Inverted pendulum: construction, model and controllability.
Ciontos, Ovidiu ; Dolga, Valer
The inverted pendulum is a classic example of nonlinear system,
unstable, with one input signal and multiple output signals.(Dolga,
2007) Systems with inverted pendulum are a good testing and
demonstration of techniques for automatic control. Stability of inverse
pendulum is a base model to control the walked robots, rocket thrusters,
balancing heavy loads with cranes, etc (Huang & Huang, 2000).
Many researchers have focused to control an inverted pendulum in
unstable equilibrium. Balancing of inverted pendulum was study in modern
control theories such as fuzzy control, nonlinear control and neural
networks. Control and simulation is done with programs like:
Matlab/Simulink, WinCon, Real Time Workshop, etc. (Magana &
Holzapfel, 1998)
Controllability and observability of systems with inverted pendulum
has been studied only in practical examples (Chen & Chen,
1998),(Kajiwara et al.,1999),(Ignat & Rusu, 2008). This paper
presents a synthesis of the nonlinear aspects of the system and a
generalization for the controllability of these systems.
Studies and experimental researces aimed at obtaining an model who
allowing an relevant analysis of the system, parameters identification
and statement of principles for optimal synthesis of mechatronic
systems. The goals are also the onces fot the phd thesis. Future
research is desired to control an inverted pendulum with a pneumatic
Classical problem of inverted pendulum control is interesting
because it can be solved using a wide range of solutions principled and
constructive alternatives.
The system consists mainly of:
* basic support in a possible move of translation or rotation.
* pendulum articulated on this support.
In Fig. 1 authors presented the proposal for taxonomy of inverted
The constructive variants differ from the chosen solutions for the
base support and concretization module of the translation movement. For
the variant from Fig. 2f the 2D inverted pendulum is articulated at the
base support through a universal joint. There are also worth mentioning
the solutions for the translation support offered by the belt driver
unit, screw driver unit and linear sliding unit bearing.
Aspects of principled solutions and constructive variants of the
inverted pendulum are presented in Fig. 2.
Considering the inverted pendulum system in his integrity, the
mathematic model of system is composed by the actuator model, base
support model(movement transmission model, movement guide module model),
pendulum model. This model can be described as a generalized:
dx/dt = F[x(t), u(t), t]
y(t) = G[x(t), u(t), t] (1)
where: x(t) is the status vector of the system, u (t) is the input
vector of the system, and y (t) is the output vector. In a compact mod
mathematical model of the system can be described by differential
equation of state and output equation:
dx/dt = A x + B x u
y = C x + D x u (2)
where matrix A is the state matrix of the system, B is the matrix
order, C is the output matrix, and D is the reaction matrix.
The system presented is strongly nonlinear because of:
* the non-linearity of the friction module present in the actuator,
the guidance module, the joint of the pendulum.
* the non-linearity of the actuator (elasticity, looseness).
* the non-linearity of mathematical module of the pendulum
(transformations through the functions "sin",
For the nonlinear system can be established one balance point,
[[x.sub.0], [u.sub.0], [y.sub.0]], in motion. This point fulfills the
equation system:
0 = F[[x.sub.0], [u.sub.0]]
[y.sub.0] = g[[x.sub.0], [u.sub.0] (3)
The linearity of the admitted system is done around this
functioning point. In the new linearised form the ecuations (2) are:
d[DELTA]x/dt = A x [DELTA]X + b X [DELTA]u
[DELTA]y = C x [DELTA]x + D x [DELTA]u (4)
* [DELTA]x = x(t)--[x.sub.0], [DELTA]u = u(t)--[u.sub.0], [DELTA]y
= y(t)--[y.sub.0] (5)
Taking into account the state variables x, [??], [phi], [??] and as
output for the base module in translation x and as for pendulum [phi]
the linearised model for the variant from Fig. 2a has the matrices A and
B have this form:
where [m.sub.i] is the mass of the translation module respectively
the pendulum one, I is the inertia moment of this and [k.sub.v] is the
coefficient viscous friction.
Based on the previous matrices, one can define the controllability
[[GAMMA].sub.C][A, B] = [B AB ... [A.sup.n-1]B] (8)
Controllability has an important function in regulating many
problems, such as stabilizing a system with feedback or optimal control
If all the sizes of the model state of a system are controllable,
then the system is fully controllable. The model is controllable if and
only if the controllability matrix of the system, defined by the
relation (8), has full row rank.
Calculations showed that regardless of the parameters of equation
(7), the controllability matrix has full row rank, so the inverted
pendulum is fully controllable
Chen, C.S. & Chen, W.L. (1998). Robust Adaptive Sliding-Mode
Control Using Fuzzy Modeling for an Inverted-Pendulum System. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 45, No. 2, (April 1998) page
numbers (297-306), ISSN: 0278-0046
Dolga, V. (2007). Mechatronics Design, Editura Politehnica, ISBN 978-973-625-573-1, Timisoara
Huang, S.J. & Huang, C.L. (2000).Control of an Inverted
Pendulum Using Grey Prediction Model. IEEE Transactions on Industry
Applications, Vol.36, No.2, (March/April 2000) page numbers (452-458),
ISSN: 0093-9994
Ignat, I. & Rusu, M. (2008). Design and build a stand for the
study and control of the rotational inverted pendulum Available from :
2008_aii_premiul_III_Ignat_Ionel.pdfAccessed: 2009-0611
Kajiwara, H.; Apkarian, P. & Gahinet, P. (1999).LPV Techniques
for Control of an Inverted Pendulum, Control Systems Magazine, IEEE,
Vol. 19, No. 1 (February 1999) page numbers (44-54), ISSN: 0272-1708
Magana, M.E. & Holzapfel, F. (1998). Fuzzy-Logic Control of an
Inverted Pendulum with Vision Feedback. IEEE Transactions on Industry
Applications, Vol. 41, No. 2, (May 1998) page numbers (165-170), ISSN: