator. The WDAQ and sensors are rised up, and lowering down
with a helium balloon. In order to ensure the measuring speed (0.5
m/sec), the diameter of balloon is 3 m. By running the anchorage system
of the ballon, with a constant speed, the measuring system acquires data
during rising and lowering stage.
3.2 Data interpretation
As far as we want to understand the behavior of the thickness of
the wind layer, and taking into account the IEC 61400.1, IEC 61400.12
standards, we have collected 25 sets of data, in about 2 hours of
measuring process. Each set of data has own vertical wind speed profile.
For 25 sets of wind speed data we have calculated the mean wind speed.
Nest figure (figure 2) shows the average of the wind speed according to the altitude of measuring point. On the same time, after data processing
we have pointed some interesting information correlated with vertical
wind speed (the two circles might suggest the wind generators
The figure 2 is pointing the major tendency of the thickness layer.
Based on collected data, at 57.5 m altitude, the wind speed is getting
over 5.6 m/sec. This state is up to 100 m. That means that, we can draw
up a circle with the radius of 21.25 m. Theoretically, this radius might
be the radius of a wind generator blade. According to (Alexiadis, &
Dokopoulos, 1999), the power of the generator might be up to 250 kW.
Figuring the situation of taking into account the wind speed over 7
m/sec, the thickness of the wind layer is 24.5 m, which means that
theoretically we can design a generator blade with 12.25 m radius. In
this figure we must notice that, the middle of the wind layer thickness
is situated at 80.5 m altitude.
Taking into account the filed research, when an urban, or small
hiils become the places where we want to install wind generators, before
long time measurements, as they are required IEC 61400.1, IEC 61400.12
standards, some preliminary estimation of the vertical wind speed
profile has be done.
Because the focuses of the implementation are the small scale wind
generators, a low cost instant speed measurement system is required.
Vertical wind speed will estimate the thickness of the wind layer on the
specific site. So, the long time measurement sensors must be placed
inside of the relevant wind speed layer.
On the same time, based on our example, we already have a milestone
of the feasibility study. This is related to the fact that, 5.6 m/sec we
get into a wind layer of 42.5 m thickness, starting from 57.5 m. The
main question here is: can we get enough energy to cover to implementing
Our measuring approach offer one more preliminary information for
wind generator costs implementation. On the other hand, we haven't
analised the horizontal position of the measuring point (tower), as
shown in figure 1. In order to control the lifting force on the blades,
the exact position of the rotor position has to be determined.
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