Geometrical optimization of cathode with direct heating for power magnetrons by using of linear thermal compensator.
Pop, Adrian Petru ; Ungur, Ana Patricia ; Gordan, Mircea 等
The magnetron is a vacuum electronic tube of type-M, having a few
kV potential between the cathode and anode, which generates an intense
electric field, with radial directed uniform distribution field lines
(Hinkel; Lewis; Maghiar, 2000).
The space between anode and cathode is under the action of intense
constant and homogenous magnetic field, with field lines oriented in a
parallel direction according with cathode axis, filling the interaction
space. The cathode-emitted electron, which is part of the electronic
cloud, nearby the cathode, in his way to the anode has influenced by the
simultaneous action of electric field-E, and magnetic field-H, curving
its path under the action of Lorentz's force. Sector equation of
electrons movement around cathode, in their way toward the anode, has
given by Lorenzo's force (Maghiar et al., 2002; Ungur, Pop et al.,
Where: [??]--is electron speed, m--electron mass,
[[mu].sub.0]--magnetic permeability in vacuum, [absolute value of
e]--absolute value of electron's charge, [??]--electric field
intensity between anode and cathode, [??]--magnetic field intensity in
anode-cathode interaction space.
This paper presents a method of cathode achievement with direct
heating for power magnetron of 800W with a least misalignment of
filament to central core, with approximate equal of linear thermal
dilatations. These same dilatations are correlation in an optimum ratio
of them geometrical size such as hetero-junctions area of weld joints to
bear diminish effects of linear thermal dilatation of elements
components by temperature gradients
The solution presented in this paper removed the disadvantages
presented before by that increased reliability of cathode with direct
heating (Maghiar, 2003). The emissive filament from WTh is coaxial
centered of central core from Mo.
This operation has done by in the shape of truncated cone frontal
opposite grooves into lateral reflectors lids from Mo, on which
supported the ends, coaxial with holes that include central core.
The connection between filament and lateral reflector lids has
realized by heterogenic weld with Pt added, the weld made frontal in
inner plan of shape of truncated cone grooves.
This solution, patented by authors (Maghiar et al., 2003) presents
some advantages:
--has a great reliability,
--led at conservation of the physic-mechanical properties of
components elements, of rest points and hetero-joints zones, and
--diminished the effects of internal stresses of constructive
elements about of rest points and heterogenic weld.
The linear thermal dilatations of filament of WTh and core from Mo
due the temperature gradient correlated with the ratio:
[sigma] = [DELTA][L.sub.f]/[DELTA][L.sub.4] = 1 (2)
Where: [DELTA][L.sub.f] = is linear thermal dilatation of filament
of WTh, [DELTA][L.sub.4] = linear thermal dilatation of core of Mo.
Considering [phi]-slop angle of helix arc and [d.sub.c]-cathode diameter
for the condition:
tan [phi] > [L.sup.20[degrees].sub.7]/[d.sub.c] (3)
, the linear thermal dilatation of filament is:
[DELTA][L.sub.f] = [DELTA][L.sub.7] x sin [phi] =
[L.sup.20[degrees].sub.7] x [[alpha].sub.WTh] x ([T.sub.7]-20[degrees])
x sin [alpha] (4)
, which is getting in Eq. (2) results the ratio:
[sigma] = [L.sup.20[degrees].sub.7] x [[alpha].sub.WTh] x
([T.sub.7] - 20[degrees]) x sin [alpha]/[L.sup.20[degrees].sub.4] x
[[alpha].sub.Mo] x ([T.sub.4] - 20[degrees]) = 1 (5)
Where: [DELTA][L.sub.7]-is linear thermal dilatation of spiral
filament from WTh; [DELTA][L.sup.20[degrees].sub.7]-constructive length
of spiral filament from WTh wire at temperature of 20[degrees]C;
[DELTA][L.sup.20[degrees].sub.4]-central core length from Mo at
temperature of 20[degrees]C. [[alpha].sub.WTh-coefficient of linear
average dilatation for WTh; [[alpha].sub.Mo]-coefficient of linear
average dilatation for Mo; [T.sub.4]-temperature of cathodic core from
Mo in working of 400[degrees]C; [T.sub.7]-temperature of cathodic core
from WTh in charge of 1900[degrees]C.
The Eq. (5) determines the effective length of main constructive
elements, respectively the filament of WTh and central core of Mo,
assuring a correct behavior of weld joints during of magnetrons working.
In addition, the difference between operational linear thermal
dilatations of filament and central core is minim.
The possible differences between relative elongation of main
constructive elements, spiral filament of WTh and central core of Mo due
to different linear dilatations are getting by a thermal compensator,
introduced in a back circuit of current after locking ring between
central core and output current rod.
This solution assured a displacement of central core in length,
thermal compensator could be a bimetallic lamella.
The new cathode, in optimized variant has presented in Fig.1 and
Fig.2 (Maghiar, Ungur et al., 2003). It has the following components:
1,2-opposite reflectors lids from Mo; 3-guide ring from Mo; 4-central
core from Mo; 5,6-ceramics bushes; 7-spiral filament from WTh; 8-two
locking rods from Mo; 9-feed rod from Mo; 10-guide rod; 11-insulation
ring from ceramic. 12-rod of output current; 13-thermal compensator;
14-clamped plate; 15-locking ring; 16-rod for connection of clamp
filament; 17-glass bushing. (a)-central hole of lids; (b)-frustum of
cone grooves; (c)-side surfaces; (d)-frontal surface, and (e)joint
between filament and reflectors lids.
The cathode with direct heating used at power magnetrons of 800W
(Fig. 1-2) consists of cathodic circuit by a non-homogenous structure
formed of two opposite reflectors lids-1,2 from Mo and a direct ring-3
of Mo, which has a central cylindrical hole incorporated a central
core-4 from Mo.
The insulation of central core between lids is doing by two ceramic
bushes-5,6. The spiral filament-7 from WTh is positioning between lids,
has a emissive role that covered without contact the central core and
it's rest at ends on a frustum of cone grooves-b, getting in the
side surfaces-c of opposite lids, coaxial with central holes-a. These
holes have the role of filament alignment in center. The filament is
connecting with lids by heterogenic weld on frontal surfaces-d from
frustum cone grooves-b.
Between the reflector lid-2 and guide ring-3 are mounting
symmetrical by heterogenic weld two locking rods-8 from Mo, which have a
double role: one to lead the current at filament and second to stiffness
the aggregate.
In right side of ring-3 is symmetrical mounting on its frontal by
heterogenic weld the feed rod-8 from Mo and a guide rod-10, embraced of
insulation ceramic ring-11, which included the output current rod-12.
The rods-10 and 12 are insulation between them by insulation ring-11.
The link between central core-4 and exit rod-12 is doing by get in a
thermal compensator-13 from a bimetallic lamella.
The thermal compensator has a double role: one to lead electric
current and second to assure of central core an axial displacement, such
as different thermal dilatations of component elements
Into the output of current circuit has added by heterogenic weld
the clamped plate-74 and a locking ring-75, and in input circuit a
rod-16 for connection o filament clamps, jointed by heterogenic weld a
feed rod-9, the tight doing from a glass bushing-17.
The curves of simple quality dilatometer of WTh and Mo materials,
from which are making spiral filament and central core of cathode with
direct heating is presenting in Fig.3.
The cathode with direct heating for power magnetrons of 800W has a
thermal compensator get in back circuit of cathodic current.
The optimization method of cathode consists in realizing by
heterogenic weld with Pt added a joint between spiral filament and
reflectors opposite lids.
This method assures a growing of cathode reliability by correlation
of linear thermal dilatation coefficients of spiral filament from WTh
and central core from Mo, such as the difference between operational
linear thermal dilatation of filament and core to be minim.
The thermal compensator has the role of avoid possible thermal
dilatation between filament and core, which have different average
thermal dilatations and gradients temperature, and taken by compensator.
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